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Best shen megoomy tensay game? -I think its Nocturne and Devil
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Best shen megoomy tensay game?

-I think its Nocturne and Devil Survivor-
DDS 1 & 2.
My favorites are Strange Journey and Devil Survivor.
Persona 4
Strange journey
whatever is your personal favorite
Strange Journey, though the setting of IV makes it a close second for me
Is there anything more awkward than watching a white adult say a really long Japanese video game name while trying to keep a serious composure?
quite alot of other things anon.
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Nocturne or Strange Journey.

SJ is the true SMT IV.
Strange Journey is the best
4 is solid
Noctortune is overrated. The setting and music are great, but the combat was improved in every entry to follow, and the conversation system blows ass
Haven't played 2
1 is fun but dated
DDS is pretty good, but feels stream lined compare to other entries.
Haven't played Raidou
Persona series is a good entry point. 1 and 4 are garbage but the other entries are good entry points for the series
Haven't played Devil Survivor
I can't bring myself to play Nocturne or DDS

I never played a SMT game.

Please encourage me to play them
They're fun
Where can I subscribe?
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>Strange Journey
It has the best dungeon crawling in the series with a pretty good story
If the combat was Press-Turn it'd be 10/10
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>Strange Journey combat
>better than Nocturne
Persona 5
>windows 3d maze dungeon crawling

Final when?
Nocturne is a serious contender for the best turn-based game there is. If you like JRPGs and you skip out on it, as well as SMT in general, you are a fucking idiot.
>Implying you didn't wish for a Windows 3D maze video game every single day
Fuck you I always imagined I was playing while I saw that screen saver.
Nocturne's Press Turn is great, but pretty much all it has going for it. When it comes to setting, story, characters, conversations, and demon variety, it's pretty lacking.
I hear that FINAL has some crazy-ass bonus dungeon where you fight all the Fiends
Anybody play it yet that can tell me how the dungeon is?
I think Jack Bros is the best
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