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Killer Instinct Thread How those combos going?
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Killer Instinct Thread

How those combos going?
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Trying to find some shit with Rash.

The tongue juggle mixups are fucking amazing.
>everyone here said it has great keybind customization
>you can't bind the fucking space bar
With his recapture he's an absolute madman
Why are you using the spacebar?
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>Having a nice S3 lobby
>Every one trying new characters/figuring out the rebalanced stuff
>Level 50 try hard Sabrewulf comes in and ruins it
>Can't vote to kick people from lobby
I don't get the mentality. Why search for a "fun/learning new chatacter" lobby, join one, then go full ham with a character who wasn't changed in anyway?
We had the same problem yesterday twice with the same Cinder player. If you set it to private the host can kick anyone he wants. Just sucks that others can't join without an invite.
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Who have people chosen as their Main and Submain?
Because shitters who suck at ranked always search for exhibition/fun lobbies. And since KI jail has gone there's nothing to stop them. As >>332549639 said, just stick it to private that way you can kick players.
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>Got promoted into Silver rank with my first 10 matches
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Nigga wut
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>Playing a fighter with a keyboard
Oh please not this discussion again, where idiots who never played on a keyboard or hitbox think it's bad when it's not.
Anyone else unable to retrieve address for Teredo? I'm losing it trying to get this piece of shit to work.
Can you derank yet? Or are we still stuck with the whole "there's no losers everyone's a killer!" mentality?
April 1st
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I don't think there's derank
Even pad players laugh at keyboard players senpai.
Deranking is coming soon with best out of 3 placed in Gold ranking too, right now you can only derank by not playing.
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>want to main aria
>great offensive potential
>if i get caught in a single combo and the opponent uses a shadow ender then it is 1 of my lives completely gone

i need to get better

also is there a /v/ or /vg/ group? somewhere with our gamertags so we can all find people to play with?
There's a KI discord
ARIA can be pretty tricky to senpai. Each one of those drones are so valuable. Switch often so that you're not locked out of an entire moveset
Where are some good Spinal guides, I wanna get good with Skeleton man
Can't I get Rash for free if I own Rare Replay?
I think that was only for the beta period.
That was for the 3 week Rash beta.
Killer instinct died with 2
How's the PC version? Is it playable online or GoW:UE all over again?
Online works fine. We had several lobbies last night with both XBoners and PC users playing. The only issue is some achievements seem funky, but who cares about them.
It's fine.
It does have problems with framerate caps, so if you have a 144 monitor it'll be sped up.
Give me an explanation. Right it's alive and well ya fag
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>Rank is best 2 out of 3 for Gold
I don't like it. Here I am doing fairly well adjusting tot he new auto combo rules. Winning about half my matches against other golds and killers, when I'm given a match against a silver. End up losing it because I was trying to feel him out thinking it was 2/3 but nope, one lost and there goes my points.
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guest characters have no right to be in KI.
>Give me an explanation, cash cow is alive and well fag
So if you want all chatacters the cheapest way is buying the most expensive bundle?
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Yes. You're talking about the Superior edition, right?
Or just wait it out til they go on sale for $1
>comfy Hisako
Cute! CUTE!
Maybe he's like me and none of his characters transferred over to the PC version :(
The he should play ranked or search for any other type of lobby than fun/learning new character.
Still doesn't include Shago though.
>cash cow

How retarded are you?
Yeah that's fair. I'm just pissed I can't play anyone else.
Rash is fine. Arbiter and General RAAM can eat shit
Things I don't like
>Hold forward for combo assist stuff
>On Combo Assist no easy way to do the high damage ender. Changed to doing the knock back or leave standing ender.
>Ranked matches changed to 2 out of 3
>Combo Breakers don't do knock down and it leaves both people standing

Things I do like
>Arbiter is neato
Are you really this shit?
>he hasn't spent the last 18 hours or so playing Arbiter while barely eating
The tutorial is having some trouble with keyboard controls I believe. On the endokuken section I'm clearly doing what it's asking, my character is even doing the move, yet it still won't let me move on. Kind of annoying.
>Combo Breakers don't do knock down and it leaves both people standing

Makes the game faster tho.
What kind of people do you think combo assist was added for? I'm Gold ranked so I wouldn't call myself total shit but I liked the way it worked before. I don't know why you'd prefer how it is now.
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>game becomes popular on /v/ when a pc version is released
As an xboner, I am very glad for this. a great game gets a bigger community and people enjoying it. whats the problem?
How do I voice chat on PC?
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>game was dead before pc release
dime :DDDD
What is the issue? Would you not be happy that a game you are interested in gets more conversation when it releases on a new platform?
Adding pcucks to any community destroys it beyond repair, just look at Dark Souls.

I hear you. I'm also having to deal with this.

The only thing that I think I may have something to do with it is that I pirated 8.1 and upgraded to 10. Did you happen to do something similar?
i dont play PvP for dark souls so I wouldn't know.
Legit upgrade but maybe the installation wasn't perfect. I'm pretty sure I've done just about everything so I'm just gonna try it all over again tomorrow.
>most people on /v/ have a PC
>very few have an Xbone
>Xbone game gets ported on PC
>game gets more popular
Who could have guessed?
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