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Games only you have played
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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 33
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The game inside pic related
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it was shit
How is that by the way? It looked like a fun casual game, but does it have staying power? Or does it get repetitive easily?
It is definitely casual and not very strategic but it has a nice aesthetic and is moderately engaging.
But does it have things that change over several games? Or is it just "get the high score"?
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I'm still playing this
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You slowly unlock more starter cards but they don't really matter.
It's more of a high score puzzle game, it is absolutely NOT a city sim in any way.
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It was actually a really good game.
Yeah, I knew that, just wanted to know if there was any progression. Thanks!

I played this too, OP.

Yes, it's 100% a puzzler and one with a really steep difficulty curve.

It's not so bad once you actually work out the correct strategy to use, but the jump in difficulty between after the first 4 levels or so is really brutal and will probably catch a lot of people off guard.
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>tfw zero fanart of your waifu
Forgot picture famalam
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large medical company.png
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speaking of indies.

i really enjoy this, the progression is great, the variance on challenges is alright, and they're still giving it fairly regular updates

I love space management shit so much
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Best N64 game
Oh yeah, shits good.
Have you tried factorio? Great logistics game, you should check it out.
yeah, my coffee hasn't quite reached my brain yet
me and a bro launched the rocket three days ago, factorio and big pharma go so great together, very similar in terms of space and efficiency management but so vastly different otherwise

man video games have been enjoyable for me as of late. weed helps
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First ever game I ever played as a kid for the ps1, never seen or heard anything about it afterwards. Its a Metal Slug clone with a more Animu mecha/robot theme, but with fucking awesome boss designs, music and stages, like british flail bot in top right.
remember when that one guy just takes a shit on the ground and runs off
You should get some mods and play it some more.
Toxic jungle, ion cannon for late game, RSO for making trains viable, nuclear power, the list goes on and on...
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we're going to find something else to play and come back to the game a few updates down the road, probably with a mod or two. I tried a lightly modded game on a server but the folks I was playing with made me look like a drooling retard with their spectacular setup, and actually tore down every single thing I built, so i kinda associate mods with pissiness currently hah

I'm actually mired in fucking minecraft of all things right now, the 1.9 update actually, and this shocks the fucking PANTS off of me, actually optimized the game and made it run well for me, for the first time since probably the halloween update. Alpha and early beta ran fine but as soon as they fucked with lighting and adding nether portals things started to bog down and it kept getting worse, despite me upgrading PCs at least 3 times

I'll probably fucking trap myself in whatever 1.9 technic modpack comes out first too
ugh, fucking minecraft
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I played this like half a year ago and it's still great. I just ordered the GameCube Version

Hey anon, go to /toy/ and visit /biog/
There are generals on /vg/ for this game, bro.
Custom Robo is fucking great, I wish they didn't let it die so miserably.
As for the NGC version be prepared for the deviantart-tier art.
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jesus, I kinda tried to mentally figure out which computers i got and when and realized the halloween update was over half a decade ago
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Played it with my cousin.
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My sister and I played the fuck out of this game
Thread replies: 33
Thread images: 16

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