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Webm Thread
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You are currently reading a thread in /v/ - Video Games

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 134
File: neo v.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
neo v.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
Late Sunday Webm Thread
File: Desktop 2016-02-22 18-24-34.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Desktop 2016-02-22 18-24-34.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
File: firefox_2016-02-05_16-30-07-2.webm (868 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
868 KB, 960x540
File: Punch the Ice.webm (530 KB, 510x356) Image search: [Google]
Punch the Ice.webm
530 KB, 510x356
File: rfg_2016-01-07_23-27-56.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
File: pcsx2_2015-12-16_00-39-03.webm (451 KB, 800x302) Image search: [Google]
451 KB, 800x302
File: goddamnit.webm (1 MB, 1280x960) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1280x960
File: Dropsy_2015-09-12_14-26-57_1.webm (557 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
557 KB, 1280x720
File: under the skin.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
under the skin.webm
3 MB, 1280x720
File: maze4.webm (931 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
931 KB, 1280x720
File: SniperRifle.webm (2 MB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 800x450
A bunch of scenes from my movie
File: pcsx2_2016-01-13_15-12-35.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
File: k, by then.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
k, by then.webm
2 MB, 1280x720

>construction yard
>climbing the scaffolding
>get knocked all the way the fuck down to the dirt
>have to climb all the way the fuck back up

Such a great game, but holy fuck it had those fury-inducing moments.
File: ninja_2015-11-20_22-33-49.webm (815 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
815 KB, 1920x1080
File: hacker known as 4 Chan.gif (3 MB, 320x180) Image search: [Google]
hacker known as 4 Chan.gif
3 MB, 320x180
File: Super Mario Bros 1-1.webm (3 MB, 1196x786) Image search: [Google]
Super Mario Bros 1-1.webm
3 MB, 1196x786
File: pcsx2_2015-11-06_18-51-33.webm (2 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 960x540
>Under the Skin
What game?!
File: Dolphin_2016-01-25_21-23-41.webm (670 KB, 636x540) Image search: [Google]
670 KB, 636x540
Gemini: Heroes Reborn, it´s shit though. Webm is taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO5xcPR2ikk
File: Cartoon Death.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Cartoon Death.webm
3 MB, 1280x720
File: Dolphin_2016-01-29_14-41-10_3.webm (709 KB, 1280x558) Image search: [Google]
709 KB, 1280x558
File: kek.webm (3 MB, 1010x810) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1010x810
File: MW01.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
File: Dolphin_2016-01-31_15-20-33.webm (632 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
632 KB, 1280x720
File: MW02.webm (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
File: 14539402305024s.webm (1 MB, 720x480) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 720x480

>Hey guys!! I-I-Im good at this game....
>the Wii is for kids
stop shilling this on my board and post the source
nah, it´s all just cherry picking. I still pretty much suck against more skilled players, but you can still be proud of some goals right?
What am I watching?
File: wat.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
File: video games.webm (3 MB, 948x530) Image search: [Google]
video games.webm
3 MB, 948x530
File: MadMax_2015-09-14_20-13-46.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
>there won't be an ea conference this year

sad desu. i enjoy the yearly shitfest
File: pcsx2_2015-10-05_21-28-50.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720

>replacing letters with numbers in 2016
I this that Patapon game?
Why did they have to ruin video games?

They were fun once and there was no bullshit. No DLC, no pre purchase, no game breaking bugs and bad performance and no uproar about political bullshit that has no place in video games.

I miss the old times /v/
>no pre purchase, no game breaking bugs and bad performance and no uproar about political bullshit that has no place in video games.
Were you born in 2000?
Why do the mods keep deleting cheezus posts?
Then how can you not remember all these? Preorders were always a thing, you only usually got shitty tshirts or posters for it. Game-breaking bugs were a norm, top of my head, Fallout 1's water chip getting bugged or Hexen's second bossfight not triggering. Bad performance was always a thing, both on PC and consoles. When Quake released no one could run it at the now elevated 60FPS and console games always had FPS dips when there was too much happening on screen. And one name, Jack Thompson.
File: 1400913490107.gif (991 KB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
991 KB, 320x240
It´s a old nickname that I´ve had since I was a fucking teenager. No point in changing it now. I get the occasional flak from wise guys like you, but fuck it.
it is, just because there is one mature game that sold like 1000 copies doesn't magically invalidate it.
What is this from?
Of course not everything was better back then but I remember my games working and being fun.

and Jack Thompson was more a joke than anything else to everyone.
delete this
>and Jack Thompson was more a joke than anything else to everyone.

