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Dark souls lore thread? Dark souls lore thread!
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Dark souls lore thread? Dark souls lore thread!
I love Yorshka!
Previously Established
>Aldrich did not eat Nito
>Aldrich did not eat Nito
>Aldrich did not eat Nito
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>it's an illusion episode
so what are the chances that ocelotte is another half breed like prisilla. could he be a dlc boss. could he have lifehunt?
post proofs
Yorshka is described as a crossbreed in the unused Saint's Set.
But Ocelotte is a guy, and Yorshka is a girl, so who the fuck even knows.
So where is Firelink Shrine, physically? We know from DS1 that the Kiln is most likely in a sort of pocket dimension, which would be the location of the Flameless Shrine, but NPCs in the game can travel to our Firelink, so what's up with that? If you write a message on the ground in the shrine and travel to the one in Untended Graves, it still appears there, which seems to suggest that they're physically in the same location. What's the deal with that?
They can travel in the abyss without being fucked over by it, and because there only humans who fell for their "age of men" meme, it's pretty safe space for them
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>Illusion shockwave firstborn boypussy
He was a fucking cleric. He ate that shieeeet.
Looks like Gwyndolin wanted a little sister and just adopted her
>A sacred chime belonging to Yorshka. Her brother, the former knight captain, presented her with this medium together with another gift: her name.
>The ringing of the chime must have done much to soothe her loneliness.
Oh and in one of her dialogues she says that Sulyvahn locked her here and asks did you see her brother(you did)
But if you think about it, this tower is actually a pretty safe space and it doesn't look like he plans to feed her to Aldrich
>not waiting for based vaatividya videos
Same place as dark one, behind lothric. Specifically behind the Princes' boss room which you can see from the shrine.
So wheres Drangleic?
you mean its established that there is no evidence that he ate nito. he might have eaten nito, but there is no proof that he did.
maybe theyre brother and sister?
Where Vinheim was.
first for you are ocelotte
>Solaire is firstborn
Thanks but no
I'm guessing that's a gameplay mechanic. Untended Graves is likely just a layer over firelink shrine instead of a physical place to save space
the oceiros fight freaked me the fuck out, it looks like he thinks he is holding a baby, which he is trying to shield through the first half and you can hear a baby crying, then it stops and he freaks the fuck out, that fight and Irithyll Dungeon are hardcore nightmare fuel
Does it even matter?
Whats sort of different would it make?
There is proof that he didn't, and it has been posted and regurgitated so many times now that if you don't already know, you can go fuck yourself. Talk about something worthwhile instead of babby's first theory.
No, you're one of the "slaves" he keeps rambling about.

fug dat place
>There is proof
Then provide it, don't just say there is.
No they are the same place just likely different dimensions or times. This was discussed last thread.
Why do some people seem to believe Rosaria is Gwynevere? Because you get bountiful Sunlight from her? In DS1 you get the same miracle from a squid lady in seath's archives. Is that slug lady also Gwynevere?
Oh yes. Indeed. Long ago the ancient fires burned and shit. That went on for a bit then some guy, he's one of the bosses by the way, he fucked something up. So you gotta go kill shit and find shit but mostly kill shit. Yes...indeed...that's it.
>Ludleth has a hidden role in the story, he is ultimately responsible for the events of this current cycle. When Champion Gundyr failed to return in time to the Firekeeer, the First Flame died. Unwilling to accept this, Ludleth broke time to go back just before the flame faded and became a Lord of Cinder himself, creating a pocket dimension of sorts where there was still time to link the fire, sealing away the "true" Firelink shirine.
>Asked for proof
>Can't provide it, just provides an excuse

welcome to the souls lore thread
>There is proof that he didn't
Then post it, otherwise he did.
Retard repeats what other retards said with no critical thought, news at eleven.
The description says that the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring was 'USED in a land which once stood where Drangleic does', not 'MADE in a land which once stood where Drangleic does'.

