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Thoughts on this game guys?
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File: Crash Twinsanity.jpg (98 KB, 640x908) Image search: [Google]
Crash Twinsanity.jpg
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Thoughts on this game guys?
I liked it. Last good Crash game. It was going to be so much more, though.
The best.
I like it a lot.
It's probably the only actually good non-Naughty Dog Crash game, you can tell how much love they had for the series, it just didn't pan out because they didn't know what they wanted to do and the publisher was getting sick of waiting.
Its bad but they were trying
I like this game's take on the Crash world more than Naughty Dog's games.

As a game though, tons of cut content, but I still very much enjoyed it. The humor and the soundtrack were great too.
Had a fuckload of bugs but the humour was top-tier
How old are you guys, i dont mean that in an insulting way, like did you even really play the ps1 games? I'm 23
22. My first Crash game was 1. 2 is my favourite.
Same age as you, dork.

21. Crash 1 I'm sure was my first game if not one of the first.
I played all the Crash Bandicoot games, I remember being incredibly hype for Twinsanity just because I loved, or at least liked, all the earlier games.

It didn't disappoint me at the time and I have even more appreciation for it now that I know more of its history.
Only one guy said it was better than the older games, another said it did some things better.
It's definitely a good game, whether it's as good or even better than the olders ones is debatable, but it's good nonetheless.
Kept the humor of the series and tone but gameplay was just average
solid 6/10
Whoever likes this game is retarded and a fucking trailer to the Naughty Dog crash games on PS1.

fuck you all

bring back the real crash.
Buggy mess
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I identify more as a truck.
This >>331699315
I thought it was only my copy but it seems to be just a glitchy game.

It's actually pretty faithful to the original series. After Twinsanity it seemed to stray far.
Crash 1 when I was 4.
It's OK, but unpolished all around.
I fell through the floor while sliding on the beach once.
There's the weirdest difficulty spikes, like that walrus chase like halfway through the game is the most difficult part in the game by far even though the parts before and after it aren't anything special.
Sometimes when you jump into a bottomless pit Crash will touch the "bottom" and play his standard death animation, other times the game will just fade to black without a sound or animation or anything and plop you back at the checkpoint.
You can even unlock comics which show you all sorts of cool shit that didn't make it into the game. I really wish this game was finished.
Which part of the game is the best and why is it this?
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More importantly, who the fuck saw Neo's model in Wrath of Cortex and said ''that looks ok, ship the game''?
seriously,look at him.
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Barts ladder.gif
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>Wrath of Cortex
>Those fucking loading times
Wasted potential: the game. The final product was fun, and managed to bring a lot of fun stuff. Personally i think it had the best humor in the series (besides the usual slapstick with crash).

It was the best main series title after the original trilogy.

The only probelm with the game was that it felt somewhat rushed, it felt that a lot of shit was left out (and a lot of cool shit really WAS cut), but besides that the game was pretty damn solid.

>wrath of cortex
>all masks have dialogue worthy of a shitty trope thread

The new villains were absolute shit.

>that part where they crash into the second log cabin
Solid 7/10
Feels like a crash game but still differs a bit from the others.
Definitely the last good Crash game though
The game is glitchy as fuck, but it's still fun
Soundtrack is good too
Never played it but it has a groovy-ass soundtrack so it's good in my book

literally the first game i ever played thanks for the reminder, mr. op
>tfw if any of this "new Crash game" shit floating around is true, it'll just be a nostalgia circlejerk for the first 3 games only, and not feature any nods towards Twinsanity
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>mfw I saw all that concept art
What the fuck happened?


I'm an attack helicopter, bro. Check your privilege
Always struck me as one of those games that are funnier than they are fun. Like that one Leisure Suit Larry with all the tacked on minigames.
Too much ambition, not enough time.
Seriously, the game was originally going to feature Crash and Cortex travelling around the galaxy fighting aliens.
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