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Xenoblade Chronicles
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Friendly reminder that Xenoblade Chronicles is gonna be released today for the Wii U Virtual Console for 20 bucks.
..It's already been on there for like what, more than a year?
in the us? cause i thought europe had it already

Only for Europeans

We Americucks are finally getting it today.
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this is a great day then, played it before but might get it anyway
Friendly reminder the game is shit, and any half decent PC can emulate it if you want to play it
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Nice try.
But you can, and it sucks.
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>Reggie and NoA finally realized how fucking stupid they were to pass on Xenoblade Chronicles when they had the chance
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I already own a physical copy so I'm happy with it. My only gripe with the game is that the "abundance" of sidequest are mostly tedious fetchquests and kill X amount of Y. Other than that, I love the combat, the world, and the story.
I don't care if you own a copy of not. It's best played on PC, now fuck off.
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I don't own a half decent PC. So make me.
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Post your face when you bought the awful DS port
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You can get it for free on PC
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Post YFW you bought Censorblade Chronicles X

And on
Is the 3DS port that bad?
I havent played this game and was looking forward to trying it, but finding a Wii copy for a reasonable price is almost impossible, and I dont own or intend to own a Wii U

What do?

Never played the wii version but got the n3ds one, I don't see anything wrong with it and it was enjoyable enough to get at least a single playthrough.
It's playable but the down scaled graphics are so jarring it definitely impacts the quality of the game. You can't even read the text on screen sometimes.
Nice, but I've been meaning to get XCX for a while now. If I don't play jrpgs much and had to choose should I get chronicles over the new game? I was pretty excited for the mechs, but I just don't have time to play jrpgs like I used to. Shits depressing, they're fun but such a huge time sink.
>he didn't hack his vWii and put this on
>he didn't emulate it on his pc
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Thinking about trying this out on dolphin. How long does it take to really get into it?
The game is identical althought the graphics quality is noticeably shittier on 3DS. If you do own a wii, I'm going to assume you softmodded it to run backups so run the ISO off an HDD or something. :P I bought my copy 2 years ago for 50 USD but it was worth it.
Chronicles first. Honestly X is inferior to the original as they tried to make it more open world like modern wrpgs but it's kind of lacking in quality in that respect.
>Currently working full time at a call center
>Still worried someday I won't have time for RPGs anymore due to the addition of other life circumstances
Chronicles>>>>>Chronicles X
X isn't all that bad, but I'm having less fun playing it than Chronicles.
Does anyone know if the virtual console uses save games off of the Wii mode on the Wii U? I lost my physical copy of the game and want to know if I buy this, will my Wii save work? I would emulate but my PC isn't that great.
A few hours
I can emulate it fine on my laptop. You might want to give it a try bro.
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>tfw you bought Xenoblade X not giving a shit about wafius and it still sucked
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Same. I hate how generically animu Lin and Elma are. Why couldn't they give me dual audio!?
The game is literally the same, there's no framerate issues as far as I remember, the only downside are the graphics, but it plays fine.
Oh shit, I wasn't aware. Good for you that you're finally getting it though, it's well worth it.
Finish the rebuilding of Colony 7 - 100% - or you're the fucking casual you always feared to be
Already tried, I barely get 10 fps
The characters and scenario were not up to the par of XBC. You were running around on gods in that one.
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I loved X more than XBC
>Colony 7
How could you make such a casual mistake?
because you like dick
Damn, I legitimately remembered it as 7 but looking online now that number isn't even in the game... And I finished completion of 6 about a month ago too... My memory is going to shit
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furthermore why the fuck is it called xenoblade?

all the xeno games' titles made sense, xenogears, you pilot an alien mech called a gear, xenosaga, you have the stories before xenogears, xenoblade, you have an alien sword

where the fuck is the xenoblade in xenoblade x?
Scale, exploration, enemy design, environmental design, soundtrack and pilotable mechs all suit me much better. Chronicles was great but X improved on it in every way sans narrative as far as I'm concerned.