>inb4 Vaati releases a video saying Nameless King is Solaire
[citation needed for this absolute horseshit]
No I mean the fact that your bloodstain and messages appear on both maps has more to do with mechanics and the game being a game than lore
it's in the trash can along with the rest of Dark Souls 2
he was my favorite boss just because of that shit.
Is Gwyn a tragic character?
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So these threads are just autists getting mad at minor details huh
>if you cant prove that the big bang happened that means the christian god created the universe
>there are no other possible alternatives

that is what you sound like
there is no proof that aldritch ate nito and there is no proof that he didnt
>Paid thousands of dollars to extrapolate on stolen theories and then claim they're his own

nah, the fanwank e-celeb and his apologists can fucking leave.
I haven't played DaS3 yet but how can someone eat a dude you HAVE to kill in a previous game?
"A ring used long, long ago in a land that existed where Drangleic is now. Extends the length of spell effects.
The ancient dragons were once worshipped in several nations, and rumors concerning objects of similar enchantments to this uncommon ring abound in many lands, though their origins are no longer verifiable."

Do you know the one place where they DIDN'T worship dragons? LORDRAN YOU DUMB FUCK.
These threads are stuck in an infinite loop of newfags walking in with half-baked done to death theories, people mass-correcting them, people getting buttblasted as a result, ad hominem shittery, and then more people come in and start it all over again. Fuck your burden of proof, take my goddamn word for it and come up with something interesting and plausible instead.
Well yeah, the game reuses the area's space for both, that's just efficiency, I am just clarifying that they are also taking up the same space in universe.
Vaati is so pretentious I can't help but laugh.

> Vaati: Who is this great towering knight? Why does he guard the gates?

> Because he's a fucking boss you pretentious knob.
There a zone where you can find a Nash portrait and ladder guy corpse
This zone is rulled by giant
I wonder...
Is Smoldering Lake supposed to be Ash Lake or Lost Izalith or both?

>P-pls believe me and don't make questions
so you start talking about something and then when someone asks you for proof "its been posted again fuck off faggot" jesus christ end your life
What's that whip? Is it the one from those summoner sneks in dragonshit peak?
or you could post the proof
I think you might be an angry faggot. But I have no proof.
Yes, but why?

Nah he just a petty ass mothafucka that couldnt let go
then why are you in a lore thread you dumb fuck?
>how can you eat beef when someone already killed the cow?

are you retarded
Better question:

Is there a major DaS character that ISN'T a tragic character?
1) Those two sentences aren't even connected. They are seperate clauses. One is referring to the ring, the other is just talking about general lore.
2) Dragon covenant.
You can go from one place to another, so I guess they finally sink or based A-team fixed their geography
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yeah it was pretty neat to have someone talk a little, even tough I had no idea what his problem was, was a bit boring to play, I really liked the super mario cripple brothers and the Nameless King, but what is more imortant, there is not one boss fight I hate.
When and why did this "it's an illusion" meme start?
Can we talk about how you are ocelotte?
ash like caught on fire because it was so close to izalith
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Nito, maybe
Is Vaati's voice his real voice? I can't help but feel he's forcing it to seem soothing and knowledgeable
Why did the undead turn into trees
Why did those trees turn into dragon-like/bed of chaos-like things
Was this because the sun was becoming a dark sign, signalling that it was becoming an age of dark, thus an age of dragons?
What was the black goo?
Why were there random huge giants locked away in the cathedral of the deep, and also a similar giant in the Irithyll Dungeons
What were the hand monsters in Profaned Capital
Why are the candle dudes simply candle versions of the fire ladies in Profaned Capital
What were the weird foetus-like monsters in the Irithyll Dungeon, and why were they there?
Who at From Soft thought it would be a good idea to put 8 jailers in the same room
Why are 50% of the chests in the game mimics
Why is laddersmith gilligan in the profaned capital, why does he give you a gesture, is the boreal valley drangleic?
I can't wait for us to be done with lore discussions and then have the videos show up 4 months later and start the whole thing all over again.

God it's nauseating the nth time rround.
No because in Dark Souls when Nito died he turned to dust and the landscape actually changes due to certain bosses turning to dust.

How could Nito leave a body if he's dust?

