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Red Dead map leaked? They say it's gonna be a prequel
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File: red-dead-map-leak_jfjy.jpg (395 KB, 1327x872) Image search: [Google]
395 KB, 1327x872
Red Dead map leaked?

They say it's gonna be a prequel
Hopefully we're getting a PC port of the second one out of this.
>le old map overlay leak

Probably not real, though it looks to be based on Colorado and New Mexico.

>tfw most outlets keep calling this Read Dead Redemtion 2
>implying it isn't going to be called Rebellion and be its own standalone story because there's nothing left to explore with John or Jack.
>there are people here RIGHT NOW that want this to be connected.
>beachers hope is by a river
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It's gotta be a prequel because RDR was set at the very end times of the Wild West.

Also it looks like the map is at the east of the RDR map.

I fucking swear if we're not getting a PC release at the same time as the consoles I'm gonna buy a fucking PS4.
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Do it!! It's the best system on the market!

>Get Bloodborne too.
Don't worry if Rockstar pulls the same bullshit they did with GTA 5 I will. Letting people wait 2 damn years longer than others just because they play on a different platform, fuck that shit.
So you're going to do exactly what they want and buy a console. That'll show 'em!
I don't think there's any chance RDR will be ported. RDR2 however has a good chance. They might release it "exclusively" for current gen consoles, and then do like with GTA V and release the PC version a year later.
I don't get this
That's not a river, retard, the purple lines are territory markers, the blue lines are rivers.
Why do Rockstar care, they don't make consoles
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>They say it's gonna be a prequel
They say many things.
Hey look at that ! Another RDR2 rumour
Every Rockstar game supposedly has their map leaked early and it never turns out to be real.
gta 5 map was
The different coloured regions make it look like an MMO map
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