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So what are the chances of Bethesda letting Obsidian have a shot
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So what are the chances of Bethesda letting Obsidian have a shot at Fallout again in a couple of years? I think they can take the engine of 4 and make it into an actual competent product.
I still can't believe what a turd Fallout 3 was after 4+ years in developement. Bethesda forced Obsidian to push out New Vegas in 18 months, imagine what they could have done with a full year.
>competent product
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Never. Obsidian wants to do it but Bethesda is so embarrassed by how much better NV was than 3 and 4 they won't give them the license out of pride.
I would reread your post.
But, yeah I agree

New Vegas, at least from my memory, is the only RPG where choices don't boil down to 1. Kill the bad guy 2. Don't kill the bad guy

For that, It's a step above the rest.
There are a few more, but I get your point.
>take core mechanics from F3
>other mechanics from popular mods
Only thing they did was the story and faction reputation. It's basically an instable standalone addon for Fallout 3. A good one.
Yeah bro just look at metacritic etc.
NV is a good Fallout game but most people in this world thought 3 was a better game in 2008 than NV was 2011.
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>Bethesda forced Obsidian to push out New Vegas in 18 months, imagine what they could have done with a full year.
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what was wrong with fo4 op? are you saying no to this face?
>18 months
>full year
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>still falling for this b8 pasta after it's posted in literally every new vegas thread ever
that wasn't me dumbass, you're still an idiot for taking the bait
Fallout 4 and 3 were fucking filled with stuff.
The stories were weak as fuck, I did not expect more but shit, there are so many fucking little things in 4, as I've been playing 4 and NV kind of simultaneously you can clearly see that the Mojave was empty as fuck, despite having a vastly superior story.
Every vanilla location in NV had no static items.
I've installed a mod for 4 to remove some clutter and it still had a metric shit ton more.
Highways, stairways, treehouses, vertical fucking mobility, lab equipment, cleaning stuff, etc.
That's something people don't notice that often when comparing those games.
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>mfw people think branching in quests makes them automaticly good

I do understand why people might like this, but to me is the same as the "open world argument" just because its open world exploration doesn't mean it's automaticly superior to say "a hallway"

A quest or a story that is about "Kill X" can be just as or more engaging than "Do A, B, C or D", it's all on the writing

This is a problem that is similar to the Skyrim vs. Oblivion argument, where objectively Oblivion is the better game on paper and RPG elements but Skyrim is just much more fun to play through

The same happens to me with FO4 and NV, even though i love NV to death, there has been many times where i've gotten bored in NV due to how its designed and this is a thing that never happens in FO4, i never get bored in FO4 is just that it doesn't has much going for, it has interesting ideas but no depth to them, is it a shit game? No it's not

FO4 is currently a guilty pleasure for me because i can literally run around and i can find something to shoot, i don't get bored with that game even if it is a piece of shit
>thinks skyrim is more fun to play than oblivion
>thinks fallout 4 is more fun to play than oblivion
>even though according to his point that it's all in the writing of the quests, new vegas>fo4 and oblivion>skyrim

you okay anon?
Imagine a Obsidian Elder Scrolls game
I think it's because nobody gives a fuck about having endless useless clutter when the story and dialogue are so shit. I can play New Vegas as so many different characters but roleplay in Fo4 is nearly impossible.
I'll give you the dialogue options but NV only had one so many options
>NCR ending
>Legion ending
>House ending
>Independent ending
>fluff for the ending slideshow

Not trying to defend Fallout 4, the story is pure shit but if you can replay NV more than three times you have enough autism to play any games multiple times.
>he didn't play E.Y.E. more than 7 times to find a real ending
what are you, a jian?
>he thinks the number of endings must somehow = the number of ways to play the game
Yeah it's fun for 20 levels then you've got enough skills at 40 to be a demigod anyway.
>not using jsawyer
>not using all the oodles of balancing mods there are
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Fallout Dialogue.png
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It's the only one from the current decade, that's for damn sure.

I genuinely believe it's the best FO game period. Pic related too, I actually like NV dialogue system better than even 1 or 2.
>enough skills at 40
40 isn't high enough to pass a lot of skill checks or even get many of the good perks.
It would be cool if the map was bigger and it expanded more into the heartlands of the NCR and legion.
Also they kept mentioning a gang called the 88's in the honest hearts dlc which sounds cool
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Anyone know where I can buy a good new vegas shirt / tank / hoodie with house or independent / yes man on it ?

Found a guy who had shirts of these but he only had NCR and legion , what a cuck
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