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This game mayne. Just going into the abyss is too much for me.
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This game mayne. Just going into the abyss is too much for me.
No point discussing it with /v/. Half of them are children that got burned playing Natural Selection 2 free weekends.
Renaming the sea moth was a mistake

Deepsea threads are normally pretty popular here. Subnautica does this shit pretty well. Especiallly when you're at 400m depth during the night.
Anybody got a link to a proper lazy persons guide to getting started in this game? I just want to build bases and subs and go deep, but all the guides I have are like a year old and none of the crafting works the same way anymore.

Natural Selection 2 was shit however.

Worse community than DOTA2, and perhaps even worse than the Melee community.

No getting in, but who'd want to?

This still goes. Just play peaceful if you don't wanna be bothered by food and water needs.
cheers m8

I went out to find the floater island and ran into these guys. Now I don't want to leave the safe shallows ever again. Playing this with VR will be traumatic..
Wait until they get the bigger monsters in the game.
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