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Ratchet and Clank How important is Deadlocked to the series?
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Got the reboot. Loving it. Going to pick up the HD PS3 port when I'm done and play the PS3 releases after that. Not going to play the PSP ones. Deadlocked doesn't have a PS3 port. Should I pick it up on PS2 or can I skip it?
It's not really that important. It's a side game that's basically just the arena segments from the mainline games as it's own game.

Still didn't stop me from 100%ing it though.
kinda mediocre
best ost in the series but you'll never be able to listen to it because of the fucking announcers
the levels are pretty boring and the game itself is rather short

the weapons and customization is neato though
not important at all, but still a fun game.
its very short and it's more shooter than platformer.
I think Juanita is the only character from this game that makes another appearance outside of this game and it's in the film.
Its not significant to the series but its worth playing. I felt the single player was not as good as up your arsenal but I was really big on the multiplayer and it was a big focus for them in deadlocked but obviously the multiplayer is completely irrelevant.
Deadlocked does have a PS3 remaster, it's on PSN.
Dallas makes an appearance in the reboot game, however briefly.
i think youre wrong.
deadlocked is on ps3, I bought like 2 years ago, I recommend playing this game last from all the others you haven't played.
Deadlocked is great
I hear the PS3 port is glitchy as fuck though, can someone confirm?
Best Ratchet game for straight up gunplay.
hey it had co-op, which was top tier
just looked it up, they made him bald, poor guy.

don't like this version of Juanita
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It's fucking awesome
Its okay. Not too bad not too good. Its more of a spinoff.
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>Remember, don't try any of this at home, go to a friends house!
Before TOD, every game was standalone, except that you will enjoy them more if you play chronologically.

You won't feel for some of the moments in Deadlocked if you don't know who the characters are.
>Deadlocked doesn't have a PS3 port.
The HD port is on PS3
you can even get it for free if you buy FFA
The PS3 port sucks assballs.
just as buggy as the first 3, and OP is buying those anyways
At least one cutscene is FUCKED.

Someone should post the screenshot, cause I don't have it.
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dear lord
you mean the Ratchet face caving in on itself?
yeah that shit's all over, like Vox's teeth going through his skin and his mouth being all fucked up

it's mostly just minor cosmetic stuff, except for the gameplay bugs that were also in the ps2 version
I'm pretty sure that's the worst case, but there are loads of smaller cases in pretty much every cutscene I've seen.
is the ps3 version worth it?
sure, especially if you get the FFA/Deadlocked bundle on psn
is FFA even any good? I hear it's weak, and from the reviews both types, it doesn't seem all that great.
Story wise it's kinda poor, it's basically just a bunch of arenas in different environments, but it's still worth playing if you liked the other ones.
Best guns in the entire game desu.
biggest complaint was it's short
I found it fun enough to play through,
it plays just like Deadlocked, except with a wave based, horde mode type maps instead
but the gun play is all there

I'm sure those that complain about FFA didn't like Deadlocked either, so I don't know
if you want to give one a chance might as well try both
It's ok. Nothing really noteworthy. Not bad, but not great either. Just, meh.
It's definitely got flaws depending on what things you like about Ratchet games. But none that make it so bad you should skip it, it's worth playing to make up your own mind.

Short, mediocre story, not much platforming outside of arena gauntlets you have to run before boss fights.

But, some of the best humour, weapons and gunplay in the series.

Personally I love it.
While we're on the topic, does Deadlocked get insanely difficult towards the end like all the other R&C games?
yeah it certainly has it's difficulty spikes throughout,
but it gets especially fucked once you get to the eviscerator
Deadlocked gets difficult.

However, just like 3, once you max out everything, the game becomes 4ever broken.
Deadlocked lacks much of the charm of previous titles. Everything is rather drab, and there's no Clank.

