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Is Resident Evil any good? I got gifted Resident Evil HD Remaster,
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Is Resident Evil any good? I got gifted Resident Evil HD Remaster, Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster, Resident Evil 4 on PC.

Which one should I start with?

Maybe you should fucking play them instead of posting on a Vietnamese sewing image board.
HD Remaster, then 0 then 4.

You can skip 0 if you want, its not really as good as Remaster and the only redeeming quality is Rebecca.

I would say play them in release order. REmake, 0, then 4.
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Rhetorical question, or seriously underaged?
RESI literally coined and "created" the survival-horror genre!

REmake is easily THE ultimate, best version of RE1. It's a lot bigger and far prettier than the PS1 original, and the HD port's OK as well.

I'd play the games in release order (1-4). You can emulate 2 and 3 easily on any kind of PC made in the past decade and half.

After that, consider checking out the original SH games 1-4.
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>recommend release order
>no mention of playing 2 and 3
what the fuck's wrong with you?

>skip 0

How about you skip yourself all the way to the grave.

0 isn't as good as REmake, but REmake is literally a 10/10 goat tier game. RE0 pales in comparison sure. But it's still a good game on it's own. At least an 8/10. If he played 0 before REmake he'd probably love it.


You should go back and play all of them in release order.

RE1, RE2, RE3 then REmake and 0 and so on until 4. Also try Outbreak, it's really nice.
Why world you ask when you already own them? This isn't Reddit
Hey i loved those 2 and they are my favorites, was just saying that order because thats what OP said he had at the moment.

The thread was literally about to 404 I had to post fast. I made another post >>333179595 recommending just that.

Playing 1, 2 and 3 first is definitely recommended, since going back to them after Remake will be odd, and you will miss out on good games.
4 would be the most easy starting point for plebs, it's easy, fun and most "modern" as far as mechanics and controls go.

If you dig it and want something a bit more survival horror heavy and all around serious then play the rest, first 1 and then 0.

That was Alone in the Dark mate but i agree with the rest.
I'd skip 0, until later. It's more of a game for preexsisting fans of the games.

I'd say you only 'need' to play 3 of them: 1, 2 and 4.

I'd suggest playing throught he original 1996 version of 1 first, it'll make the remake so much better. then play RE2, then remake, then 4.

The others aren't needed but fun in their own ways.

If that's not your bag and you only want to play the ones that look good, then remake and 4. I'd honestly never suggest 0 to anyone... I really heated that game.

And yeah, I love the series, so I think it's good.
Something to know before you get going... the franchise didn't become shooter-centric until 4, so all the classic games play more like adventure games with combat.

Hope you enjoy them, man!
Other than a bit more of story, i dont really consider it a good game sorry, the coop gimmick was poorly executed in my opinion, and the game was a chore most of the times, backtracking to get x item, not having the item chests also was a downside for me.

This is completely stupid and your a fuckwit for giving bad advice. The idea that RE4 is the more casual friendly game is literally a bad meme. Yeah sure it's more action orientated but playing it today compared to a modern shooter, it's still archaic as fuck in terms of accessibility.

Also women can even play the classics. If dumb girls can get into classic RE, you literally have no excuse aside from ADD.

The best starting point is the first game, RE1.

>skipping 3

It's the best of the PS1 trilogy. Why would you do this?

>b-but it has the worst story

RE was never about story. All the games have shit plot. They have good atmosphere and mechanics. RE3 has objectively the most detailed mechanics in the series until REmake came out. The atmosphere of exploring the dead city is also great.

RE2 literally half the game is set in sewers. Literally, half the game, is a fucking sewer level. Shit tier.
Isn't Resident Evil for degenerate transformation fetishists?
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>Yeah sure it's more action orientated but playing it today compared to a modern shooter, it's still archaic as fuck in terms of accessibility.
You are wrong because it controls pretty much exactly like RE6 which is a modern game, you are dumb and should feel bad about writing that post, I'll forgive you though but just think about what you are writing next time you post.
>1 2 3 0 4

I never played RE6 since it looked shit. I played RE5 though and tank controls where optional and not on by default, so I assume RE6 has that gay new modern control scheme too.

RE4 literally has tank controls just like the classics. The only difference is you have slightly better aiming.

From what I saw of RE6 you could lie on the ground like Max Payne and jump around. And I wasn't even talking about RE6. Modern casuals play COD or BF. RE4 compared to that would be stiff as fuck.
no. only 4 and 5 are good. anything before 4 has bad gameplay, bad story and bad visuals.
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>Resident Evil turns 20. Thanks for the money, fuck you.
Wow someone went through the effort to catch all of the differences
There is literally no reason to play RE1 when REmake exists so fuck off
That's /vr/ for you, those guys actually like and play video games.

