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>you will never go to E3 2004 and take pictures with booth
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>you will never go to E3 2004 and take pictures with booth babes

>you will never wake up on christmas morning to play a new exciting Ps2 game in your stocking

>you will never go to Blockbuster on Friday night and rent a new game you've never seen before

>you will never be a teenager again

Who gives a fuck i still have my chubby ps2
Good, my teens were fucking miserable.
I'm still miserable
>le ebin blockbuster was good meme

kill yourself blockbuster was shit it was like the gamestop of video rental services. local video rental stores was better
Best times of my life. Time for suicide!
Me too anon. Im slightly more wealthy now though.
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>You will never enjoy games nowadays due to money-hungry companies and sjw media
The world is better now. You can just play any PS2 game by downloading it and playing via emulator. Really convenient.

When I think 2004 I think Iraq war and Steam when it was a lot shittier.
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>money-hungry companies

name me a company that isnt money hungry dumbass
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Most companies back then had passion when it comes to making games. konami, capcom, sega, nintendo etc.

all of that passion is gone. turning them into those corrupt companies we used to love.
>You can just play any*[1] PS2 game by downloading it and playing via emulator. Really convenient*[2].

>[1] = Actually a small number of actually working ports. Most are broken as shit and wind up not feeling anything like the console version.

>[2] If you have a powerful rig
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Christmas used to be so good.

>Pokemon Red

>PS2 w/ Ratchet and Clank, James Bond Agent Under Fire
>>le ebin blockbuster was good meme
>kill yourself blockbuster was shit it was like the gamestop of video rental services. local video rental stores was better

Not unless you had a brother who worked there.

10 free game rentals a week combined with PS2's massive library. I was in heaven.
newfag detected
nigger what are you talking about, what you are saying was real like 10 years ago
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