Ratchet is cool, but it's not the same without Clank.
The final boss is pretty hard. I died a few times before I tried to go for the death flail spam with poison mods. That weapon is the highlight of Deadlocked.
Don't you enjoy the levels and the enemies and the music?

I personally play the games for those reasons.
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Story wise? It's not really important. None of the first 3 games are important story wise since they're mostly self contained, but playing each of them does get you to know the recurring characters a lot better.

Deadlocked is a spin off title with a focus on combat. If you love combat and arena combat in Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal, then I recommend you pick up Deadlocked. It's worth a playthrough. The gameplay is incredibly solid.

However, if platforming and exploration is more of your thing, you will be let down. This game is all combat.


Single player is garbage

Multiplayer versus is GOAT.

I wish more people played it.
>Don't you enjoy the levels

Not really. Many of them are drab and overly open because they have to be reused as for the vechicles.. The first level with the robot zombies is a pain to walk across. I hated the gameplay objectives that felt like multiplayer shit.

Sheeit, just about every weapon in Deadlocked is great. And the mod system makes it even better.

>Dual Raptors
>Fusion Rifle
>Mine Launcher

Only the Harbinger and the Magma Cannon feel underwhelming.

And the turret launcher is for the guy who enjoys laying turrets and sitting back, I guess.
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She was listed as Darla Gratch in the holocards screen
clank is around, and he's still in plenty of cutscenes
The fact that the harbinger can miss really brings it down for me. Slapping down a lot of speed mods for the magma cannon makes that gun really great. All you have to do is dodge and just hold R1/circle and just watch everyone die. Slap freeze on that honey and you're invincible.
How'd it ever ship like that?
Clank not personally being in any of the missions with Ratchet was definitely a negative. The battlebots you get are sweet, gameplay wise. They're an infinitely better version of Mr.Zurkon. However, they're nothing compaired to Clank from a character perspective.
Lazy and cheap porting
What bundle? Only thing I'm seeing is the bundle that has 3 games that aren't either of the ones you've listed/
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>I was the only one who enjoyed the levels
Yeah but the cutscene is like 10 minutes into the game. It's crazy how it was left in like that.
What people tend to forget, is that Deadlocked had more grindrail sections than any of the other games.
Driving sucks, but damn ,best weapons in the series. My 10/10 shooter
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Rushed out. Deadlocked was given away as an apology for the Vita version of FFA being delayed or something. There's noticeable clipping in a lot of cutscenes. The most offensive ones are anything with Gleeman Vox.
does this emulate well? or am i better off just buying it for ten bucks off the store?
It's fun as fuck. Probably only like $5 now too. Well worth it.
yeah my bad, not an actual bundle
if you buy FFA on psn it'll also give you Deadlocked on you download list
it's in the description of it on the store page
Grindrails were never the most exhilarating experiences.
Alright, thanks amigo

Game can be fun.
VERY fun coop.

No Ratchet and Clank games emulate well

Insomniac pulled a lot of bullshit to get the games to work on the PS2.
Ah. So the original PS2 version doesn't clip like that?
I liked Deadlocked. It was fun. Not my favorite Ratchet and Clank game, but it's pretty dank.
I got the game for Christmas when I was like 10 and was pretty disappointed with how short it turned out to be. But, at the same time, I found it really fun to play with my Dad
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Yeah don't get the PS3 version.
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>Timebomb mod on the Arbiter
How is it that these games can't run well on systems more powerful than its original release?
I might as well add that Into the Nexus gives Quest for Booty free also
it's not about power
it's devs doing a bad port
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If any of you guys ever played Deadlocked online on the PS2, I miss playing with you.
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Insomniac created black magic

Fuck yes, godly coop.
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>V10 hunter mine launcher with mini bomb mod
>using a shock mod weapon on the mission endzone
You had a second player it was great. I'm not sure I would enjoy it alone. Coop was the biggest draw IMO.
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Insomniac said it themselves.

