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why Nintendo games suck these days?
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why Nintendo games suck these days?
you didn't like Splatoon?
i wish it had a single player story mode
It does
t. someone who does not own Splatoon
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it's very short and not that great
Xenoblade did it for me. How could a game with mechas be boring from a series that roots were arpg/turnbased
>not that great
Fuck off I will give you that it was short but the single player campaign was solid as fuck got progressively more complex and expanded on everything it taught you before. The last boss was inkredible.
Remakes and remakes.

>Smash bros number 482
>super mario number 66
>Pokemon Potato version
>Zelda and the dildo of space

splatoon was their lastest original game in a fucking decade.

What the fuck happened to nintendo?
Because you grew up.
yes ok
I got it

if nintendo doesn't kill splatoon like metroid
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