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is the game any fun?
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is the game any fun?
I like it, not much content right now but for the first game that rooster teeth made it runs suprisingly well.
Theres only 4 characters and about 4-5 levels in the campaign right now, so theres not to much content

The developers are listening to the community about suggestions and what they should add so thats a plus. I can't think of anything bad about the game gameplay wise, everything is suprisingly sound, if anything its just a really short game, you could probably go through the campaign in a few hours.
It's fun in coop
If you like watered down Musou games packed with bugs and generic anime cliches, sure.
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typical RWBY song lyrics.jpg
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>thinly veiled RWBY thread
you can't fool me anon
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>it's another RWBY thread

Jesus OP, you have to be the same guy asking the same question over and over again. I like RWBY too, but all your gonna do is attract shitposters. You've been spamming the same "Is Grimm eclipse good?" Thread for the past 4 days now.

I don't care if /RWBYg/ is shit, just take this anywhere else.
I've never even watched the show, my only experience with anything rwby is that futa pic of the blonde girl made by aka6. I just want a new brawler type game to play.
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what if ffv was a girl.webm
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Just play the Symphogear game
Oh wait
Your webm filename is wrong
Go away already
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100 in unarmed.webm
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I was too busy killing myself over the lack of a Symphogear game to remember the right final fantasy
Too bad he's dead.
>that futa pic of the blonde girl made by aka6
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>is it fun
a little. a lot of the combat needs to be reworked but it's much better than the simple shit it used to be.

>early access
So this is suppose to be satire or..?
no way people genuinely think this is good or cool.
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>said the rwbyfag
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the only time where I have seen such fluid gameplays regarding fps has been on 4chan webms, I'll never know how is it like to play like that
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I love these threads.

>2 posts talking about the game.
>30% of the posts talking about how they can't understand why anyone likes RWBY.
>70% of the posters posting waifus

I'm not a big fan of RWBY myself, but I can't bring myself to hate the fanbase. Unlike pretty much every fanbase on the planet (especially Soulsfags,) they're entirely self-aware that they enjoy a trash show, and don't care what shitposters think because it's a guilty pleasure for them to begin with. The most praise I've ever heard is "Yeah it's shit, but it's slowly improving" which I can't really argue because I haven't watched it.

I wish more fanbases could be like the RWBY fanbase. No sense of superiority, no elitism about their chosen franchise, just people discussing what they enjoy about it.

Bitch about them all you want, the vast majority of you faggots could learn from RWBYfags.
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i don't know why people flip the fuck about i like the show and i know parts of it need to get better and the game is fun
>posts talking about how they can't understand why anyone likes RWBY.
I like rwby because it feels like something stuck in the 2000s. a simpler time. a time where every game video on youtube was set to linkin park
Why does everyone look like they came from AA2?
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str vs dex.webm
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christ, this is some of the most horrid movement I've ever seen. the models are nice though, sfm porn when?
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>grabs her leg at one point
>Throws her immediately afterwards
Nah, see, there's the point where this strength vs dex argument woulda ended.
A real str build would have grappled the bitches leg into a vice and then proceeded to pummel the living shit out of her now that she couldn't move.

You can remove a characters mobility, you can't remove their strength unless you got like, drugs or something.
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More like Shitty Martial Artist VS Mary sue.

>That shit animation
>That "hurrr durr SLUT SMASH" tier brawler that has no adaptibility whatsoever.

0/100 would not even spar with.
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Is this like a free browser-based game thing? I'm familiar with the MMD series rwby, but not this flash game here...
This, What the hell kinda brawler is this chick? she should of kept on her and smashed the annoying umbrilla check's face in with those gauntlets of hers, in fact, why the hell did she not start throwing boxes and shit. Arugh, people call this good? It's just a bunch of fancy attacks designed to look cool instead of actual combat. This looks like the same bullshit where older characters tend to job their asses off so the younger characters can kick ass.
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>you can't remove their strength unless you got like, drugs or something.
or a sword
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see like i said trying to hard to hate it
>feeling bad when you know she's just gonna get some sick ass robo arm
do you even anime cliches?
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Holy shit you're the same faggot who said that yesterday or a few days back in RWBY thread. I was just lurking then, but here you are, shill and viralfriend. Are you more than 12? Do you visit RT's website more than reddit? There is no such thing as trying to hate something, when the flaws are obvious.
>literally anime made by westerners and twisted through their autistic edgy view
>made for potatoes
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>I've never even watched the show,
Shittest of writing, really bad animation, bad voice acting, interesting fighting animations, they are the main focus but not really all that good either, not very smooth, too abrupt and often with weird physics.
are we going to have this thread every single day
how did monty die?
he said as long as it gets a response he will make it
Sharp edges work suprisingly well against fast people too.
Or any real weapon for that matter.
he's not wrong. I still like it though, there's something weirdly charming about a show that feels like it came from the mind of a 14 year old girl punk girl from 2005
>wait no, okay. the main character is a teenager who wields a giant scythe that's also a sniper rifle but also transforms into a heavy gun. also, she wears red and black.
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All I know about RWBY is this doujin that I've fapped to about 30 times.
We have much worse threads multiple times a day.
seeing you idiots get so mad at this show is fucking crazy
not /a/ related

No I fucking mean it, this Martial Artist is shit at what she does. You don't fucking rush someone you have no experience fighting with retarded combinaisons and expect it to fucking work. Save your energy, use your goddamn head and strike when it's the most opportunate moment. The umbrella Mary Sue actually understood that much. wait for the retard to flail and, then, punish.
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>play weiss
>freeze everything
this shit has so much potential, it's already fun to just fight mobs of enemies with other people. they better not fuck it up.
>Starts by walking up and punching her
>Gets BTFO
>Neapolitan ice cream sits down and waits for her
>Literally walks up and tries to punch her
>Gets BTFO again
nigga, I was agreeing that the show is bad.
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>weiss doujin
sad panda, here I cum
thanks, anon
> they're entirely self-aware that they enjoy a trash show
Only on 4chan. You go anywhere else and there are people that think RWBY is actually quite good.
You faggots are almost as bad as JoJo fags trying to spread your shit all over /v/ just because your shitty animation had a game or two. Please fuck off to /co/ where this belongs.
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i keep forgetting my password
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you mad
What the hell is the appeal?
The only thing I see is wafius, is that it?
>give player a move that launches them into the air
>enemy doesn't go up with them
>can't combo from it at all
why would you do this?
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forgot webm
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fucking top tier fap
It's basically Dynasty Warriors with less characters, less enemies at once, less enemy variety, less attacks, less maps, less music, less polygons per model, less responsive controls. Generally less everything.
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