The shit they had to do on the PS2 to get these games to work was pure bullshit. They're surprised there was even an HD collection to begin with
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So I'm hearing the PSN versions are bad/hit or miss. How's the trilogy? Should I just get the original PS2 versions?
Any examples? I'm curious. Is it just shortcuts to milk performance or something more specific?
I fucking loved this game, didn't even know there was a PS3 release, don't care if it the cutscenes are ass, I want to play it. Now I have something arcadey to play for the next few days until the Overwatch beta. Thanks bretheren.
Idol Minds literally did not know what to do in some cases. Watch the Ratchet and Clank developer commentaries for some more insight as to why
>Scorpion Flail
>Dual Vipers

Two cool as fuck weapons right there.
Honestly, only the Bouncer and the Rift Ripper are comparatively better.
Loads of bugs, though.
The PS2 versions are fine. I'd say the only PS2 game amongst the first four that's bad or unoptimized is R&C1. Though, I might have just had a bad disc.
I miss you too, faggot
Ratchet and Clank
Jak and Dax
Banjo and Kazooie
The gameplay is all there and hasn't been changed much. Most of the graphics look much nicer, but there are some very noticeable graphical and audio bugs. Get whatever is cheaper
>tfw I played tons of Deadlocked but I didn't even know about PS2 online until it was a dead console

Ratchet and Clank is the only one that had mode than 1 good game.
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Watch their developer commentary


This was the first episode where they start talking about the HD collection.

Banjo Tooie was good
I would disagree

(the music demonstrates how I feel about the grindrail sections)
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>Max out turret launcher
>Slap a poison mod onto it
>Just sit back and watch the turrets obliterate anything that gets close while my robros just snipe and toss grenades at everything else
the worst bug of R&C1 is the musics loops 30 seconds in
all 3 have missing partical effects
worst bug of UYA is the helmet being retarded

overall just small cosmetic shit that doesn't affect the game, unless you have the vita versions which are choppy as hell
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>mfw Dual Vipers on that arena challenge where you move and shoot faster with every kill
>multi-coloured shitstorm of bouncing bullets all around me while I'm literally outrunning the bolts i'm supposed to pick up

Because consoles aren't computers. PS2 and PS3 were hard to understand. A computer from any era or a PS4 are easy to program for. PS2 or PS3 were never easy.

Porting from "weaker" consoles requires learning how they were made, and how the games' code worked (which is like learning a new language).
The HD collection looks better except for a few minor things, apart from that they're completely fine.

Also 3 has a glitch in it where you can enable a Dev mode and unlock all weapons and gadgets whenever you want so that's nice.
I never played R&C online, and if I were less stoic, I would tear up. Perhaps.

Maybe with fan servers........ and emulation................ someday...?
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>Anti-matter rifle with freeze mod
>Obliterator with magma
Shit like this made me not even care that the game was short, the guns were too fucking fun to use and the gameplay was fun as all hell.

If you had a friend to co-op with, jesus christ were you in for a hell of a time.

I used to work at Bestbuy and Sony would waltz in and give you quizes for points and shit and you could turn them in for games once you had enough, this was my throwaway because most other games on there were trash or I had them, boy was I thrilled when I played this.
I did too.
But not as much as the R&C3 ones
It's pretty fun.
>They made him bald

well yeah, Juanita said he had hair plugs.
PS2 was Emotion Engine
PS3 was CELL
2 very different architecture.
If the 2 consoles had the same architecture, the port would have been much easier, and so, with few to no bug...
Shit lameass story, basically just a series of fun arena setpieces. Still fun as fuck. IMO best multiplayer in the series.
>doing a vehicle mission on foot
In a NG cycle, they're great exp farming.
In a NG+ cycle, endzone still takes the cake but those levels will give a huge boost to exp.
It is a really fucking fun shooter.
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Dallas and Juanita best reporters.

