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Losing saves thread
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Wake up faggots, story time.

>playing earthbound on emulator
>spends about 6 hours getting to the belch boss fight
>finally gets to belch bossfight
>tries to press esc to exit and save the game
>accidentally presses f1
>loads save state from when i started playing about 4 hours ago
>i hadn't saved since then
>i lose all of my progress

Share your stories on corrupted save files, lost saves, etc.
>crawling iiiiin my skiiiiiiin

What did he mean by this?
My main two I can recall are:
100 hours in FF7, some bug happened where when I went to save it erased the file instead
Save was gone with most things completed in the right before fighting Emerald Weapon

I also overwrote a 100+ hour FFTA file with a side file I had been playing on, then still played another 100ish hours on the new file eventually getting to 300/300 missions complete
One time I played a game for a long time and forgot to save.

Lost my Ace Combat 6 save, still haven't caught up to where I left off (played through the game like 4 times to get half the medals, just can't be assed to do it all again).
>had PS2 Memory Card filled with all the memories and saves
>one of them is the fun yet bullshit character collection game DW5
>another is FFX up to the airship
>Lost it

>a year later found a memory card slipped between boxes
>fire up the PS2
>It's my friend's
>I've moved house since the last I saw him

I don't know which one's worse
FF12, I accidentally overwrote my complete all hunts finished file with a halfway finished file I was playing to check something. It was really, really dumb.
>need to emergency reinstall OS
>in the middle of first Dark Souls 2 playthrough, about to wrap up the area after Dragon Aerie or whatever that shit is called
>don't make a backup of save because I assume Steam saves it in cloud

I still haven't beaten DS2 and probably never will because it's such a chore, but I do miss the DLCs
Power outages are my nightmares
Not the same thing, but I was playing the PC version of FF7 way back when and the game just stopped working after the second disc. Too bad because I was enjoying it.
I got a power outage in Majora's Mask after I had completed Snowpoint in its entirety in a single three-day run right before playing the song of time.
I didn't touch the game again until the 3DS release, when saving made sense. That shit was infuriating.
Same thing but i was killing the ayyliums at the mall and i gave up, picked Earthbound at the eshop i guess i'll finish it this time
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