>Implying I'm in every thread

Just post it if you've got it, if it's so easily recycled, you should be able to green text it in 100 words or less faggot.
Don't laugh, he gets paid cash money to regurgitate things autists actually come up with in threads like these.
Because it's been the primary topic in every thread for the past week and the only people who don't know the topic inside and out at this point are people who just got here, and taking the time to go through all of that same shit again is going to make it impossible to talk about other shit that isn't 100% deconfirmed yet.
How is this so difficult to understand?
newfags getting triggered that Ornstein might not have been in Anor Londo during the events of DS1 so they started sperging out and claiming everything was an illusion.
>The Flying Spaggheti Monster God exists, and unless you to prove me wrong, it's real!
>anon can't accept that he won't take his own word
Yeah nah, post that proof.
Nito will never, ever have a gf
Utter bullshit without any proof.
>an age of dark, thus an age of dragons
Age of ancients wasn't age of dark
There wasn't dark at all back then
Youre literally just asking for all the lore because youre to lazy to form your own opinion
It's probably an extension of Izalith, because you can see the ceiling. Ash Lake expanded infinitely upwards.
Who the fuck was Wolnir and why did he feel so out of place?
Who the fuck was this asshole?
It's not impossible to have other discussions, just post your proof or shut the fuck up, faggot.
>could never hug ALL of his skeletons
Pretty tragic to me.
>who is this great, unidentified figure? Well, perhaps he is the person from this item description, 'an unnamed person made this item', though they are in different zones and lack any connection, I cannot help but think we were meant to draw a connection between these two. Perhaps we will see more of this mysterious hero in the future? This is the type of wonder and mystery that only a Souls-like game can provide.
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Hero or traitor?
Unbread Burger
Anus Lando
Oola Seal
Shite Town
Magula Oblongata
Firewire Shrine
Tomb of the Big Guys
Boole Terrier
Tower of Latrine
I could but I'd rather have a solid answer on everything rather than the game just supplying some extremely vague hints and just saying "MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND HAHA SO DEEP"
From multiple item descriptions and a certain enemy and its drops i can, with a very big certainty say that the dlc is going to be somehow about "angels"

I believe while kaathe has been busy getting hollows in londor, frampt has been busy convincing people he is a angel (serpent with wings statues in grand archives).
>Her brother, the former knight captain, presented her with this medium together with another gift: her name.
That's not referring to Gwyndolin. It's referring to Faraam.
fuck off vaati
Then I'll shut the fuck up, faggot. I'm not the one trying to push this shitty topic over and over.
Patches, snakes, Alvina, DaS2's midgets, trade crows, maybe a few others I can't name now.

In 3 they went full tragic though, all of the lords are like so diretly or indirectly, as well as pretty much any important NPC.
>What was the black goo?
something related to the abyss. there were black goo guys similar to aldritch in new londo above the 4 kings area

>What were the weird foetus-like monsters in the Irithyll Dungeon, and why were they there?
im guessing it had something to do with the consumed king. they both look deformed and grey.

>Why is laddersmith gilligan in the profaned capital, why does he give you a gesture, is the boreal valley drangleic?
isnt he made of stone over there? he probably got petrified like so many other characters did
The guy couldn't even get out of the asylum. So he's a failure.
Yes, you find her and one of her sisters(not spider one) here
>he gives you estus in 1
>find a knight armor corpse
>get ashen estus
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>All these demon corpse
Well, that just send the "end of the world" vibe into overdrive.
you liked the shitty dragon boss?
Certainly yes.
this is some next level memeing
wolnir was an invader who killed everybody and became the king of everything. he then realized he was not immortal and had some monks make him sauron rings that kept him alive as long as the rings were not destroyed
So let me get this straight.
>Darkstalker Kaathe is Yuria's boss
>Yuria tells you to steal the fire for Hollows
>previously Kaathe wanted the Age of Dark, yet evidently doesn't want you to do the Dark ending
Why is this? Is he trying to get you to jack the flame so he can kill you and take it for himself to make sure those retards stop linking it once and for all, or was he actually being straight about the whole "age of man" thing and genuinely sees the Lord of Hollows as a good thing?
The old thread was closed. So, i ask the question again: Some of you have figured out what happened to the Fair lady? I wonder if you find something in the Smouldering Lake.

