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What console games have good anti-aliasing? The only one I can
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What console games have good anti-aliasing? The only one I can think of is Call of Duty 4 having MSAAx4 on the Xbox 360.
The order, quantum break and forza horizon all have 4x msaa
I thought that game only has blurry as fuck temp AA and not actual MSAA?
Alan Wake should also be mention i THINK?
Not sure if the console version is using AA but the PC version is forcing 2xAA as a minimum so i would guess console might be usign it too
I thought Order has x2 and something there's something up with Quantum Break. Something to do with dynamic resolution changing the AA used. Same devs did Alan Wake and I think that was 960x540 with MSAAx4 on console.
AA is a meme.
kk capt bait
I believe they use post AA on top of actual AA
Here's the attention your parents never gave you, faglord.
Hm fair enough, thanks
>post process AA
What even is this? Just a fancy term for FXAA or something?
ITT: poorfags who play sub-1080
There is multiple kinds of Post Process AA, so no it isn't. FXAA being the worst of them all.
There is also SMAA, TAA and serval temporal AA solutions
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AA is the new 60fps.
FXAA is a type of postprocess AA. It means adding a filter on top of the final image that attempts to hide the aliasing.
Jaggies are still really bad at 1080p unless you have something like MSAA x8 and even then, they're really visible.
Cheers, boys. I always assumed SMAA was just a forced form of proper AA used in SweetFX. MLAA is post processed too, right?
>Jaggies are still really bad at 1080p
Aren't jaggied even still an issue at 4kmeme? It reduces them greatly but they're still an issue without PPAA or the like.

>I always assumed SMAA was just a forced form of proper AA
I WISH IT WAS. At least i fucking wish devs would finally use SMAA across the board instead of the cheap as fuck and broken FXAA
And yes, MLAA is also PP. AMDs in house solution just like FXAA is nvidias after the bought it in and combined it with MSAA to the horrible TXAA which is a mix of blurry as fuck PPAA and MSAA
>make the game run worse only to make it blurrier
AA is the worst graphics option ever invented, as soon as I see someone not turning it off I know they got into gaming during last gen and know nothing about vidya.
Yeah MLAA is post. Some techniques have actual AA combined, like TXAA which adds MSAA and a filter together.
>and know nothing about vidya.
Speak for yourself son
ITT: i never played a PC game before the 360 generation
>"People" who don't like AA and prefer disgusting aliasing
I'm kind of like Temporal AA in FO4 since it looks really good when everything is still. It's blur as fuck when moving though, but at least there is less jaggies.
>like TXAA which adds MSAA and a filter together.
TXAA always looked way worse in my experience and I avoid it when I can. You'd think it'd be the opposite but it's really rough around the edges.
Jaggies aren't as bad at 4K they are definitely there. I think the only thing that would actually get rid of jaggies almost fully at 4K aside from AA would be CRT scanlines but that's out of the question.
>i fucking wish devs would finally use SMAA across the board instead of the cheap as fuck and broken FXAA
I think some games have SMAA options that work well but I wouldn't be able to name any.
battlefield 3 had AA on the ps3
>I think some games have
Yeah some but sadly not a lot compared to the FXAA usage

ya, post (FX)AA i bet
Aliasing in 4k is usually only noticeable if you expand the image, if it's downsampled there should be no visible aliasing in most games
battlefield 3 on ps3 used some weird form of AA. it was also quite possibly the worst game fps i played on ps3 due to the fucking 20ms input lag
no,there was literally a anti-aliasing option on the video settings.
didn't know what was the AA settings.
agree,if it weren't for the graphics, battlefield 4 would be so better.
MLAA according to this
FXAA will probably die out eventually but SMAA is easier to optimised for.
Downsampling is kinda like a cheat form of AA.
Any game you run at 4k is downsampled unless your monitor is 4k or above. I wouldn't call it AA. It's just scaling.
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>tfw your bad vision is a free form of AA
>PlayStation 3 implements MLAA - a technology that actively seeks out jaggies and applies smoothing where appropriate. DICE hasn't confirmed what's being used on Xbox 360, but it certainly looks very much like NVIDIA's FXAA
>FXAA will probably die out eventually but SMAA is easier to optimised for.
One can only fucking hope so. It's bad enough most devs have completely given up on actual AA thanks to consoles but they should at least start using decent working PP AA instead of FXAA trash
>360 uses FXAA while PS3 uses MLAA
Oh man what the fuck
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why the fuck did this make me laugh, especially considering my vision is fine
Xbox 360's eDRAM helped out with MSAA

Like Fallout New Vegas had 4xMSAA while PS3 had 0
I hear the Uncharted remastered have a decent PPAA. It's a start I suppose. The FXAA in GTAV wasn't bad either on 360. I'd imagine it's looks a lot worse on PS3, running at sub 720p. Those are two pretty decent example of progress.
In Arma 3 it's better to sample your res higher than to use AA. Game has a built in way to do that
too bad the image quality in general on ps3 looked like fucking ass. i remember the first mission when you're running across some rooftops and the shadows and textures were so bland on the ps3. the constant pop-in would break immersion aswell. one of the worst games ever ported to the ps3. i ended up buying the 360 version instead
GTA V on PS3 actually has better textures. I'm not sure about the AA
>The FXAA in GTAV wasn't bad either on 360
Don't get me wrong but what? After i started GTA5 on my bros 360 i was disgusted by all the AA issues the game had. It got better once i got used to it but jesus christ never have i seen a game with such an bad AA problem.
Pretty sure the press said the same.

This. The Arma series is fucking great thanks to them supporting seperate Menu and 3D sliders for their resolution for perfect downsampling or upsampling if needed
This would be my dream if more games would support it that amazingly well and not so cheap with SSAA which limits the user base extremely
That whole game was aesthetically shit for the most part. BF4 was a step in the right direction in term of having some colour without a blue filter.
Relatively speaking, the FXAA in GTAV produced a less jagged image compared to other games. It's still not amazing but it's a step forward. It's like when your gf makes you a meal that wasn't that great but later she makes you another one with some OK seasoning or something.
>FXAA being the worst of them all.
You mean TXAA?
True true @GTA5. We can only hope for the best that devs improve this simple but very striking matter of fixing the AA issue

TXAA is a mix out of PPAA and actual (MS)AA.
So i wouldn't exactly call it PPAA, meaning it doesn't couts.
FXAA is the worst PPAA, while TXAA is the worst actual AA solution
myopia is a form of FXAA
What about TXAA + sharpening filter?
What about it? Might as well use something good like MSAA with a sharp SMAA config on top.
Seeing that MSAA HAS to be implemented into the engine for TXAA to work in the first place MSAA+SMAA would be the more ideal solution even tho it needs more work from the user.
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