Darla Gratch a shit
>Endzone challenge
>Leviathan Flail with Shock mod
Best fucking bolt storm in the game
Apparently Insomniac managed to patch Ratchet and Clank 3. That's right, they patched a PS2 game, essentially by hacking the EULA. Where are these geniuses now at Insomniac?

It looks so much better that you really should, I played through them a few months ago and I barely noticed anything

It's a bit late in the thread. I'll probably remake and post again tomorrow

I have too many bro moments in UYA online to not consider it the best game in the franchise
If you negroes don't pick A Crack in Time I swear...
I gotta ask, am I the only one who saw the incredulous lack of humor going from the mainline games to the future series?
There certainly was a shift towards a slightly more series tone, and a change in style humor. But I found both styles of humor funny so it didn't really bother me.
They decided to give the plot a more serious nature

They definitely are selling that the plumber is actually the god of the universe.

>Gives you the washer
>"I wouldn't go anymore than 6 minutes"
>See you in the next reboot!
*Style of humor
The PS3 port plays like a bad emulated copy that no one bothered playing through once to see how many graphical problems there were.
I don't know, I just feel like the humor was, like, aimed at younger audiences. Kinda like Sony wanted a more family friendly image post-PS2
Why does it matter if the thing you liked is liked by the majority?

Are you suggesting that people on this website should only like what is popular? Are you suggesting this place should become Reddit 2.0?
I feel like the game has always been been family friendly, with some jokes that the adults would get.

Kinda like what Disney does with its movies
Always blame the publisher.

Always blame Sony.

Every port ever could be made perfect. If old code does not work on the new machine, just write new code. But that requires time, and publishers like to give LESS time, not MORE.
One odd thing I notice in Ratchet and Clank threads is that everyone always talks about how great the games are

but I never see anyone ever mention any time spent in the multplayer for UYA or Deadlocked.

I can't be the only one on /v/ that poured hours into UYA: Online
>with some jokes that the adults would get
this is the part that I feel is missing from the future series
I put a few hours into UYA, but the limited map set eventually led way to boredom.

They did a great job of making the whole thing work smoothly though.
Unfortunately, many people just did not have fast/any Internet at home by the time the games came out.

I know I didn't. And thank God I was Internet-less at the time, saved my fragile little mind from True Fans, retarded fan theories, and *shudders* fan fiction.
Dial-up ran a lot of PS2 games 'fine' that weren't racing titles.
Hey man, if you're into Secret Agent Clank, that's your deal.
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>mfw playing through into the nexus for the first time recently

i should have known better
What's wrong with Into the Nexus?
Hey kid, wanna /12 FPS/?
I've never had FPS issues with it.
Are you sure it isn't just your PS3?
As a matter of fact, I'm into not Secret Agent Clank.
Don't listen to that anon. To SOME PEOPLE, anything lower than 60 is automatically 12.
Seriously? I've seen many people complaining about it online.

I've got an old PS3 FAT, but I wouldn't think that would matter, especially since it's a disk.

Dude, solid 30 is fine. Even occasional drops I can deal with. But Nexus runs like hot shit, at least on my PS3. A solid 30 was abnormal in my experience.
>defending shit framerates

you work for insomniac, don't you?
Especially since it's a disk copy, not downloaded*. Don't know why I stopped halfway like that.
I wonder if insomniac is gonna make a reboot or keep going with the future series.

I don't mind either but if they make a GC reboot it better be as long as GC ps2 is and Angela better be a qt
You are one of THOSE PEOPLE, aren't you?
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He's from the other thread, just ignore him.
Anon with no internet in 2004 here.

I always thought Angela was a cool character in the context of the story. However, I was never obsessed with her to the point of wanting her back. Looking back at the age and sex of most players at that time, I am going to assume it's the boobs.
>that screen

Now I have to see it.
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The story is pretty mediocre and overall it's pretty skippable, but it probably has the best weapons and multiplayer in the franchise.