>hile meditating on the fading of the First Flame, Aldritch had a vision of a coming age of the deep sea
So, abyss or something new what just like fire can keep abyss away?
>Why did the undead turn into trees
Chaos magic/influence.
>Why did those trees turn into dragon-like/bed of chaos-like things
The Fire is fading and the world is slowly going back to the time of dragons and trees.
>Was this because the sun was becoming a dark sign, signalling that it was becoming an age of dark, thus an age of dragons?
It's signaling the age of Dark, not the age of Dragons, the aforementioned trees signal the dragons.
>What was the black goo?
In AL? Aldrich.
>Why were there random huge giants locked away in the cathedral of the deep, and also a similar giant in the Irithyll Dungeons
They were always used as slaves/manual labor, see DS1.
>What were the hand monsters in Profaned Capital
Creatures of Dark/Abyss, the hand symbolism is connected to Manus.
Thats dark souls
Theres very little thats definitive
Are you retarded or is this your first souls game?
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Quelana in Dark Souls 1 kind of, she is pretty thankfull that you mercy kill her corrupted mother and siblings.
>Outstanding… You have done very well.
>Thank you. I am blessed to have met you.
>I suppose I can call you fool no longer…
>I can hardly thank you enough.
>Please take this… It is all of me.

>Ah, very well.
>There is nothing left for me to teach you.
>Our time together is done. It was short, but sweet.

>Fool. Hurry along.
>I can do nothing more for you.
Saying there's proof and refusing to use said proof is not going to stop people asking for that proof.

You might not be trying to push the topic, butyou're absolutely unwilling to put an end to it but allude to being able to.
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
He failed in his mission but he's arguably the most vital part of yours. You'd be stuck in a fucking cage otherwise and would never be able to take a sippy.
Vengarl (actually ended up being happier)
Gwyndolin was not a knight. Just the leader of the Darkmoons.
Nameless King/Faraam(look at the helmet) is the only one who can be considered as a captain/knight.
she gone

Maybe you should stop coming for these thread for a while then m8.

Where is he mentioned?
You find a humanoid corpse curled up next to what is CLEARLY the spider portion of the fair lady or something that looks identical inside the demon ruins (part of smouldering lake), and you loot Quelana's pyromancy tome from that corpse, one theory is that Quelana found her sister and died at some point afterwards.
dark souls 2 broke the cycle of age of fire/age of dark. before it wasnt possible to take the fire for yourself and become the king of hollows.
Fossilized. Long dead.
Why do I need to marry now? Before all I had to do was leave a bonfire for the age of dark.
Try to let Greirat to die in the castle
He will call someone who send him there(it was you) a faggot and will leave firelink shrine forever
you mean the ancient wyvern?
God, that was complete shit.
Dragon God 3.0
Yuria (main NPC for getting the secret ending) is working for Kaathe. Presumably Kaathe is in Londor with all the hallows talking about darkness or something.
might have something to do with a literal ocean of water. new londo ruins got flooded with water to contain the abyss. maybe something happens like that on a larger scale

ive got no clue
She also calls Gwyn her father so he's the one who adopted her.
Just make a screenshot next time you see a post detailing the theory
So Kaathe is behind becoming the hollow king? I guess he likes the idea of an age of man.

Why the fuck does DS3 completely ignore the dark soul
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How does Estus taste like?
Why the fuck does the kiln not look like anything like it was in DS1?
What was the profaned flame?
What's the age of deep that Aldritch wanted? Is it another name for the abyss?
How the fuck is the real firelink shrine that was built on top of the original one in DS1 in a location HIGHER than that of Anor Londo?
Why doesn't the darksign sun shine in Anor Londo after the eclipse begins?
Who the fuck was Rosaria and why is she related to Gwyneverre?
Who was Gertrude and are the angels really the primordial serpents?
This reminds me, has anyone tried beating Champion Gundyr before Vordt to see if something Kaathe-related happens? It's possible to do it and that's pretty much how you found him in the Abyss in DaS.
What is the explanation for the lords of cinder still being alive? Shouldn't they all have been killed by their usurpers the way Gwyn was?
In game its described as tasting awful.
salty milk and coins
Salty coins and milk with honey
Can I kill the handmaid in the darkened Firelink Shrine? She won't get pissed in the real version?
>I guess he likes the idea of an age of man.
No, he likes idea of the world without fire swallowed by abyss
Worms can travel here freely, humans don't
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I fucked up, /v/, I'm scared for her ;_;
But it works.
> kek

I want Vaati to do the same shit he does with Dark Souls with the likes of Doom, Space Harrier, and R-Type.

