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Shit Tier game
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Prove to me this game isn't complete utter garabge

>Protip: You Can't
Anthony Burch
>balanced enchanting
>balanced equipment
>the only unbalanced mechanic "alchemy" requires time and resource
>level progression isn't retarded
>no retarded leveled artifacts
>best clutter placement, with no shitty physics that make all your decorations tumble over the slightest breeze
>superior icon based inventory UI
nice bait
next time try not to spout fake bullshit

>cant see 5 feet in front of you because random ass fog
>graphics looks like what comes out of my asshole after i ate at chipotle
>barley any voice acting
>stupid combat system, you hit someone right in front of you and randomly miss
>never will live up to the legacy of skyrim

Nice try though
>>stupid combat system, you hit someone right in front of you and randomly miss
You swung at them, but you didn't actually land the hit. Morrowind gives you more feedback than Oblivion and Skyrim does since every landed hit actually gives off a reaction.
No it doesn't, its just like Oblivion in terms of hit reaction
The vame is good but i fucking hate the random hit system ,its the most autistic game feature in the game
So you've never actually played Morrowind, thanks for letting us know. Almost all landed hits will stagger even with high agility, and there's a stagger animation for each swing animation, as well as the full stagger animation that locks you.
what you said makes no sense, aight?
anyway, lets admit Morrowind is the worst game in the Skyrim series. It looks like shit, there is no voice acting, animations are horrible, youcan never hit anybody, the view distance is worse than that of some Israeli that got acid thrown in their face. no fast travel, no quest markers. like seriously, what was betheada thinking. i cant wait for skyrim 2. after all the positive feedback they got from skyrim 1, they know they did the right things.
The combat and all the reading ruins this game.
As i re- read myself i feel autistic too
>the skyrim series

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>trying this hard to make people mad

Sorry N'wha but a real dunmer can't be moved by your nonsense
You almost got me there.
Man you must be bait
>>superior icon based inventory UI

Literally what are you smoking nigga?
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Nice try.png
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My original statement still stands, only 2h stagger that often and you don't run into that very much. And agility does make a good difference.

if the game was complete garbage then you would not have played it that long
It's dependent on damage too, but H2H staggers all the time no matter what. In Oblivion staggers are rare as fuck without power attacks. In Skyrim you'll eventually get a stagger every 100 power attacks.
Never said the game was garbage, you must be mistaking me for the OP
>daedric longsword at 80 str
>swing quick attack, staggers almost all the time
>swing power attack, staggers almost all the time, occasionally knocks down
>twohanded weapons have even better stagger rate


>never staggers unless you power attack
>even when you power attack your stagger rate is still extremely low
>most enemies have a mass actor value of 2 or more and are immune to staggers anyways
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