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Don't do this to me
Dumb as it sounds, I still miss it. Not long until it'll be a decade since it got knocked off its perch ;_;
post ivy lewds
>2008 was 8 years ago
>2009 was 7 years ago
>I can recall watching shitty Gmod videos and laughing more vividly than yesterday when I was playing vidya disinterestedly
I miss the golden times of TF2 more
>watching youtube poops in 2008
>I almost die laughing
>go and rewatch the same exact ones today
>sensible chuckle

The better and happier times will never come back
I had the same with the idiots of Garry's Mod. Half-Life: Full Life Concequences still cracks me up though
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>Mfw 2008 is legitimately a long time ago now

first time i heard of gmod was on attack of the show

i actually liked that show, and i thought kevin pereira was great, but chris hardwick was better
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