I bet he could do it, too.

"Who is this Space Invader who is at the back of the group? Perhaps he doubts the cause for which his comrades fight, as he hesitantly moves downward, his fear grows as his fellow Invaders die before his eyes...I wondered, as I blew his ass out of the way, do Space Invaders dream, and if they do, do they dream of grossly incandessant suns?
Opening cinematic
They all were resurrected to do job again
Why only this 3 is still a mystery
In my opinion it's because they still didn't go fully hollow in the soul of cinder and still kept parts of their mind
>Nameless King/Faraam(look at the helmet) is the only one who can be considered as a captain/knight.

Knight-Captain is a title given to the leader of the Darkmoon, because Yorshka is Knight-Captain Yorshka, and she's the current leader of the covenant. Who was the last leader of the darkmoon? It certainly wasn't Nameless King, because he was kicked out of Anor Londo for fucking dragons
I want Vaati to die of rectal cancer.
My taking on Ocelotte is that a human mage or some shit tried to enter the dragon's body but the dragon will stayed inside too.

That's why we have a lucid phase where he casts shit and talk and the phase where Ocelotte is finally awake and rampaging.
of course its more forced than usual most e celebs do that
1. Kill
2. Take eyes.
3. Reload.
4. She's back

Exploding booty
Are all those bodies in the tower the SAME fire keeper we are using? Did they take her eyes so she won't know of a world without fire?
Kill her and take the eyes away, she will respawn without them and wont ask you to kill her anymore.
Wh-what happens if you kill her?
>Who was the last leader of the darkmoon?
Her brother
You don't kill Nameless King, you kill Ornstein dressed as him. Andre is the firstborn. He got bored and cut off his hair and made a hairdress out of it and gave his post to Ornstein. Now he just chills as a blacksmith. Prove me wrong
I might give that a try even though I can't imagine something coming up
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you're lying
you want me to kill her you monsters
Does anyone else wanna fuck Lothric
>I want Vaati to do the same shit he does with Dark Souls with the likes of Doom, Space Harrier, and R-Type.
You mean stealing ideas for videos from other people and making ridiculous leaps of logic to fill out Top 10 lists of crap that's mostly speculation or out right not true?
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>It's a "The Giant Titty Monster Who Brings Light to the World is an Illusion" episode.
I was scared we wouldn't have fuckable bosses again, but now we go both life and hometown bosses.
No one is lying to you. She's literally asking you to. She respawns infinitely. Next time you're getting frustrated, just kill her like 100 times. You'll feel better.

Also, just do the Dark Ending. Let her keep the eyes. The cycle needs a hard reset anyway.

she is immortal you retard
>I can't imagine something coming up
It certainly seems implausible, but the fact that it's even possible to find a super tough boss in the Abyss at an extremely early point in the game is very similar to Four Kings. I believe it's at least worth a shot.
I just never saw the appeal of magic or pyro in this game. too bad dodging has been fucked over in this game
She comes back dude.
Its just like the Doll in Bloodborne.
absolutely fucking disgusting. who would even do this
>humans have a fraction of the dark soul associated with dark/the abyss
>turns people from hollows into vibrant humans

Tell me again why the coming of darkness won't be the age of men?
I just ctrl+f "nito"'d the last thread until I found the "proof" somebody(you?) posted

>There are bones in him because he's a notorious cannibal slime monster who has eaten thousands.
>Those are the bones of his victims floating in his body.
>'Black fuzzy stuff' is not exclusive to Nito. In fact, Miyazaki confirms that the black stuff around Nito was an aura, not a literal fabric.

>Please, please, nobody bring up the Nito thing again. I'm going to fucking die if I see it one more time.

that doesnt confirm anything. without an official item description saying that aldritch ate nito, anything could have happened.
Wasn't gonna buy, looked up what purple phantoms are about, now I want to be a dickass witch too. Effective shilling, kike.
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I have this very graphic memory of a dream where she was riding me and crushing my hips in the process
waking up my hips actually hurt
and my pants were sticky

I'm gonna boot the game up, shouldn't be that hard to do
To get the eyeballs out of her.
I did. The webm Anon did.