I assume to give it brand recognition, it was referred to as XenoCross in development I believe.
Not him but I like the theme and sidequests much more. It's a break from the many fantasy themes in most (j)rpgs. Plus the sidequests are much more fleshed out than in the previous game. Not to mention the world is much bigger not only in area but also the amount of verticality they gave it.
Yours part of an organisation named BLADE. XenoBLADE.
So you value sidequests in a game more than you value a main story?
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You are exploring an "alien" world fighting off invaders from an "alien" country which may as well be a planet of its own considering the Mechonis and Bionis are the only two bodies in existence at that point.
>better in X than Chronicles
pic related
It's really a matter of what you prefer to see in a video game. I really like that they took a concept the west is known for doing, which is vast, open worlds, and did it better than any western game has ever done it due to the scale and level of exploration the game provides you with. And while the story is short and not as grand as XBC, it has its moments and isn't as terrible as people make it out to be.

Also the world design and overall gameplay are so much better than they were in XBC imo. I prefer unexplored landscapes and mechs over the more linear, on-foot nature of XBC.

And I liked X's soundtrack more.
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Sawano's music actively made XCX less special to me. It sounds so watered down compared to Chronicles' OST.
n3ds is fine, you can play it on the go, with the downside of lower graphics. Of course the better experience would be on console with a TV or with the PC Dolphin emulator .
The main story in both XBC and XCX weren't anything to write home about so there really isn'r any point in comparing the the cliché stories.
What is wrong with you people???
A voice of reason!
The 3ds one didn't have extra shit, did it?
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>I hate how generically animu Lin and Elma are
>Why couldn't they give me even more generically animu voices
You scared, aren't you. Scared to admit that XCXs main story sucked ass & Xenoblade's was thrilling, multi-layered & actually wrapped up.

>w-well both uh stories are c-cliche, um, yeah that's.. T-that's it *pisses pants* *shits himself*
The area themes alone in X beat out almost everything in the originals soundtrack. There's two mediocre tracks in the game, and even they were at least memorable. Half of the originals soundtrack sounded felt very interchangable with almost any other JRPG.
you can view the various complete costume models for the playable characters, I'm not sure if they have that on the Wii version. No dual audio, however.
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open world meme needs to die

as long as it's not a corridor simulator, I prefer linear games way over open world. open world games just tend to be lazy because developers substitute decent level design, pacing and meaningful content with lots of lazy ass MMO quests.

i beat the original Xenoblade without doing a single sidequest and it was still like 40 hours long. XBX has shit all for main storyline content and the story and characters themselves are incredibly shit in comparison
Fffffffuck stop porting Wii games and get back on n64 or start on GameCube. God damn.
I've never heard anything like Guar Plains, Colony 9 field theme, Mechonis field theme, or others in another JRPG before. XCX OST was terrible. Enjoy your dubstep-esque Linkin Park Sawano drops. "EPURK Choruses man!!!!!" Woooaooowe!!
post-battle dialogue shows she sees Riki as a cute plaything and I'd like to think Dunban tapped that "looks underaged, but she's like 80, I swear" ass
I like sidequests that are actual quests. Tales of Vesperia had these optional boss battles you could do in one quest and in another one, you unlocked special weapons. The final boss took another form if you got those weapons. That's what sidequests should be.

Kill X of Y or collect this many of X is game-padding nonsense.
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I wholeheartedly disagree. I never heard anything like it in a JRPG before. And I can remember it more than whatever lyrical crap they used in X.
Another voice of reason!
X was a game that focused much more on worldbuilding over narrative. The main story takes a backseat to exploration and side stories. It really depends on what the player enjoys more, one big grandeous 80 hour arc that revolves around them or a series of enjoyable smaller stories that make a world feel alive.

Also there wasn't anything about X's narrative that was particularly bad, it's clearly the first part of a bigger story.
>Hiroyuki ''all my shit sound the fucking same'' Sawano

The most overrated compositor ever. KLK, Aldnoah Zero, AoT and the current airing anime Kanaberi.

It all sound the same with the same stupid garbage vocal and self insert song. People who like this hack have no taste.

yeah, I don't mind sidequests as long as there is some sort of story and characters attached to it. when it's just like 'HEY DUDE CAN YOU GO AND COLLECT 10 ROCKS' it's a quest I abandon and never look at ever again
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>tfw you find that one fully voice acted sidequest
>Also there wasn't anything about X's narrative that was particularly bad, it's clearly the first part of a bigger story.

>this delusion

As much as I love the game I would still consider the main-story thin & unremarkable. Characters (protagonists and villains) were underdeveloped and too many story threads were left unresolved in my opinion. I didn't even think that most of the affinity missions made that much of a difference when it came to adding depth to the characters. It's a skeleton plot. Important events, but no details to give them dramatic backing.