Yes there is. REmake adds and changes so much stuff it's worth playing RE1 and then REmake the see the differences.

Also that voice acting. RE1 is a good game anyways.
>Which one should I start with?
take a wild guess anon
Why do people hate RE0? I liked it a lot.
>It's the best of the PS1 trilogy

It's the worst of the three though.

Oh yeah it's so fun to run from Nemesis 90% of the game
I would start with 4. That's what I started with, before getting interested enough in the series to go back and play all the main games up to 4. Great action game, fun and tense as all hell.

Remake is excellent, and very scary and filled with OH SHIT moments.

RE1: Director's Cut (not the Dualshock Ass Horns Edition) is now probably my favorite to replay.
I have a feeling OP created this thread to make people argue about Resident Evil games
>"look mom, I'm baiting! xD"
>"oh son, when will you get a wife and a job? You're nearing 30, I'm really worried."
>"W-who cares, a-at least I got s-some (You)s ;_;"

It was the best RE game until REmake came out, and it's still the second best RE game after remake. Quit being a fucking pleb.



So you didn't play it. He's there maybe 50%. Also the fact this is a bad thing just shows me how much of a casual you are, because yes it was in fact fun to run from Nemesis you stupid faggot. Stalker type enemies are god tier.

Nemesis is one of the greatest enemies in a game ever.
RE2 > REmake > RE4 > The Evil Within > RE3 > RE:R > RE6 > RE:R2 > RE5

REmake > Outbreaks > RE3 > RE1 > RE0 > RE2 > Umbrella Chronicles > RE4 > Lost in Nightmares > Code Veronica > RE5
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this guy gets it
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Will they screw up RE2 HD Remake?

What is PXZ?

I wish Capcom would stop making games set in the current year. They need to set the series in the 90's again and have a young Jill with short hair and a mini skirt again.

She's my favorite RE girl but RE5 kinda ruined her a bit.
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Project X Zone for 3DS
>Resident Evil 1
Bunch of pseudo-military retards get into a mansion in the middle of the woods where a scientist of a known mark is testing shit on humans to make them immortal, but makes them zombies, whom kills almost all of the retards, then the ugliest mofo gets killed by a rocket launcher as the retards escape. One of the retards, the one wearing sunglasses at night, was the man behind it all.
>Resident Evil 2
Same as before, but with a hot chick and a girl in a city near the mansion, after what happened before. They get underground, find shit, labs, japanese spies and giant frogs. Ugliest mofo dies by rocket launcher as they escape. The sunglasses-at-night retard is behind it all.
>Resident Evil 3
Same as before, but this time a retarded girl is followed by a giant mofo all through the game. It punches walls and kills friends. It turns uglier and uglier and doesn't dies, but in the end dies by rocket launcher. City goes kaboom as she escapes.
>Resident Evil 4
This time we get parrot perspective of the hot chick of 2, after surviving and getting to work for the president who loses his teenage retard daughter. Instead of zombies now it's just retard spaniards with tapeworms shouting their ambushes. There are dwarfs, tentacles, japanese spies and a nice hooded guy who sells you stuff for pesetas (?). The bad guy dies by rocket launcher as they escape.
>Resident Evil 5
Same as before, but with one of the retards from Resident Evil 1, an ebony hot lad and with niggers with tapeworms instead of spaniards. Sunglasses-in-the-night guy is killed by a rocket launcher as they escape.

There, I saved you hours of your life. You're welcome.

Good thing no one plays RE games for the story.
Yeah, people play it for it's excellent movement controls, it's awesome inventory management and the magnificent camera angles.
>excellent movement controls

They are pretty good

>awesome inventory management

They are pretty fun when you think about it, I agree with you.

>magnificent camera angles.

Definitely this. I love the camera angles. It's one of the only ways to do cinematic while still being a video game.

Also you forgot that god tier atmosphere.
Hit the nail on the head. The limited movement options makes the game easy to learn and all the challenges feel really well balanced against your capabilities, the inventory management added a "horror" element to the gameplay and created interesting decisions for the player to make (do I take extra bullets or leave a free space for a new key etc), and the camera angles helped add to the claustrophobia, adding a metagame element of choosing between a good view of enemies or a safer location, while still being fair with easy shooting off screen and always allowing the player to get the visual information they need.
REmake >RE4> RE2 >The Evil Within >RE1 >RE0 > RE5 >Code Veronica >RE:R1 >RE:R2 >RE6 >Racoon Shity
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