>Not hogging the flame for yourself

The world is fucked, dude. Might as well keep the only thing that matters to yourself.
She wanted to betray fire
The most disgusting thing someone can do in this world
>Ornstein was an illusion!?
>Aldrich ate X!
>But what IS the Deep?
>Firstborn fucked a dragon!
>The worm is Solaire's sunlight maggot!
>No gods no rulers AGE OF MAN AM I RIGHT?
>What's the deeeeal with Dark Firelink?
>Time is convoluted, I ain't gotta explain shit

end my suffering
when you get more than a tiny fraction of the dark soul you turn into a big monster like manus or the other oolicile creatures
subtle, not getting past a 4channarian pervert though.
Who are you quoting?
I keep reading Yorshka as Yorkshire
Let's talk about the GOOD lore where there's no speculation or room for opinions or interpretations you disagree with
Were lore threads for the last two DaS games this retarded?
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gibs me dat
every thread ever
>99 humanity
>still fine
there were less spergs but just as many retards
What triggers this? If you don't give her a fire keeper soul?
Wait, dancer has huge tits too?
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So I just beat the game. I got the "Link the fire" ending.

I gave the firekeeper the eyes ages ago.

Is there anything else I can do on this NG or not? Only took me 16 hours.
It's not impossible or implausible. I literally just did it the other day. Ocieros is easy as hell and everyone knows it. Champion Gundyr is parry city, population: Riposte. Then I learned the fucking Hornet Ring isn't even there unless you kill Abyss Watchers first. I was upset I wasted my time.
Fucking really? I guess I'm lucky I've been avoiding them.
What dumb fuck would think Rosaria is Gwyndolin when in the item description for one of the Aldrich related items it specifically says he devours the god of the Darkmoons, which can only be Gwyndolin?
Dark Souls should never have had sequels. Simple. The lore just gets more and more fucked. It's simply contradictary at this point.
whats your point? it takes more than 99 humanity to get fucked up
>that doesnt confirm anything. without an official item description saying that aldritch ate nito, anything could have happened.

Occam's razor: The game's item descriptions never lie, and they explicitly mention things which did happen. Since nothing at all suggests that Aldritch ate anyone lore-important except Gwyndolin, he probably didn't.

This could later be retconned by some item or other that says 'oh btw Aldritch also ate the Undead Merchant from ds1, remember him?' but until then we know he ate gwyndolin and have no reason to believe he ate anyone else who matters.
Gwynever's daughter
>Rosaria is Gwyndolin
You should probably learn to read.

In the Archives portrayed as a statue.

He's in a dress.
What, I'm 26 hours in and I still got four bosses to go, did you just breeze through the game without exploring?
When does Iudex get infused with angry darknessblobbu??

What are those things anyway?
Of course not, nito was killed by the player
Aldrich is literally wielding Nito's sword.
He ate Nito. Are people really this stupid?

My b
From this post, it sounds like you'd feel right at home in those threads.
>16 hours
nigger I am on 40 and just passed Pontiff

(I did went to Dragonpeak and Dark Firelink before that tho, I am stuff after Pontiff, I think Ima try looking at that invisible bridge place again today)
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>go fight Old Demon King
>look around and realize there's a bunch of Stray Demon corpses laying around
>bonfire right before the fog wall is Demon Ruins
Seconding this question. Are the blobs Dark/Abyss matter or are they products of some experiments or something?
Ash Lake had no ceiling and the archtrees were way bigger than the things in Smouldering Lake
>give soul
>give eyes
>hit her while fade to black end plays
Patches, he's just an asshole
>Aldrich is literally wielding Nito's sword.
He literally isn't. He's wielding a spear that looks a little bit like the Gravelord sword at one end if you squint. He doesn't use any of Nito's abilities (no EEEEEEE spike, no death miasma, no skeletons) but he does use Gwyndolin's darkmoon bow and magic spam powers.

Frankly, there's no room at all for him eating Nito, it's based entirely on people going 'b-b-but this kinda looks like him/his sword!' even though it doesn't
No idea, but I was saying Dancer is the ass boss and Quelaag is the tits boss.
Not really. I explored every area apart from the dragon place which is hidden.

I've played DS1 and DS2 extensively though so that might be it.

The only boss I really had trouble on was Solyvahn.
it's quite normal when the story is polluted by legends, false information or simply wrong interpretations of who tells you things.

