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why don't they make ads like this anymore?
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Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 14
File: jLIMhCN[1].jpg (77 KB, 800x564) Image search: [Google]
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why don't they make ads like this anymore?
because print media is all but dead
It's not the 90s famm
because the internet is widespread and exists as it does today

in the mid 90s it was MUCH harder to make an impact whining on the internet than it is today. probably 80% of the sjws didnt even have computers
Because video games have to market like americans market drugs now. They're not just niche hobbyist club where they can make all sorts of inside jokes because they know most people are in their 20s and male.
Sorry for what?
What's this ad even supposed to convey about the mega-CD? That it's gonna rail your step dad in the ass?
File: iuSnfjA[1].jpg (31 KB, 206x599) Image search: [Google]
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that it's painful and you'd rather play something else
Not even kidding. Printed media is near death at this point, sure, but they could put them as web ads or even TV ads if they're not very raunchy.
But nah, anything they do will get shut down by those magical people. That, and good advertisers are stupid hard to find these days.

inb4 muh SJW boogeyman
Nothing. It's just a striking image to make the viewer pause while he's flipping through the magazine. Then, intrigued, you read the text in order to figure out what's going on.
Nice trips

It speaks more to about what was 'good enough' for advertisement in the 90s

Weird ass image with 1 edgy snarky line
not just the 90s
But that's not real.
File: segaviz1.jpg (107 KB, 800x574) Image search: [Google]
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it totally is

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Actually, it is. Sony had to take the ad down.
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what the fuck sega
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They're from Viz mag.
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>to be this good takes AGES to be this good takes SEGA

Fuck yeah.
Here's some tits
Here's a picture of a video game.

Doesn't reach an audience nearly as much as:

Here's a 1080p video of gameplay.
Comment like share and subscribe!
>tfw tit guy
This would be my dream come true.
>Here's a 1080p video of 900p gameplay.
You are so wrong
File: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.jpg (26 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
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>here's a 1080p video of pre rendered scenes at 60 fps that won't look anything like the actual game running at 25 fps
>your average segacuck
>hairy ballsack
thanks sega
Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 14

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