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>Blizzard finally illustrates that light isn't always
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>Blizzard finally illustrates that light isn't always good and dark isn't always bad
>they make what is probably the best race in WoW lore blossom to full potential in Warlords of Draenor

The Burning Crusade was a mistake.
>mfw Tetsuya and Nomura are creative consultants
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Which is total horseshit because the Arak events happened parallel to the iron horde bullshit, not directly related to them. In some cases being triggered a millenia before the orcs even mattered.

They just want to wipe their hands of the whole alternate dimension failtrain.

They also can't touch moral gray areas because the fans lack the mental capacity to understand it.
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>finally illustrates that light isn't always good
Wow, what a new and fresh development
Mograine did literally nothing wrong though
besides killing his own father after being corrupted like a lil' bitch by a dreadlord?
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Just post Garrosh next time
corruption by memelords doesnt count, that happens at the writers convenience.
it counts, and mograine got rightfully bitchslapped for it
Except never has Blizzard really had major lore themes where shadow users weren't just bad people. It was literally a battle of good dark magic users versus bad light magic users. This wasn't just a case of some Light users purging other Light users. Fuck's sake, one of the bosses is even what I guess could be their "god of light".
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nigga they even have death knights as good people

the fuck are you smoking
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WoW has fantastic lore.

Just not the generic frontloaded garbage meant for furryphobic memeparroting edgelords.
When I say "dark" magic, I mean dark. Literally. Shadow magic, not death magic.

Most shadow magic seems to get represented as association with warlocks. Which is why it's so refreshing, because it's true dark magic, as well as a flip of morals.

Shadow magic gets little love. Shadowmancers are even a thing and yet we only get to play as warlocks to use shadow magic. And thus it gets lumped with goddamn fel magic.
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Are you trying to talk shit on my Panda lore? Niggas literally more boss than any other race in Azeroth.
>Shadowmancers are even a thing and yet we only get to play as warlocks to use shadow magic
What are shadow priests anon
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Playable arakkoa when?
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Maybe on Azeroth, but the Arakkoa have to take the cake as best race in WoW lore.

Also, those lady pandas make my testicles tingle. I'm not a furry, so this alarms me.
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>Dark Magic is more evil than DEATH MAGIC
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>Not enough tits. Never Ever


>Pandaria Lore is actually incredible outside the main story

>Tirion wrestled morally with his past and present and his duties as a paladin when just a side quest in Vanilla Strath
>Becomes a gary stu as soon as he is thrown into the central plot trunk of Wrath

It's true. Whatever gets userfaced to normies inevitably becomes shit so it can be dumbed down for them.
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When ogres are a thing, too.

Which is never.
Considering the crazy detail in the fallen and risen models, seems a shame to just let them rot


Ogres are always a thing, they seem to be fucking everywhere
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