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Holy shit, can we talk about how disappointing this game's
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Holy shit, can we talk about how disappointing this game's ending is? Just beat it
Mergo's soggy nurse was fucking awesome, but then Gehrman absolutely sucked? What the fuck was that about? He wasn't even hard, at least the moon presence was a bit tougher but that was still ultimately pretty disappointing.
And why am I a squid now? Is the hunter born again as a great one?
>wet nurse
You are wrong. Your opinion should never be shared. Gehrman is the better boss. It is not up for debate
Gherman was meh because you were probably overleveled if you completed near 100% of the other content (especially DLC) before attempting him since he's the vanilla boss.

Moon Presence is probably in the top 5, but the real "hardest" boss is probably Orphan of Kos

You're a squid because you have been born again as a new Great One because you ate the umbilical cord.

Lore videos probably explain the rest.
Gherman is fucking great and one of the hardest bosses in the game, it's Moon Presence that's easy as fuck, dude.

im gonna try and read this today, thanks anon
I really need some help on deciding which one to get first. DaS3 or BB?
Bloodborne, DaS3 is Miyazaki's worst Souls game.
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>tfw no doll

Bloodborne if you like playing more aggressively, DaS3 if you want to be more defensive.
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Get both because they're great though .i liked BB better because of the setting
Personally I found Wet Nurse to be a joke, Gehrman to be okay and Moon Presence to be an easier Paarl Darkbeast.

Still it was okay.

Also you turn into a slug because you eat three thirds of an umbilical cord and are presumably attached to the womb of the cosmos as a result (or just amalgamated as a result of the three lesser Great Ones the umbilical cords originate from), being the chosen host or whatever for the Great One newborn, meaning Moon Presence can't do shit to you or something.

Whether this means you're going to host either a new nightmare or the existing one (ie usurping Moon Presence), fuck if I know.

The specifics aren't really important. Just be glad you didn't turn out like the Brain of Mensis.

>Cleric Beast
>14 Insight
BB if you want to parry with a gun and not have a shield, DS if you want a shield
Thanks dude, did you write this?>>335026974
Didn't play the DLC, should I get it?
Not him, but the BB DLC is fantastic! Well worth buying.
>but the real "hardest" boss is probably Orphan of Kos
Until we look into the Chalice Dungeons, and despair.
Mergo awesome?
You have to really fuck up to die to that.
None of the three bosses I listed were particularly challenging, I just liked her design more than Gehrmans or moon presence
The only two that really compare to Orphan would probably be defiled descendant, and defiled abhorrent beast.
I'd personally just say about anything below Depth 3 is harder than Orphan. But then I just found his first form to be parry-bait and his second to eat shit if you know to dodge towards him. Got him first try.
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