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Any games where I can play as ancient Aztecs?
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Any games where I can play as ancient Aztecs?
WE, basically
WUZ, kind of
The JJBA games.
AoE 2
Medieval 2 total war: kingsdoms expansion of the americas
That 16th centry m&b warband mod

^ the best three options. Fuck knows why they havent made more games with the awesome aztec society and mythology.
Mortal Kombat X
File: ohnSIdc.gif (2 MB, 250x250) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 250x250
True Ogre in Tekken Tag 2, Necali in Street Fighter 4, Kotal Kahn in Mortal Kumboot X, Konami Wacky Racers
Kahn is based on Mayans
Taco Master
there were no "ancient aztecs", aztecs existed in the late medieval/early modern period.
crusader kings 2 and EU4
>blunder god 2.0

n-no thanks
Theocracy. But yeah, I really wish we'd get more Aztec and Maya themed games, their mythologies are great and way too ignored in favor of greeks, romans and egypt.

>tfw no Sierra city builder set in that region, building great pyramids and sacrificing fools on altars
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