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Is a game only as good as it's director?
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Is a game only as good as it's director?
Kubrick's analogy is flawed here because somebody else writes the story for and composes the score for a film, unless he seriously wants to do all of that himself.

You also have complete control over the actors in a novel, and musicians train for thousands of hours to perfectly perform your symphony. Hollywood actors are hobos with a few years of acting school and attractive faces.
Video games are a collaborative effort without a talented and synergistic team that works well together is far more important than strong direction or overwhelming domination of one field.
1-3: go to bed
4-6: play on PS4
7-9: play on Vita
0: fap
Trips: kill self
Haha you gotta play on Vita loser.
This applies in indie development, but other games? Genres? Do AAA FPS need to have a creative vision, do MMOs or RTSs?
>one man makes a film
>one man plays every character while also managing to film himself
>Do AAA FPS need to have a creative vision, do MMOs or RTSs?
Yes, games would generally be much better if they weren't designed by committee
The film must be one man's vision
Yes. Vision should only come from one source, that doesnt mean it doesnt take talent to make that vision a reality. Thats where the team comes in.
you guys are underestimating how much control a director has over a movie. everything goes through him, the second most powerful man involved in the production is only in charge of marketing.
You wouldn't be able to create a game on the scale of Pillars of Eternity of New Vegas with one writer.
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Jokes on you. I'm gonna fap in my bed remote playing the PS4 version of Dead or Alive X3 on my Vita while slowly dying from natural cells aging process.
a director isn't the same thing as a writer, especially in video games
it means there's one person, the lead designer, in charge of everything
1-5 fap
6-9 vidya
0 go to bed early
multi-digits shitpost
Wut you gonna fap to fampai?

Also roll.
>Video games are a collaborative effort without a talented and synergistic team
That's just a lie.
Look at something like Dwarf Fortress, look at Cave Story. Yes, having a big team that collaborates on on a game is very prevalent in the industry, but it's hardly necessary, and, in fact, I think it's harmful in a sense. You certainly have a lot of people to filter out bad ideas that, if it was just a single person making the game, might have been implemented, and you have the most professional people doing the jobs that they're best at, rather than a few people doing jobs that they haven't specialized at.
However, the problem with the former is that you also lose ambitious ideas that are risky. These are easy to argue against, and if even a few members dissent against a risky idea it could be discarded. I don't have to explain to you how often AAA games play it safe to the point of utter mediocrity. The problem with the latter is threefold:
1. Professionals in specialize art-fields are good in a technical sense. Yngwie Malmsteen is really good at the guitar. Like, really fucking good, but what album of his will be remembered for decades to come as one of the most important albums of all time? Compare his output to that of The Velvet Underground's output. They have established themselves so firmly in rock's canon with their first free albums, as an incredible influence on so many bands that came after them, and yet they could barely play their instruments. The fact is they were better artists and worse musicians than Malmsteen, and that's why they'll be remembered over the more professional musicians.
Secondly, lets assume we get a group of great artists, not just in the technical and professional sense, but in a human sense. Look to music again: supergroup outputs can be worse than the outputs of their individual artists. It would seem that if you just put together enough amazing artists,
that you'll get something special, but this just isn't the case due to conflicting viewpoints and, I assume, a myriad of other problems.
Finally, if you throw enough people inputting ideas together on an artistic project, you can lose the human element. You get a sort of vague mist of humanness with nothing solid to grab on to. Every one of the team can input a personal touch to their specific job, but the outcome may be that all these personal touches come together to be incoherent and dissonant. When it's just one person or a few working on a project, it can, if done right, become very personal, and I think that we, or at least I, long for that in art. I love the candid, and I wouldn't give it up for a multi-million dollar budget and a team of professionals any day, not that these are necessarily mutually exclusive, but it at least feels that they often are.
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I seriously hope you don't actually believe all this dumb shit you just typed

The executive producer has final say when it comes to established franchises.
I'm pretty drunk.
I should add an addendum to that, because it doesn't fully express how I feel:
you are a faggot.
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