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Wii U selects
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File: selects.jpg (173 KB, 1000x500) Image search: [Google]
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Reminder that today is the release date of the Wii U selects line.

Which games are you going to get, fellow Europeans? I got my Wii U only a couple of weeks ago, so I don't own any of these games yet. I'll eventually probably going to get them all except for that Lego game. But at first I'm going to pick up NSMB, I guess.
Lego GTA anygud?
desu I've waited this long, I'll just keep waiting for 5.5 hack
I wish burgerland got NSMBU instead of SM3DW.
eeh, I only don't have Lego and Wii Party.

What else do burgers get?
>Tropical Dong
Already have that one.

>Lego City
Not interested in Lego.


>Nintendo Land

>Zelda: WW HD
Already have that one.

>Wii Party U
>>Nintendo Land

Nintendo Land is a great party game, mate. I've played it with friends before and couldn't stop laughing. But you can still get the normal version for pretty cheap.
Not really. The story is good, but the core gameplay is average, and the driving is far too floaty.
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wii u.jpg
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I thought pic related was for all regions, but either OP's pic shows a second wave of nintendo selects, or this is in fact just an NA pic
For Wii U
Pikmin 3
NES remix
Dong Freeze
I don't have friends who like party games, though.
That's for USA/Canada.
File: Surely you jestin.png (20 KB, 400x425) Image search: [Google]
Surely you jestin.png
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Most of these are 10-12 pound on ebay and amazon, who the fuck do they think they're fooling with this?
NES Remix Wii U was never even released as retail in Europe.

And Pikmin 3 is already cheap to pickup here.
NSMBU sure as hell isn't. It has become extermely expensive, which is especially true for the Luigi U bundle. So I'm glad that it is getting a cheap re-release.
Get Dong Freeze first. Best 2D platformer in a long, long time.

3D World is a better game.
Your friends sound fucking boring.
They are.
I know that it's better but 3DW was bundled with the wii u for a long ass time, so I already have it. Meanwhile, I'd rather not drop 60 bucks for NSMBU.
European here that feels exactly the other way round.
Wished we'd gotten SM3DW as part of that campaign.
Why? New copies of 3D World are like 40€, while NSMBU + Luigi U would have cost you like 70-80€.
I hadn't checked prices.

I'm assuming they'd drop either way, if SM3DW was included, though.
NSMBU is really good if you can get over the name

It's like a proper sequel to SMW
NSMBU is actually good anon. Music and graphical style aside, it is a very fun, varied and well made 2D platformer. Not better than tropical dong, which you already have, but definitely better than SMW. At least gameplay wise.
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