He got "hot coffee" off GTA SA. Modern /v/ would be writing petitions over how evil christians are censoring their vidya games.

>I remember
You remember wrong, it's called nostalgia.

Actually looks pretty okay to fck around in
whats wrong with it?

Nostalgialevels are extremely high
If you don´t have to pay money for it, I guess
delete this
>He got "hot coffee" off GTA SA.
Shit, must´ve missed it back then or forgotten.

Still everyone knew that he was full of shit back then
its not. dont let some webm fool you.
its really a shitty game thats not fun at all.
I love you cheezus
File: 1400901521304.webm (3 MB, 853x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 853x480
post more webms

Well 15€ is steep for it probably

I could pirate it...but honestly I've pirated better games and havent enjoyed them before lol
File: RADIANT AI.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540

fo4 manages to make me not even give a shit about cats being killed, like nothing.
File: dogew.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540
Play it and decide.
If you have the time
File: bee_movie_clip_10.jpg (303 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
303 KB, 1280x720
my god... that controller
File: destroy yourself.webm (3 MB, 768x480) Image search: [Google]
destroy yourself.webm
3 MB, 768x480
what is this
Game? Looks like Vanillaware
>Sly 2
yes please MORE
I don't get it. Is the meme just to not post the source?
I have no idea. I saved it some times ago in hope that someone else will be able to explain what is going on in that webm
File: 1456268041933.jpg (32 KB, 640x640) Image search: [Google]
32 KB, 640x640
worst meme
File: The Cure.webm (3 MB, 852x480) Image search: [Google]
The Cure.webm
3 MB, 852x480
you monster
Did you increase the FOV?
File: fellout 4.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
fellout 4.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
How do you know Vanillaware but not Muramasa?
File: pcsx2_2015-11-22_13-34-24.webm (2 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 960x540
that´s the only one I have, sorry.
Have some more ps2 webms though
File: good talk.webm (2 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
good talk.webm
2 MB, 854x480
skybox is wind waker for Metroid? kinda simple.
File: 1451506620561.webm (2 MB, 852x480) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 852x480
Yes, but why are the wind waker assets in Metroid?
File: 1451509625322.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540
please stop posting fallout4

it reminds me people actually bought that shit
File: 1451512671867.webm (3 MB, 720x405) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 720x405
File: 1451509116909.webm (2 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 854x480
File: 1456770193029.webm (3 MB, 800x800) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 800x800
Can we just stop posting this meme? It hurts me
cause nintendo is tricky? that or someone edited the skybox, the game is obviously running on dolphin.
File: 1451511645832.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 854x480
File: 1425907248934.png (12 KB, 587x316) Image search: [Google]
12 KB, 587x316
please tell me there´s actually a character named titties in fo4
File: 1456048123120.webm (2 MB, 1067x600) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1067x600
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2 MB, 852x480
File: 1452748842654.webm (1 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 720x404

What I don't understand about the new power armour design is how you're still able to wield normal weapons with hands that are like twice the size of a human hand
File: 1454580181477.webm (712 KB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
712 KB, 720x404
fuck. i recently finished it on pcsx2, but sly 3 got stuck in one of the early china missions and i formatted the pc after that so i lost my save.
finished MGS3 on emu after 1 and 2 on PC. tried replaying but this time playing the subsistence version and you can't auto-aim. also button sensitivity is a thing in that game.