It happens a lot, even in real life history, unfortunately
Those dark snake things will clearly be expanded on the DLC

Don't forget to buy it to get the full experience :^)
yes, that was my point. nothing is confirmed.

my player character can wield smoughs hammer
Quelaag's ass is way bigger than Dancer's, and also it has legs.

That's some 10/10 ass right there
Nito was killed and put in a bowl, he's not getting eaten anytime soon
>Then I learned the fucking Hornet Ring isn't even there unless you kill Abyss Watchers first.
Wait, what? That means something does change.
We should explore this further.
spotted whip I think, you have to summon some npc somewhere and it appears somewhere, ask google it remembers better
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Domhnall of Zena. Fucker just gets richer by the end of the game.
I don't get how people can assume he'd eat Nito anyway. Nito is fucking gone because DaS 1 happened, but Gwyndolin could've survived because nowhere does it say CU did kill him.

I love me some Nit-o's.

>devourer of godSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
>Gwyndolin is not multiple gods
>upper buddy looke exactly like Gwyndolin
>lower body looks exactly like Nito, with the black "hair" and skeleton parts
>has a stomp the ground and cause a shockwave attack like Nito
>gee he totally didnt eat Nito
*his soul was put in a bowl
some retard could have eaten his physical corpse
Dude, everyone fucked a dragon. It was the thing to do back then.
Do you guys also have the feeling a whole chunk of game was cut out around the profaned capital?
How though... sure I explored stuff fairly thoroughly but I barely died at all and it took me 36 hours to beat the game. even discounting the dragon place (which is about 4 hours due to the difficulty of the boss there), 16 hours seems way too fast unless you had a walkthrough and were just running through every area.

16 hours in I was killing Deacons of the Deep.
That's not exactly true. You are using the humanity to burn the bonfire so it reverses the hollowing. Being a hollow is the true shape of the followers of the abyss, this is why they use stones and ring to pretend they are not hollows to others.
here it is boys, the one place pyromancy is useful: in group fights where no one is paying attention to you
They didn't want people to realise you could BS Watchers to death.
>false information or simply wrong interpretations of who tells you things.

this is the main thing I disagree with in lore threads; people conjecturing that the game is lying to you. I can't think of a single instance where an item description was anything other than entirely true.

The characters in the game might lie, and can be doubted, but item descriptions exist outside of the game's world, and are factual, even if they don't sometimes tell the whole story.
>He couldn't eat Nito because the player killed him
>He could eat Gwyndolin, even though the player killed him
Well, I guess I'm never coming to these threads again.
Fucking retarded twelve year olds.
3 different ornsteins experienced FIRSTHAND is just bad
his body disappears when you kill him though
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>mfw I died to Crystal Sage 20+ times but killed Sulyvahn on my second attempt
not really, all the areas before the main 3 lords of cinder are pretty short and/or barren anyway (past the gate in farron keep, and anor londo are not THAT much larger than profaned capital)
What's he get rich off of? I find it absurd that the other living kingdoms use Souls as currency. I imagine souls only being used in the hollow and monster infested shitholes.
>Devourer of Gods
>nah, he probably only ate one
Black Knights ww@
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>Run around a corner to see some dogs
>Attack them to kill both at once
>One runs around to my ass at sanic speeds and hits me
>My sword swings attract two more dogs
>Desperately try to escape
>Dogs teleport up my asshole and stunlock me to death in a corner
I think a room filled with dogs would kill me more than any boss in the game.
There is literally no way he could have done that because killing Nito and putting his soul in a bowl was MANDATORY for beating DaS.

>That Crystal Sage in the archives.

Stop fucking running away.
Because he wanted to kill him himself, which he does if you don't do Seigward's quest
DaS2 confirms the lord souls persist and can take on new forms (Like the Rotten), thats really the only way the Nito getting eaten theory makes sense.
It's just a condition to get the ring to spawn. Nothing seems to change other than items. Hell the Shrinemaiden in Dark Firelink also doesn't sell Artorias armor unless you kill Abyss Watchers. Everything in that area is based on whether or not you kill Abyss Watchers and most people definitely did before going there. There is nothing there m8. Sorry.
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>Dies next to her sister's crushed corpse
Fuck, man
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