>it's part one of a bigger story
My ass. So much delusion.
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Dunban for sure tapped that.
>it's clearly the first part of a bigger story.

Did it sell enough to guarantee a second one?
Wow you are delusional.

>boy's village gets attacked by bad guys
>boy is mad and tries to get revenge
>boy is too weak
>self-realization moment
>"I can do it"
>goes on an adventure with a motley crew
>oh no! plot twist! your friend betrays you
>fight god

>bad ayylmaos attack home
>escape with a heartshaking moment of seeing home destroyed ;_;
>bad guys catch up and rekt their shit
>something something god, vita, etc
>plot twist! You're robots!
>aliums keep reking shit
>self-realization moment
>"We can do it"
>plot twist! Your friend betrays you!
>fight god-like entity
Did you even watch the after credits scene? It's obvious that X is supposed to be the start of something bigger.

Whether it actually gets a sequel is debatable.
Is true that originally Dunban was suppose to be the traitor?
What was the best moment in Xenoblade Chronicles?

For me it was Dickson's death. It was a really well done moment and he was a well developed character.
Most likely.
>Implying this wasn't done to push the L@@K NEW WOW 3DS Port
Yeah I did watch. It says "This story never truly ends..." NOT "To be continued..." like any normal developer would if there was actually going to be a sequel, but there ISN'T

Showing an important character you killed turning out to be alive along with a myterious cloaked figure and that something incredibly mysterious is going on with a central plot device is a pretty good way of hinting towards something bigger in the future.
>post yfw NoA probably censored the VC port
Good thing most of us either bought a physical copy of the original wii release or emulated it.
More like hinting towards me putting my cocky in your bum bum.

There is gonna be no sequel you poo fuck
I already said whether the game gets a sequel is debatable, I only said it's clearly inteded as the first part of something bigger.

Jesus Christ XBC fans are the most obnoxious of the Xeno fanbase.
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You shall love your neighbor as yourself
Story isn't just the sequence of events. Every single story sequence in XCX was boring as fuck, there are so many overly stretched out dialogue sequences where characters take years to say nothing at all, almost all the characters are annoying and suck ass, the majority of scenes are just people standing around and talking with no blocking or action whatsoever, and there's no "drive" to the plot, you just occasionally get to do a story mission that unlocks the next.
The original Xenoblade is technically not part of the Xeno series
Another voice of reason!
Melia's easily the best girl of the game, which is tragic, considering literally everything possible goes wrong for her.
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Are you some kinda joker?
What's the best location in Xenoblade and why is it Eryth Sea?
I know it isn't just a sequence of events. All I'm saying is that they are predictable sequences of events which makes for an uninteresting plot. Not to mention most characters are one dimensional.
Nah, it has shit level design. The best location is Guar Plains.
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>tfw got it for Christmas and still haven't played it
>characters in Xenoblade are one dimensional
>implying XCXs character aren't

You're a fucking faggot.
He didn't imply that though.
Eat my cumfarts
>getting so defensive about Xbc that you didnt realize hes talking about x
Have some cream for your hemorrhoid
The atmosphere for it is utterly divine. Seeing it for the first time during night with the meteor shower occuring was beautiful.
Brand recognition
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>try to buy it
>eshop doesn't accept my card
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Dunbuns all up in them circuits, if you get what I'm saying
Should I play it on the Wii U hooked up to my pc monitor? WiiU's virtual wii mode hooked up to a tiny CRT tv? on the 3ds?

Emulating's not an option, unfortunately
It's even worse when you think about it. Had she actually ended up with shulk, she still wouldn't have been happy.

Their lifespans are way too different. Shulks entire life would feel like maybe 20 years to her, then she'd be completely alone because everyone she loves is dead.
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Get back in the kitchen
Foxy granpda was really cool. I get the feeling he was happy that shulk beat him. I mean, he was pretty much shulks father figure.
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Do you even comprehend comfy?
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>i fell for the /v/iral marketing
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>tfw I ordered the game off Amazon last night, asked for a price match with Nintendo eShop, and I'm getting my physical copy today all for $19.99
XBX was far from lazy, it's just making all that open world content was the focus instead of making a huge story, it's a change in priorities.

