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ITT: Useless characters I don't think I ever used this
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ITT: Useless characters

I don't think I ever used this lardass. His skillset was just not that good. There are other characters who can stealth better and are more skilled, and deal more damage. It's a shame too because he was an interesting concept: a robot who's an economist/political theorist. But there wasn't enough content to really use all the characters. When the game was still in development I read that they were gonna make it so you could use more than 3 characters at once but I guess the idea got scrapped.
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>good in battles against droids
>joins party after planet with the most droids

Sten, Oghren, Dog in dragon age origins

2H characters are the most useless characters in the game. They attack too fucking slow. You'd think that they would make up for it in damage, but rogues do just as much damage 3x as fast as a 2H user. They can't even work as a damage dealing tank either, Alistair/Shale can deal damage and tank everything at the same time Dog just isn't good enough in general to be worth a party slot.

The only reason to use Sten and Oghren is for their banter and personality, because they're arguably 2 of the best characters in DA:O
Pretty much.

I skipped 2, but it went the same with Inquisition. Eventually, though, I did end up rolling with 2h Cassandra just to mix things up/do everything possible to avoid Sera
I didn't even understand this part at all

The whole planet leads up to you fighting on some random dude's ship, he kidnaps you and tells you he's setting you free to save the republic, then gives you this droid...but then you have to fight your way off his ship...and he's never heard from again
To be fair, the game is such a cakewalk it doesn't really matter who you adventure with. Besides, all non-jedi are vastly inferior anyway due to how broken powers like speed are.
Taking G0-T0 with you is worth it just for his dialogue with the NPCs.
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Not as useless as G0-T0, but
>awful defenses
>can't wear heavy armor because zap hand
>hand-to-hand character
>dies too quickly in melee

I guess he can be a jedi, but then
>can't use jedi robes for defense
>armor means not using some Force powers
>but now he can use lightsabers
>lightsabers neglect his zap hand powers
>but hand-to-hand means no upgrade crystals
>lost out on skill points

He is only good as a skill monkey, mainly for dismantling and creating items.
Why did his VA sound like he was going to cry all the time?
I'm guessing you never bothered to get G0-T0's influence maxed
The droid is the guy. It's an advanced robot gone bonkers.
I'm sure Malachor V is to blame
Okay then
I never really thought he was holding back tears, but I really loved his voice because it sounded really calm, but with a deliberate attempt to subdue anger over Malachor V, General.
There are quite a lot of hints about his identity before you met him. You have to gain influence with the droid to know the conclusion.
Bao always sounds like he's desperately trying to stay in that happy place
Why do you think he always got offended by/jealous of Bao-Dur's remote?
Goto is the droid, he's not just speaking through it. He was an advanced droid sent by the Republic to help return it to its former glory, starting by aiding the rebuilding of Telos. While doing so the robot calculated that it would be impossible to save the Republic by conforming to its laws so it went haywire and became a crime lord to try and support the Rebuplic. When he said he's "something of a patriot" he meant "I fucking hate the Republic but my programming compels me to try and save it so I have no other choice."
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