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So /v/, will you be a good boy or will you become the edge?
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So /v/, will you be a good boy or will you become the edge?
Also, no way YHVH is not getting censored in some way.
what's japan's obsession with killing god

he dindu nuffin
Because Final ruins YHVH because it makes it so he isn't the actual Great Will. In fact the Great Will wants him dead
Literally only two games in all hostriy have you killing god (the christian's god), SMT II and this game.
dude, in SMT II YHV said the great will was bigger than him and would bring him back...but now it turns out the great will hates him and wanted him dead.
So which is more Persona, SMT3's neutral ending or Final's Pacifist ending?
>still going on about muh censored games
Holy shit, by this point I can only imagine that you've all gone masochist and get hard whenever games get localized.
>This fucking music
Pacifist ending, full stop.
But is compensates by having the most edgy edning in SMT's story too.
>YHVH literally says he's not the Great Will
>People interpret it as him being the Great Will

I don't get it.
>by having the most edgy edning in SMT's story too.
How does it top True Demon ending? I haven't looked into it
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Asahi bikini 3.png
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The edge incarnate.jpg
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You actually kill YHVH FOR GOOD (after killing EVERYONE) and take his place as GOD.
Do you become the new avatar of the Great Will?
It does top it

You kill every living creature on the planet, kill God, destroy the universe, and remake it with the help of your brainwashed reincarnated Megami of choice, so you can become the god of that brand new universe.
even Flubber?
Can I rule the world with Toki?
World? you rule the universe.

Just keep in mind that your megami isn't the same person they used to be before, they just happen to have the same body.
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