What needs to be found is a better balance of content types.
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>eshop asks you to enter that password you made 5 months ago and completely forgot
>mess it up 5 times and have to enter card info again

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Why was this game so good?
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Censorblade? You mean the game that made swearing common, nearly every single human genocidal, racist, murderous, malicious, low empathy killing machines? The game that had every single female in the game sexualized ESPECIALLY if they were even remotely evil? The censoring that occurred on how everything but the evil boss Ganglion is sexy as fuck, which includes the men?


You mean because you were stuck with DD sized breasts instead of A cup - J cup.
Lin Lee Koo, a 13-year-old both mentally and physically explicitly stated in-game during her introduction, and the ONLY character this applies to, got spats instead of underwear.
The that the change of "Doll" to "Skell" was a greivous case of censorship.

Right. Here's your censorship.
Valak Mountain at night is pure bliss. The glowing crystals, the music, the Mechonic so fucking close.
If time is your problem, then this probably isn't the game for you because it's fucking huge.
fuck off treehouse employee
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Damn this game is good.
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this. you fuckers are demented. pedos i swear...
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>I cannot BELIEVE that since the JAPANESE got to play as a little girl with a flat chest as their avatar that I CANNOT in the U.S.!!
>I have to play as a little girl with a HUGE rack instead and it fucking SUCKS! NO BREAST SLIDER FOR THE UNITED STATES! Censorship! Damn you Nintendo of America!!

>What? No I won't buy the Japanese version.
who the fuck are you quoting?
Time for butchered resolution round 2.
Every nigga should emulate this with texture pack if they can.
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Look at that Alexa butt.jpg
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Don't try to censor me.
Every quest in XCX that's not on the job board has a story associated with it. Hell, Affinity Missions have full voiced cutscenes.
To be fair, the rename of BLADE's meaning as well as changing Doll to Skell were both dumb and unneeded.
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>mfw Treehouse didn't get my money
>Part of an organization called Blade
>One of them is a xeno.

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Egil being betrayed by his sister, by his people, by his goddess and still going "you're all wrong then".
You're completely out-of-your-depth. You can stick to your opinion, fine, but hot damn you are in a gross minority and would be objectively disproven on the quality, range and musicality disparity between the two. In FAVOR of Xenoblade Chronicles, not X.

X had a few good tracks. A lot of bad ones.
Chronicles had an AMAZING soundtrack from start to finish.
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Anybody else just not feel the will to go on in XBX? Played it for 15 hours launch weekend and then haven't touched it since. The pacing is horrible.
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This that good shit, man

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Exactly. Here's a picture of Sawano in the late 90s.
Played it for about 150 hours before getting bored. Just got tired of doing shitty sidequest and grinding.
Same but for me it was with XBC. Kinda got tired of all the sidequests but I ended up finishing it anyways.
it's not a game for everyone. you have to REALLY like exploring and doing sidequest shit in order to get some enjoyment out of the game.
Leaving the Tephra Cave, the track switches, fading in and you open up out of the ravine into Gaur Plains.

Exploring the ruins near the cliffside in Gaur Plains and the giant Unique Cliffside Bayern (spider) crawls over the edge and starts attacking.
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>I won't let you see me die
>I won't give you the satisfaction of victory
>Leaving the Tephra Cave, the track switches
And then you immediately jump off the cliff to see if it's possible
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>changing Doll to Skell
I forgot about that. Treehouse needs to watch more mecha.
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>Game is 20 bucks

>I only have 17 bucks


I don't want to buy a stupid Nintendo card for this
why doesn't this game have wii u pro controller support
Which Censorblade? They both had extremely terrible localizations. Holding out hope that Xseed or Atlus can localize the next one, but I'm still waiting for a fan translation of the first two games.
Friendly reminder, you can emulate it now on PC with better resolution and controller FOR FREE.
can you use the wii u pro controller?
What do you mean which? There are only 2 "blades" and Xseed did localize the 1st.

