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So now films also, months in advance, are attempting to normalize
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So now films also, months in advance, are attempting to normalize pre-orders?

Pre-ordering movie tickets has been around for many, many, many years.

Shit, I remember my 8th birthday where we all went to see Jurassic Park: The Lost World and my parents ordered tickets 2 months in advance.
They've been doing that for years.
I'm not even a movie person, but they've always done this.
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>OP has only now left under the rocks of how movies theaters work because of a warcraft movie

>there are people on /v/ right now born after the year 2000

Movie reservations are real common famalamingo
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Could stretching a film out unnecessarily (like the Hobbit being padded into a trilogy instead of trying to make one good film) be a sign of DLC culture leaking?
Damn, I didn't realise this was a thing. t. older than most of you, I just don't go to movies.
Could DVD and Blu-ray commentary and extras be considered on disc DLC?
Why would you pick the shitty example that is preordering tickets for the Warcraft movie instead of using the perfect example of the Assassin's Creed movie preorders with physical rewards?
If you want to see movies the day they come out in a busy area, the only way you're getting a middle back row seat is pre-ordering it.
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