anyway, keep the ps2 webms coming, it's fantastic seeing a ps2 game high res 60fps
You can name yourself Titties and it's one of the names in-game characters will call you by, voice-acted and everything
fans will come up with a theory. it's what they do best. But for now it just works.
Probably because its a video game.
File: GOTY.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 854x480
>formatted the pc after that so i lost my save.
Steam is great with save game syncing and all, but for everything else (including emulators) use gamesave-manager.com before a format.
Saved my ass a couple of times already
File: stuck in the middle with you.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
stuck in the middle with you.webm
3 MB, 854x480
File: pcsx2_2015_07_07_00_54_30_376.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
also more ps2
File: pcsx2_2015-10-10_16-27-29-2.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
File: Fallout 3.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
Fallout 3.webm
3 MB, 1280x720
File: everything will be fire.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
everything will be fire.webm
3 MB, 854x480
File: pcsx2_2015-12-16_14-29-17.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1280x720
File: fallout 4 orc AI part 1.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
fallout 4 orc AI part 1.webm
3 MB, 854x480
File: Tricky01.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 854x480
Dragons Crown, I didn't have a PS2 growing up. too poor
File: fallout 4 orc AI part 2.webm (3 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
fallout 4 orc AI part 2.webm
3 MB, 854x480
wut game is
File: pcsx2_2016-01-09_12-16-19.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
what game?
Super Mario Bros. It's an old NES game.
File: rekt.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 960x540
Is this an actual game or a /agd/ thing?
impressive list of supported games. even PCSX2 and Mari0, thx
>I remember my games working and being fun
Son, you just had lower standards when you were a kid.
File: teleporting dog.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
teleporting dog.webm
3 MB, 640x360
File: kowl.jpg (248 KB, 818x611) Image search: [Google]
248 KB, 818x611
it could be an actual game. It´s a indie game based off of Kowloon city in china, which is a a whole lot more interesting than this and used to be pretty much it´s own country inside china, you should read up on it, it´s quite fascinating. Anyway webm is from here: http://hk-devblog.com/
thnx m8
game? looks comfy
Mini ninjas. Real comfy game.
Hong Kong is not a part of China. They're doing everything they can to fight communism and for their own independence.

also that spot in your photo is a very old location. modern Kowloon looks nice.
But that's the whole point. Modern Kowloon is not a cool setting for a video game.
File: 8654248347_290b9c7694_o.jpg (762 KB, 970x1581) Image search: [Google]
762 KB, 970x1581
I was onlytalking about that old city, which is to me rather fascinating. I´m not interested in what happened after it was torn down
wait, a cat in open world china? kinda similar to this open world dog game
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTRhbVa4tXQ which i'm kinda liking more
>all this fallout garbage

Please people stop doing this
File: wolf ai.webm (1 MB, 1440x900) Image search: [Google]
wolf ai.webm
1 MB, 1440x900
fuck you
the game was amazing
>Hong Kong is not part of China
but that's wrong you fucking retard. The Brits gave it back in the 90s and although it's an "autonomous territory" it's still technically part of China.
tell that to Taiwan
damn this shit holds up
File: mike brown unreleased video.webm (2 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
mike brown unreleased video.webm
2 MB, 854x480
File: Cosmos on-off switch.webm (3 MB, 950x534) Image search: [Google]
Cosmos on-off switch.webm
3 MB, 950x534