You probably mean "xeno" because there are quite a few of those.
No, gamepad and wii remote only
so what about last story? that's been up on the japanese eshop for ages. I'm glad this one is now though.
1. That track is verboten on Youtube.
2. There are exceptions to the rule of "XBCross has a bad soundtrack." You should know, though, that "exceptions PROVE the rule." That you can point to 4-5 good tracks as being good only proves that the other 40 tracks are bad.
I assume you're not still here, but yes, I bought Mario Galaxy 2 on the eShop and it remembered my save file from the Wii which I transferred over
Jokes on you faggot, I have an AMD processor!

all the other wii eshop ports if you can use the classic controller then you can use the pro controller or gamepad.
Actually, you need to buy a PC for it. Probably a good one, not your personal toaster.
Serious question; did Treehouse go in and fuck with NoE's localization in any way? Make fun of me all you want, but NoA has shown that maintaining that family-friendly reputation supersedes logic every time.
Yeah thats why ask, Im really hoping I can use my pro controller
>this video contains copyright from sony computer entertainment
euro here. game is only playable on the gamepad outside of just emulating. Looks awful but port is great.
No one cares about that game though.
Not in either the Wii or 3DS releases. I can't imagine they'd mess with this WiiU version but who knows?
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it was not the game i excepted but, i liked it.
That's great and all but who who were ever interested in this game still hasn't played it?
>Original release
>Easily emulatable with HD textures for years
>N3DS port
>N3DS piratery
It really sounds like too little, too late
The Last Story is absolutely "beginner's first JRPG." Or maybe "baby's first JRPG" is more accurate.

Sakaguchi of Final Fantasy fame AND Uematsu (soundtrack) came together to make this game under a new company. It has high quality production value. Even the story itself is straightforward and decent.

But, it is ABSOLUTELY bland. The characters, the setting, the story, the gameplay, the music, the interaction, the voice talent. All of it. Bland. I played a good 40 hours of that game before I had to stop. It's is absolutely dull.

I would recommend NOT buying it. You will miss nothing. I only played it when I modded my Wii and downloaded this title because "hot damn! Sakaguchi and Uematsu!"
I can go ahead and point to the whole soundtrack but are you going to sit through 4 hours of tracks just for someone on the internet to prove you wrong?

>the Wii U Pro Controller can also be used for all Wii U Virtual Console games
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Except the port's great.
Literally the only downsides are
>Shittier textures
>No dual audio
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>buying censorshit
Not like you didn't know, but the ones who defend it are truly the worst, you're just second worst
>Changing the word salad BLADE acronym to something that actually makes sense is a bad thing

Do people actually believe this?
name of the webm
He's a censorshit defender and a nintenshill. He'll basically say anything to keep censortendo afloat
NoA did fuck with NoE's localization since they didn't localize XCX if that is what you mean.
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The Xeno BLADE is literally the first thing you see after the character creator you dumb mong.
You mean like how XBC fans always point to You Will Know Our Names, Mechonis Field and Guar Plains? I guess the whole rest of XBCs soundtrack is bad. You're a moron.
Friendly reminder to just emulate it on your PC.
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I have no love.jpg
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I've put about 200 hours into Xenoblade Chronicles X. I know the ins and outs of the entire game. I loved it, thought it was great. Definitely parts I didn't like about it and just a few things I outright hated, but I'd still suggest it to anyone asking.

I don't need "4 hours" to listen to the entire OST. I've spent far, far longer already listening to it all. The only good tracks are Day/Night themes of the 5 continents. That's about it. They are instrumental and fitting. Nearly every single song else is NOT GOOD for a variety of reasons. Vocal tracks are especially egregious. The fact that once you're in a flight mech, you can never really spend time listening to the continent themes, either. Most if not all battle tracks are also extremely grating or not worth suffering through.

But by all means, post a youtube playlist for XBX thinking it "proves (me) wrong." Sawano is not a great musician, a terrible composer and has produced schlock for this soundtrack. It seriously reminds me a Ricky Martin hits, but instead of Latino/Pop, it's Rock/Pop...with engrish.
>1. That track is verboten on Youtube.
Stop living in a third world country

Xeno chronicles > Xeno chrinicles X

I don't know how they could fuck up so badly the "sequel" the music is 10 steps down as well god damn it.
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They "censored" a 13-year-old's undergarment costumes. Underwear, bikini and Playboy sex stuff. Just those 3 things, just that single character.
They "cut" a breast slider for the female avatar, locking you to size DD breasts.
They "cut" fundoshi costumes (no reason, I suppose but I mean really)
They localized the term for your mech from "Doll" to "Skell"
They localized the term BLADE from "Beyond the Logos Artificial Destiny Emancipator" to "Builders of the Legacy After the Destruction of Earth" Who the FUCK cares?
why bother? its infinitely better on dolphin.

what the fuck I swear I already saw 2 posts like these back at launch
They are simply some of the best tracks. It is very human to respond with a few examples rather than the entirety.

