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Why are the Miku games not on PC yet?
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Why are the Miku games not on PC yet?
That's a good question.
I'm hoping SEGA of Europe gives us a port of one of them.
Playing them with a keyboard is stupid you need a ps controller
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>I'm hoping SEGA of Europe gives us a port of one of them.
Not really. Mirai plays just fine.
Because PC doesn't matter
the psp ones can be emulated
There's a fan game that ports over PD songs on PC, so you can check that out?
why europe?
Last time I checked something like that it was running like shit, maybe that was not the same thing tho
>He owns a PC
>playing games on pc
Sega Europe will port the worst Miku game to PC, while they announce half a dozen more Miku games only on Sony consoles.

Sega really hates PC. No, really.
>Sega really hates PC. No, really.
Yeah, that explains why some of their current best seller is on PC. Sega only really hates Yurop, for whatever reason.
They're too lewd.
Because the only reason Miku has to be on the PC is for producers, and most major producers use Macs.
This is the stupidest post ever.
Because they want to sell them, not give them away.
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>long hair Rin
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The reason that Project Diva is not and never will be on PC is because the games use these symbols as flying notes.

Sony has them patented as an important and recognizable part of the PlayStation brand. Sega would need to get permission from Sony to publish the games on PC.

Never ever basically. You can ask about Mirai though.
that's an edit video tho
A few PC games have the playstation button option added by the developer. Off the top of my head, Rocket League and The Swapper
Who's excited for Miku concert?

LA one happens next Friday
I'm a poor island locked spic so I'll never go to one.
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I was at the SF one last night. I had so much fun waving around and singing along like an idiot. On the ride back, I became extremely sad knowing life won't get much better than that.
with terrible latency.
Miku doesn't like small penis cucks, so she refuses to allow herself to be on PC.
yet she's mostly in playstation, which is japan made?
PC gamers have even smaller penises. Look at how they try to compensate with $1K rigs and are always still unhappy.
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Yeah, she only hangs with big dick Gs you know?
Hello underage
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>ask some intern to copy and paste some xbox buttons over the playstation button textures
>issue literally solved in a few minutes of work
But they are:

Did I strike a nerve? Just start up a petition while I have some fun with Miku.
I tried to play Project Mirai but the chibi bullshit dancing on stage genuinely creeps me out
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Might be a bit more complicated than that since Weekender Girl has PS buttons in the PV. But...

>allow button color changes like in PMDX
>use Dreamcast color scheme
Then why are there Diva games on the 3DS?
Future Tone has been leaked for PC.
That's Project Mirai and they use different notes
It's super easy to not pay attention to it, I feel. Though listening to Romeo and Cinderella with a dancing chibi Miku is always be hilarious.

Diva =/= Mirai. And those use the 3DS buttons (or arrows for those that don't know it's button layout like me)
why there isnt a ddr version for miku is the real question
Because only cucks play on PC
Can there ever be a day where PC fats don't beg for games?
Then why does the arcade game use the same notes?
I ship this.
Because PC is a shit market filled with memesters that will only buy games when under $5 just to never play them again.

Memes aside Project Diva has established itself as a playstation franchise that integrates itself into the PSN ecosystem with handheld/home console releases, uses playstation button layouts. There is also the fact that there is shit load of DLC for the games and DLCs don't sell that well on PC.

You can always emulate the PSP game and PS3 emulation is on its way, hopefully Project Diva never get's to steam because that would be a disaster for the community. Just imagine Miku turning into platform wars shitflinging and threads being filled with the average PCuck spamming "KUSOGE" "SHIT PORT" "MUH 60FPS" and so on.
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You wish.webm
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1080p 60 FPS
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>yfw Just Miku Miku Dance
I'd throw my wallet, no bullshit.
It's nice that Miku threads don't turn into platform wars because games are on the vita and 3ds at least
Apparently not.
>imagine Miku turning into platform wars shitflinging
There's plenty of shitflinging already. Stupid ass secondaries shoehorning their shitty secondhand povertyloids into every fucking thread.
Because Vocaloid is already on PC
this whole thread is just a console war bait thread
God I want future tone so much

SEGA of Europe is far more considerate of the PC market because a far larger percentage of gamers use PCs in Europe. They're responsible for Typing of the Dead Overkill, Valkyria Chronicles, and Sonic All-Stars Transformed.
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When will they announce the future tone release date
I was never really a miku fan, but I'm more curious about the games since I got Miracle Girls Festival. What would be a good game to try for someone who's totally new to Miku games?
F 2nd
Diva F/F2nd or Mirai DX (since that one is sort of a greatest/most well know hits)
F and f2nd are identical to miracle girls festival
Who care about miku games while you can make a lot of miku's content in PC and mostly of the content made for miku has been made it in PC?
>Guns of the Mirai.webm
>it's another pc port begging thread
I-is there a Miku Monday meetup at LA?
PCucks don't deserve her
Mirai Miku is adorable. How can Project Diva Miku even compete
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Enjoy your inferior ship
Aracde is technically on PC. I'm surprised it's never been dumped, as far as I know.
PD Miku doesn't make me feel like a pedo, for one.
What's the best game to start with if I never played a Miku game?
It would be nice to have the arcade games at least. I have all the games on my vita and psp games, but I've never played arcade. Arcade PVs look nice but I cant get over how the models look, I'll always prefer the PD ones.

Also Tortanic and le gta5 pc never ever man permanently ruined this board forever, it's why we always have all this stupid platform bullshit
PS3 or Vita?
F on PS3 has the extra DLC songs already on disk, but F2nd is the same on either console.
Ps3 is better for f because in f the Star notes are hit by using the touch screen on vita. I've gotten used to it, but it's annoying. F 2nd let's you use the vita sticks for star notes.
I prefer handhelds for my rhythm
I play nothing but Arcade, never played the console games

I feel like the models are perfect and is how they're supposed to look, too.
I agree. the PD models are fucking garbage.
Because SEGA a faggot
ephebophilia isn't real, you're still a freak
They're afraid of lewd mods being made for the game.
PCfags feeling entitled to Playstation games. Get a single Japanese game on Steam, believe everything thereby belongs on PC.

Moving on.
>tfw PCfags will never get Twisted Metal
because MMD porn ain't a thing already?
>tfw no one will ever get Twisted Metal
Weren't there rumors of them thinking of porting it over? Regardless doesn't matter to me since you can emulate the PSP ones and I'll be buying a PS4 for the new games.

We really need more FT news.
it's on the PSN store tho
You're a retard. She's everywhere on PC. Especially in mmd porn.
He obviously means there won't another TM on any platform since the reboot bombed.
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>four year old game that was promptly forgotten and online died in the first week
Twisted Metal is dead m8
Get cancer
>tfw I get to fuck Miku with VR on my PC
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Why console plebs have to eat from PC content?
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