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Are you going to buy Daidouji's game /v/?
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3 MB, 3303x2042
Are you going to buy Daidouji's game /v/?
>are you going to buy another cheap anime game that looks like something that would look outdated on last gen hardware
It's a PS Vita game anon, what do you expect? 4k resolution with an all star VA cast composed of famous western jewtubers?
If she can also gropes girls, sure.

I'll be importing that one for sure.

We really need more games where you can be a Japanese delinquent.

I hope for goodness sakes she can, because anyways there's already a female fighter in the cast (pink haired girl in the bottom right) so it wouldn't make sense if Daidouji couldn't but she could.
I enjoy the beatdown feeling these games give but Uppers seems way too slow.
Man, Daidouji looks pretty fucking great in that artstyle.

Though I'm probably saying that because I was fond of KoF 2002's art.
Is that one of the KOF artists or just someone emulating the style?
Same guy. He isn't specifically tied to SNK, as far as I know.
Yep it's him
Is this a new scan? I heard the game got postponed so they can advertise it more.
Yep new scan from today
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300 KB, 650x650
I wonder if she'll be OP in Uppers too.
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