If someone asks you for the best tracks of a music album, you answer with 2 or 3. You don't answer with every single song.
I'm 60% in to XCX. A few years ago I downloaded XC to my Wii but never finished it. Will I enjoy XC more?
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Here's your (You).
Oh sorry I forgot that a game doesn't actually come out or matter until it gets released in America.

My mistake.
I personally found it harder to go back XBC after playing XCX. The combat is what really hinders it.
How come whenever Americans don't get something they bitch and moan and carry on until they do and get oodles of media attention, but that being business as usual anywhere else apparently it doesn't matter and we should shut the fuck up about it? Operation Rainfall was cancerous as fuck. I mean fuck don't expect us to care about you not getting a game when you don't with us.

It's not just vidya either. Americans feel the need to be the loudest and most obnoxious presence on the planet and that we need to know everything they're doing at all times. The inevitable homogenisation of Western culture is something I'm dreading.
I don't see how the combat is any different between the two. If anything, XBC has less bullshit to deal with.
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Why are you posting an image about Fire Emblem fates when this thread (and that anon) are talking about Xenoblade?
a voice of reason. Sawano's music is dreadful.
Maybe you fucks should start making more attention then. I remember a many threads with Eurofags bitching and moaning about Atlus games taking nearly a full year to release there as opposed to NA.
I kinda liked the Tyrant theme

>polygon writer who complained about CN censoring SU in the background
Less customization. I like my RPGs with lots of customization.
Yeah that flashback he has as he's dying of Shulk as a baby in the Valak Mountain shrine I think serves the purpose of showing us that he saw Shulk as his son.

Even though it isn't explicable said, I theorise that Dickson was almost testing Shulk to see if he was strong enough to fight God
The fact that he doesn't try to stop them after he's defeated but just says "go on I can't be bothered to do this any more" suggests that he wasn't really trying to stop them in the first place.
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>XCX sucks
When did this stupid meme start? It's a fucking fantastic game, what's wrong with it?
thats makes sense, but still, people who know and understand the title of the first game are likely not to see any similarities between the two other than the existence of the nopon.

i know that in the game you recruit all kinds of other xenoforms, but the only one you get in your party is L and I guess Elma at the end. as shitty as the ma-non were, in this case, i would have liked to get a playable one along with those grasshopper aliens. honestly though, arguing the title of the game is the least of the problems with it.
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>MFW Scalpers and Gamestop got B T F O
Waitingfags win again!

When people started playing XBC on PC.
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Eryth Sea is nice but there's far too much sea, as stupid as that sounds. I don't mean that there should have been less sea, but just more islands and secrets. I was so pissed off when I spent ages swimming to the West side of the sea to find that there was absolutely NOTHING there. It's just this huge empty span of water. They have had a secret spot of shallow water you could stand in and fight a huge water monster boss.

As for best location probably either Valak Mountain or Gaur Plain. Satorl Marsh at night is incredible, as is the bridge by the waterfalls in Makna Forest.

God I love this game
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Thanks for stating something completely unrelated moron.
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>Spoiling Seven
>Implying every crossover game with Xenoblade hasn't already spoiled Seven.
How toaster can you be and still run Dolphin?
Typical Amerifat trailer.
dual core i3
I hope you don't have an AMD CPU
if you're on a laptop you're going to be venting as much heat as Sharla
Just fucking softmod the vWii. There. Every Wii game at your disposal.
Hell, download Nintendont. Now you have every Wii and GameCube game available on your Wii U, along with most fuxking emulators.
>Saying "friendly reminder"
Friendly reminder to go the fuck back to Tumblr
You can say fuck, big boy.
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learning that egil intentionally put homs inside mechon to counter the monado
'that' moment right after fighting Egil
getting Seven in the party though I do think it would be better if it had ben Vanea instead
Anything with lyrics in XCX is fucking bottom of the barrel animu shit tier.

But the themes that plays on the continents when you explore BTFO anything from Chronicles.

