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(you) are
obv not inspired by the movie
pic of le dying black kid
Stop shilling this.
Imagine a Ghostbusters game (original crew) which plays like XCOM.
Build a base. Research new tech. Respond to "ghost attacks". Ship out in the Ecto-1.
I would jizz.
I wonder if this is going to be one of those rare occurrences of the game being better than the movie
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Wouldn't take much of an effort.
The nigress doesn't look like shit, so it's an improvement.
I just wonder, if they were so inclusive that they have such a DIVERSE cast, why is there 1 black person and 3 white people with blue eyes, so pretty white white like Germanic?
You'd think that they'd want to do something else other than apologize fro slavery
>that giant nigress
Jesus christ
Ghostbusters on NES

You upgrade your gear, upgrade your ecto I, go to ghost attacks, capture ghosts and shit.

>mumbled ebonics
>A camera flashes as i drift into the abyss

every fucking time
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Haha, yeah.
Too bad the game was shit.
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>who hype?

Fucking no one? the film is apparently so bad that the higher ups have written it off already and are throwing the director under the bus to excuse the shitfest so a game based on something so toxic can't be anything to be hype over.

Just replay Ghostubsters 3.
There are more races than cast members, so it's not like they could have pleased everyone. Right now they have one member per discrimination group: hag (age), non-white (racE), fat (weight) and dyke (sexuality).
When I was a child I've completed it and thought it was one of the greatest GHOSTBUSTERS GAMES (I didn't have any other)
>There are more races than cast members
Mixed people are the solution
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Ghostcontrol Inc is a no frills take on that. It gets old after a while but it's alright.
Of course.
I've finished a lot of shitty games too, just because it was all I had at the moment, or because I'd rented it for the weekend and had to play it.
That feeling when you pop in a game and realize you rented pure shit.
But for what purpose?
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>Ooga booga whitey be hatin
Oh wow! Thanks!
This actually looks a bit fun.
oh hey there're doing N64 games again ?
>two guys
>both chiks are hot

It really isn't
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Oh, cool, I'll wait a couple months after release for the price to drop to $9.99 and then gift it to someone that I hate.

Literally will not even consider buying.
No way that is real! That's brilliant!
They released a fun Ghostbusters game a few years back, just go play that

Thread theme

This movie killed that kid with disappointment.
Reminder that there have been only two good Ghostbusters games created so far. The Sega Genesis one and the canonical one released in 2009.

That's actually really fun.
When has that ever happened before?

Faggots she's pretty okay considering she BTFO'd stupid Twitter bitches that were crying about her character being the only non-academic among the four main characters.

>white nerds: fuck that's racist
>black person: it's not racist, it's inclusive
>white nerds: oh my fucking god that is so inclusive and brave I am literally crying right now and how beautiful this is

How do these leftists expect to get anywhere when everything they argue about is so incredibly subjective?
no thx.... i'm sure the writing will be terrible as fuck since it's all done by retarded sjws.
>moviegame for that thing
good luck
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I didn't even know the movie was out
NoA once again proves that they don't know shit
Marlon is just tanned though
it's obviously fake, retard
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no u
Is the ghostbusters movie actually good aside the women debacle? If you are a /pol/cuck goober I don't give a shit about your opinion, I only want to hear what fans of the originals have to say.
The reboot isn't out until July 15th. I don't why everyone is thinking it's out already.
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That actress on the left was really hot in that one movie where she is a cheating housewife with that dumb ass pool boy. However, she looks terrible in these screenshots of the movie.
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Every fucking time
I didn't know, I haven't cared for GB in years and I wouldn't even know about this reboot if /vpol/ didn't sperg about it for the past few months.
Who'd wanna see a Ghostbusters movie starring old women that look they literally any other on the planet?
X Men Origins Wolverine Video Game
*smack lips*
We already got a Ghostbuster game that was basically Ghostbusters 3.

No one with a brain cares about this game or the upcoming movie.
What if I told you that person on the right is actually a dyke?
Star Wars Pod Racer
It it was damn near perfect.
Wait a minute, are those male characters or dykes?

If male characters i'm gonna get triggered.
Chronicles of Riddick.
The redhead looks really cute desu.
what movie
This image will be the best thing to come out of the whole movie.
But people crying about racism will say they don't count. In reality they're actually some of the most racist people out there.
I think he means Extract.
>6.2 / 10
Thanks anyway
movie gon' flop

game gon' b shit
i actually just bought a dirt cheap used copy for 360 last night. fucking awesome game im surprised
The redhead looks like she internally regrets the entire thing. I wonder if she's aware.
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Spiderman 2
is it really?

i honestly can't tell

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>top down shootan multiplayer shit
looks generic and safe as fuck

also i find it hilarious they dont even use the characters from the movie, like they know its going to be such a collosal fuck up, that they want to dissasociate the game from the film as much as they can or they're listening to the roar hating the all female cast.
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