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What games feature dark elves? Please keep it video game related.
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Thread replies: 45
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What games feature dark elves?
Please keep it video game related.
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>that shit stained ass
Such shit taste.
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Elves, man.png
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Didn't we just have this thread
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Dunmer are the best Elves!
That's a cute boy
Go away you cringey sub.
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Skyrim enables to make you hot vanilla race elves with mods. http://www.tesgeneral.com/ and especially the waifu section has everything you need.
Dragon's Dogma technically has no elves, but the extensive character creation has darker and irregular skin colors, plus you can customize the ears to be pointy and elf-like.
Weak bait to be quite honest with (you)
Drow > all other elves
Lineage II. It's a piece of shit now, but I've had good memories of the early days.
It's not rape if you're a slut.
>What is pretending you are not enjoying it when you actually are
baka senpai
Is there a mod, or a way to make brown elf girls with white hair in Skyrim?
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Good Orcs.jpg
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Oi! Elf gerl
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a respectable elven lady.png
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Now i wanna masturabte to elf hentai , but my roomate is here. FUCK YOU.
Any and all D&D games.
Go in the bathroom you blockhead
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Record of Argarest War
You could always ask your roomate if they want to play a game of pretend about the Elf and the Orc.
Think that's bad? I've had a catheter in for a month. My balls are like boulders.
Go to the closet, nig.
I'd rape you
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White elves > Dark elves Also
Elves are for __________
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I want to cum deeply inside the womb of a dark elf and take responsibility!
Loving and protecting.
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Please anon my dick needs a break
>you will never be a bitchy young Dark Elf girl
>you will never one day leave your ancient homeland after you turn 18 to travel and complete the rites of adulthood
>you will never run into a young, aspiring adventure on the road
>you will never abuse him and treat him like shit yet accompany him on his adventures as you learn about this strange new land
>you will never gradually mature and soften as your dere side slowly shows through the tsun
>you will never tell him that the rite of adulthood means losing your virginity to a human
>you will never nervously engage in tender, loving sex as your rite is complete
>you will never be captured by virile orcs only to be rescued yet feel a little sad that you weren't raped as your latent Elven slut sexuality develops
>you will never continue to travel the land on exciting adventures and tease and belittle your mate and then turn to jelly everytime you both rest and are roughly penetrated as payback
I guess I'm going to panda express early this week
See you there
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only acceptable answer
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>posting dryads
one job anon
are you okay anon?
>tfw you will never have a qt orc gf to snu-snu with
Why even live.
Yeah, it's coming out next week if all goes well. Thanks for your concern fellow fapper.
More from this artist pls
Google it yourself nigger.
I'm so sorry, anon. Why is there an alien object in your urethra?

At least you'll be able to fap furiously once that thing's out.
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1 MB, 540x531
pls no bully!
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Google it yourself nigger.
shut up bitch
Had urethroplasty to remove scar tissue. Protect your junk from saddle injury lads, shit ain't fun.
Thread replies: 45
Thread images: 18

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