>exploring a lush jungle continent filled to the brim with fauna
>Then 1:20 starts playing

Technically, the humans are xenos on mira. So they are xenoblades.
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How do I do this. Teach me your ways, sensei.
I'm Canadian
Xenoblade Chronicles had a brilliant localization. One of the few games where I actually enjoy the dub and nothing was changed as far as I remember.

Now X on the other hand, that localization was terrible.
Best team?
>want to do 100% playthrough for quests and stuff
>get to mechonis field clearing all available quests so far
>lose motivation and restart
twice help me.
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Melia had the best body
Depends what you're doing.
Steamrolling through Melia/Dunban/Riki or 7 is generally done
Severely underleveled for a single enemy Shulk, Sharla, Reyn
It was excellent, though? Seriously, the dialogue options you pick from, the color dialogue, the text descriptions, the humor dealing with frankly sadistic situations?

What was poorly localized? An example, or two, please. I won't know what you're talking about if you say "treehouse memes"
If you're looking to just win anything, you main Melia to kite everything while Riki and Dunban wreck shit.
Does the Virtual Console version look any better? or is it identical to the Wii version?

Debating if I should grab it, or just emulate it...
I think the general rule of thumb is that it's practically identical barring visual smoothing. Still looks like a Wii game. It is comfy to play it in bed, though. Am I missing out on anything not using the Wii Remote?
>It was excellent, though?

Get out of here, Manon scum.
Is the same as the Wii Version.

But is going to look slightly worse since now you'll play an SD game on an HD TV
The original collector's came with a red classic controller, it wasn't meant to be played with a remote since there is no motion control.
I almost always do this with digital sales. I ordered it off Amazon, immediately email them and ask about a price match with whatever store it is, even with digital sales on Nintendo eShop and PSN. Just provide a link to the digital store listing. They'll almost always say that Amazon doesn't do price matches but they'll go ahead and do it as a one time exception, except I've done it so many times now I lost count. It sometimes works with special edition versions too. A while back Personal 4 Dancing All Night was on sale on PSN, I was able to price match it on Amazon with the limited edition version. Just be kind in the email and they'll do it, and I make sure to leave great feedback when they confirm the price match. Hope that helps, good luck anon.
I got tricked into buying it for the 3DS. Fuck y'all
Melia, Reyn and Dunban is pretty great.
Melia when used probably deals crazy DOT and with both Reyn and Dunban tanking, she never gets hit. Plus her earth elementals make Reyn last much longer.
Dunban when set-up properly dodges fucking everything and deals really great damage.
Reyn just tanks hits like a pro and deals decent enough damage
Their triple attacks are probably the best in the game. Melia using elemental discharge guarantees the triple attack chain is kept so you can rack up mad damage.
I think they supposedly rapped in Japanese.
3DS port is fine. Yeah, it looks worse than the console version, but its by no means horrible. only slowdown i got was in 1 area near the end of the game and it was for like 1 second. Its a great port, plus portable RPGs are amazing
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feather pubes y/n?
Not that guy but I thought the English voice acting wasn't great.
Xenoblade Chronicles had some really good English VAs. Dunban, Dickson, Reyn and Fiora in particular were really well voiced.

X the characters just sounded much more generic.
>But is going to look slightly worse since now you'll play an SD game on an HD TV
I played the original on a SDTV and it looked like shit. I couldn't read some of the words, it was fucking terrible. Are you telling me it's going to be worse in this version?
All Wii U games get a bad rap because it's not a console a lot of people have. It's just a hint of console warrior mentality.
I can agree with you about the voice talent used. Not great, not terrible.

Xenoblade Chronicles was vastly superior. Which is tangential to the point-at-hand, but worth noting.
do you need the wiimote for this shit or no
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I couldn't help it.
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I'm guessing it has to be sold by Amazon itself. Unfortunately, the Canadian site doesn't have any on stock at the moment.
Well, thanks anyway anon, you're a clever little fox.
Don't know about best, but most fun to play is Dunban - Riki - Seven.
You can emulate it for free, with HD textures and 1080p.

Why would anyone bother?
I find it funny all the negatives focus the censorship first, whereas the game on the whole is fucking terrible.
Its a shit game. I beat it.
you can use the gamepad or wiimote
It wasn't that bad, lot of room for improvement, but just pissing around doing the sidequests makes the game worth it until you get to 47/97 lobsters
pretty badass save for that little bit of the signature at the end
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