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I need to feel something other than boredom, /v/. Suggest me
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I need to feel something other than boredom, /v/.
Suggest me games that I can get tearfully excited over or something.
Metroid Prime.
Play Undertale since the main villain is just like you.
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Freespace 2 with graphical mods.
Get a job, or do something productive. You will yearn to feel boredom from games soon enough.
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I just got home from work. Work sucks.
Something that isn't a gay ass jrpg.
You like Mobas?

Well, the only good one is Awesomenauts, and you can get good in less than 20 minutes. Get 3 kills without dying and you get rewarded with a rampage song. Always gets me hyped and smiling.

Here, have some.
Good anon, good. You understand. I would love to feel boredom from games instead of it.
Path of exile

The possibilities of builds you can come up with is incredible.
Tried it, didn't like it.

Might give it a go only because I already own it from some indie bundle. Isn't it a long dead game though?

Already finished it three times.
It was also for Xbox 360.
If this is like league, i'm gonna play it. These are cracking me up. It's like mega man 7 or something.
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Impressed aren't you ;) ?
Nah mate, its still alive, you can get a match anytime of the day, hell, I instantly got at 2 AM in Europe of all places, its gucci.
It is pretty fun yeah, its kind of like league, but a lot more lighthearted and shit. You can actually globally taunt your enemies and playing a cute girl beating the shit out of everyone with a chain, shooting eye lasers and going UNLIMITED POWER on motherfuckers is always fun.
Mitch Jones?
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I'm gonna use that admiral squid guy.
Top tier pick mate.
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Holy shit, I love you. I didn't even know that there were mods for Freespace. Haven't played it since my childhood (1 and 2), but they were among my ever favourites. Gonna play that shit with mods again it seems. Op, listen to this anon, they know their stuff.
Get a new hobby you flying faggot
this makes it look much worse though

mods, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled
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