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What were your first impressions of the current-gen consoles?
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What were your first impressions of the current-gen consoles? What do you think of them now?
I can't believe the assclowns Microsoft rolled out at that presentation. What in the fuck were they thinking?
Xbox One was shit. PS4 was meh. Now Xbone One is bae. PS4 is good. Good gen.
Xbone, just another console
PS4, just another console, at least they cucked Xbone with a better price
WiiU, I like it but I'm not going to pay that much just to play a few games, though I might if I had a girlfriend or something
PC, still have 400 games on backlog so I dunno
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PS4 is almost as bad as Xbone now that I know the true secret of space.
they were shit

they are shit
Xbone was ridiculous. Nothing but TV and sports.
PS4 BFTO it during reveal.
Wii U's controller looked kind of stupid.

The only people who I know that own Xbones are complete dudebros.
PS4's are pretty cool. Love the controllers. Didn't disappoint.
Wii U had less of a presence than Wii did, and the controller still looks kind of stupid, but it had its uses.

I don't own any of them. I just mooch off of friends and play them at parties.
Bloodborne and Smash4 are fun.
Xbone is dudebro shit
PS4 looks bad
Wii U looks cool

Xbone is dudebro shit
PS4 looks ok
Wii U is weird
For me in general.

XBox One - No interest.
PS4 - Have one and having a great time.
Wii U - Played a lot when MH3U and Bayonetta 2 came out but after that, I never bothered playing it anymore.
I still feel like this gen hasn't even started
Neither console has any killer app or anything really worth buying a console for. I enjoy my ps4 for sports games but I miss the days when consoles had exclusives that were good and came out near launch, feels like consoles are just hitting their stride this year with FF XV,KH3 and HL3
>Xbox One before
Microsoft is full retard
>Xbox One now
Best console of the gen
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>XBone is total dudeshit bro NSA machine
>ps4 is ok but lol paid online
>wiiu looks like it has massive potential for a great DND game, don't give a fuck about manchildish nintendoshit

>xbone is only worth getting for forza
>ps4 is only worth getting for... cause the console looks nice?
>wiiu is wasted potential, only good for nintendoshit
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Xbone-> 100% dude bro machine slowly getting shafted by microsoft in favor of Win10 gaming, very subpar hardware ,only worth it if you REALLY like halo and gears of war, best controller imho, possibly last console microsoft is willing to make

PS4-> subpar hardware(hd6950) coupled with very few exclusives even though its close to 3years in it's life cycle (games that arent out don't count you retarded autists) fairly excellent weeb catalogue, about to get assfucked by PS4k hardware refresh if things are to be believed

Wii-U->it's ok if u want mario and splatoon I guess? currently abandoned and dead in the water have to wait and see what NX brings
Awful, underpowered shit

I think it's particularly funny that Sony is trying to pull the whole 4k thing again
There's like twice as many ps4 sold as xbone, why do you think that xbone is dude bro? U really believe there is twice as many weeb as dude bro? Get real, ps4 even gets the cod dlc first now. It's the dude bro machine.

Only halo fags and black people own xbone for sports games
Xbox One didn't have anything I was interested. Too much emphasis on television and unnecessary features.
PS4 didn't sell me too well at launch, revealed considerably better than the Bone.
Wii U I knew wouldn't live up to expectations with its gimmicky gamepad, but I was sure it would have a few decent first party titles.

Xbox One still has nothing I'm interested, at all. The most I could say would be the Rare Replay collection and the MCC, but that's pushing it.
PS4 is somewhat decent so far, after getting it and Bloodborne, but the console itself is loud and obnoxious. Thankfully it has some games I want.
Wii U's gimmick killed it but the games it does have are all pretty solid. Enjoying some 3D World and Twilight Princess, so not a complete waste of my money.

Oooh- quick, reserve as many PS4's and then resell them at launch for much profit.

-sold 7 at launch, made over 1400 in 3 days.

Probably the last generation of consoles you will be able to do that with.

PC gaming is the way forward - has been for a long while. But I think "this" generation is the last that will keep the wool over gamer's eyes.
Wii U then: What?
Wii U now: Cool.

PS4 then: Cool.
PS4 now: Cool.

Xbone then: Shit.
Xbone now: Whatever.
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