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It's a shame Gex didn't have more skyboxes because
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File: The_Buccaneer_Program_3.png (22 KB, 400x300) Image search: [Google]
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It's a shame Gex didn't have more skyboxes because that's some fine art.
holy shit
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Nah, the FMVs were pretty amazing and quirky
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Scream TV.png
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Come to think of it, Gex had fine art in general.
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not to mention clever word play
why were these games so damn spooky

you felt so far away playing these, like an alien's idea of western civilization.
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>Encountering these fuckers in the Egyptian level
Probably from the late night atmosphere.
And the screaming.
I just remember playing a ninja level that spooked me, a spooky level that spooked me the fuck out, an army theme level that was really stressful and a cool pirate one. It was just too hard I never finished it no matter how many times I rented it.

I remember I took a disposable kodak picture of the back of the instruction booklet. It was a picture of GEX in front of the american flag all dressed up in army gear. I'm not even american.
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I did it all for Gex.png
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it was worth it

They made Gex merchandise? Nice.
These were really good games.
those were rare, given away during the release of Gex 3 as a promotional item
If only there was a fun game somewhere in there.

Don't respond to it. It's what they want.
I dont mind, it is /v/ after all.
There's a lot of cool ideas, and I want to enjoy the games, but ultimately what ends up happening is wandering back through the level with a fairly poor camera looking for collectibles while Gex rattles off the same one-liner for the seventeenth time, and it stopped being funny about the third time.
Gex is a pretty middle of the road collect-a-thon, and I'm not all that big a big fan of collect-a-thons in general.
The concept, ability-set, and way the comedy is handled would lend themselves much better to something more linear, I feel. Or at the very least, to something with less focus on just collecting. The Rayman 2 sort of approach, basically.
Thats more like it, thank you
We all know Square-Enix owns our Gex now, right?
"My nipples feel like snow peas"
>Be a kid playing Gex 64
>Sherlock Holmes themed level with garden maze
>Activate some switch
>Walk back into a room I was recently in only to notice the stuffed bears are gone and are now patrolling the area

That shit spooked me hard.
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Dana Gould had the best Gex voice
Probably has a lot to do with 90's 3D graphics. Games were generally spookier at that time. Specially on the PS1.
just the draw distance but the sound effects too really make for spooky atmosphere no matter the theme of the level.

Yes, but what some DON'T know is they're outsourcing Gex to indie developers, because touching the IP would be too much effort.
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I remember the controls to the 3D games being awful. I'm surprised I beat it when I was younger.
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