Personally, I want them to just do one more game set in the original continuity and properly cap off the duo's adventures. No more distractions, no more "Ratchet is having second thoughts about heroing/finding his kind", just them having one last big adventure while wrapping up the remaining plot threads. Yes, this does mean finding the Lombaxes, but it's clear they want him to since he's been changing his mind over and over about for four games almost.

Still, if they were to do a reboot of GC, they could always use Qwark's twin brother Quasar to avoid having to make the captain be an asshole again for no reason.
>does this emulate well?

Sadly no. All R&C games emulate like shit.
They wanted to make a game that focused less on the story and more on the gunplay.

They succeeded.
well they fucked up
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It's in the game, too. Only difference is she gets to talk a little longer and you hear one of the kids she's whopping in online actually cry.
This video disagrees:
I fell asleep during the movie despite drinking several liters of pop and having the sound cranked all the way up. Plus some autistic fuck was there obnoxiously laughing at everything. I imagine the games are like that too.

It's a side-game, like Jak X Combat Racing. It's just something fun that doesn't really progress the characters, granted, the PS2 Ratchet games were all largely disjointed with only slight development in places.
Best damn weapon in the series, I used that bitch through the entire campaign and it was usually my sole weapon in multiplayer.
One day........ I will play Combat Racing.

Just not tomorrow.
Why do I get the feeling that the people in these threads telling other people to stop getting pedantic about frame rate have never played the originals? It's not that it's unplayable, it's just that I expect better from those games and that company who honestly don't seem to want to anymore.
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I seriously hope Sony ends up bringing the PS2 games to PSN via PS4's emulator, that way I can play a fucking not broken version of the games in HD
It's pretty fun if you liked the arena/galactic rangers levels. There's a PS3 port only on PSN.
>mfw they use the same music as xXx with Vin diesel
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Forgot link

They said it was a mistake. She's referred to as Juanita in the movie.
>directly linking to gamasutra
>current year
Why is the Shard Reaper in ToD so underpowered? It takes 30+ shots to kill some enemies.
>can't emulate the R&C games because PCSX2 is shit

Play! when
I'm not pastebinning something just for your autism.
The games emulate fine in software mode only. In hardware mode the game is borderline broken.
>unironically defending gamasutra
I already posted an archive.is link, get some reading comprehension faggot
Miniturret glove and agents of doom in RC3 were so good. Shit like Zurkon can't even compare.
It hurts trying to comprehend your broken soul.
How do they do this shit. Even back during the Spryo days IG was pulling funcky black magic with there games. Where does IG find these people? Most large multi-million dollar studios put out crap, yet Insomniac manages to do get insane things to work on consoles. Guess thats what happens when a studio actually puts time and effort into a game and understands how a the platform there developing for works.
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reminder that Talwyn is best girl

Deadlocked is skippable, but it becomes a must-play if you have a buddy to play co-op with.
They're all decended from slavic technowizards.

they're probably cousins of CDPR
Even Al?

Because Al was the key to all of this.
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looks pretty slav to me
>that bottom right art
We need more Al stories.
Do you know that "slavic" people are mostly descendants of swedes? Who also are from the same gene pool as germans?
Easily my favourite in the series. Ignore all these plebs shitting on it, it's excellent
>have never really played the series much but as always kind of interested
>my friend has a PS2 copy of Deadlocked
>he says he loves it, but I never understood why I never see other opinions on it
Even with me being relatively new to the franchise, should I see if we can get some co-op going on that? This thread makes it sound like an insanely good time for crazy gunplay.
Yeah Deadlock is really the kind of game where's it's best with a pal.

Deadlocked was made for co-op.
Yes, go for it.
I'd be down with incursions into the Cragnamite and Lombax dimensions.

I'm sure that would lead to some pretty creative levels.
deadlocked is completely superfluous and adds nothing to the plot.

that said, it's a blast, especially if you have a friend to play it with.
plz dont die
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