Killing boss at the very second a new failure is spawning so the "kill all failures" doesn't cause it to die
File: Untitled.webmsd.webm (1 MB, 720x382) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 720x382
how did you get out?
just fast travel to the same location, obviously
File: to catch a :v:tard.webm (1 MB, 854x480) Image search: [Google]
to catch a :v:tard.webm
1 MB, 854x480
File: f.webm (2 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 720x404
File: g.webm (3 MB, 1080x552) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1080x552
Is that that minecraft streamer who was caught being a pedo?
File: B&B_emergencyexit.webm (3 MB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x400
File: B&B_noticket.webm (3 MB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x400
File: :pol: plays gta v.webm (3 MB, 720x404) Image search: [Google]
:pol: plays gta v.webm
3 MB, 720x404
File: B&B_improvise.webm (3 MB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x400
File: B&B_machinegun.webm (3 MB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x400
File: muh immersion.webm (3 MB, 840x524) Image search: [Google]
muh immersion.webm
3 MB, 840x524
I got Castlevania Judgement, Madworld, Onechanbara Bikini Zombie Slayers, RedSteel 1+2, No More Heroes 1+2, Tenchu Stealth Assassins just to name a few more
Taiwan can't do shit lol
you can't do shit faggot now suck my nipples
A deal's a deal, anon.
File: ANIME.webm (3 MB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1600x900
Time to shill my webms again
File: farara.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
File: Imaginos.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
File: (JC3) Jet spin.webm (2 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
(JC3) Jet spin.webm
2 MB, 1280x720
>Skipping the fire flower
more PS2 please
File: muh immersion2.webm (2 MB, 840x524) Image search: [Google]
muh immersion2.webm
2 MB, 840x524
>dogmeat in the background
>"nonono wait!"
File: muh immersion3.webm (2 MB, 640x400) Image search: [Google]
muh immersion3.webm
2 MB, 640x400
File: Fug.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
Excuse the meh quality
File: anon does it for science.webm (3 MB, 850x434) Image search: [Google]
anon does it for science.webm
3 MB, 850x434
Do you like science /v/?
Which thread was this from?
Mr. No Nipples
File: big rhodok bills.webm (2 MB, 840x524) Image search: [Google]
big rhodok bills.webm
2 MB, 840x524
File: panic.webm (3 MB, 700x392) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 700x392
That brit is made out of dynamite!
File: press F to pay respects.webm (3 MB, 700x400) Image search: [Google]
press F to pay respects.webm
3 MB, 700x400
some more than others
>tfw also named myself Titties
>tfw put 60 hours into that character
I made an edit to that, if anyone cares.
Remember when /v/ had 6 Undertale threads up at once and they were all filled with shitposts? I remember.
Elite Dangerous
File: suddenly murakumo.webm (2 MB, 500x281) Image search: [Google]
suddenly murakumo.webm
2 MB, 500x281
File: WELCOME TO DARK SOULS II.webm (273 KB, 300x200) Image search: [Google]
273 KB, 300x200
File: silenthillsnope.webm (3 MB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1280x720
This is awesome
>nobody have it
File: mockthrough.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x360
What's the problem?
Fucking nice! Very entertaining.
Now is not a good time to smart ass me. Few times are but now is really not a good one
File: (JC3) Helicopter.webm (2 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
(JC3) Helicopter.webm
2 MB, 600x338
The problem is he skipped the fire flower. And also got the lowest part of the flag.
Fuck, what is this again? I meant to go buy it but I forget the name now, and Google is being useless as ever.

File: Falken.webm (3 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1920x1080
50 cents has been deposited into your account
I did this too, man.
He never let go of right and didn't run at all.
File: press F.webm (3 MB, 350x197) Image search: [Google]
press F.webm
3 MB, 350x197
They think it was being controlled by a human player.
My heart literally jumped, thanks for the nostalga anon
why'd this make me laugh
File: fuck it we goin to jail.webm (3 MB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
fuck it we goin to jail.webm
3 MB, 960x540
This was 10x funnier with the audio.
Where's the damn crack/torront?
never thought I'd see that game again.
my life is now complete thank you cheezus
No excuses, I know you said it's fun at low tier but apply yourself.
game its fucking excrement stfu retard
File: brigador_collage.webm (2 MB, 616x384) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 616x384
File: idort.png (20 KB, 666x735) Image search: [Google]
20 KB, 666x735
I play both modes. Would play sim too if I had a stick.
I haven't played these in like ten years, am I correct in remembering they had huge, sprawling levels a la Thief?
File: 1403505501290.webm (3 MB, 640x360) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 640x360
File: 1422865029478.webm (1 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 600x338
File: ACAHplayingitclassicway.webm (3 MB, 1096x616) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1096x616
File: ACAH00003.webm (3 MB, 680x382) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 680x382
Why is Phreak punching walls of ice?
File: ACAH00506.webm (3 MB, 680x382) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 680x382
File: GreenArmyBestArmy.webm (3 MB, 650x366) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 650x366
File: GreenArmyBestArmy001.webm (3 MB, 650x366) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 650x366
are there big ass ships that can use giant lasers to cut/blast other enemy ships?
without mods
File: HereComesTheSnow.webm (1 MB, 650x366) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 650x366
File: too fucking many.webm (3 MB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
too fucking many.webm
3 MB, 800x450
File: torotoro or some shit.webm (3 MB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
torotoro or some shit.webm
3 MB, 800x450
File: AceCombatZeroBelkanWar.webm (3 MB, 600x338) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 600x338
File: 5finger.webm (2 MB, 1455x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1455x1080

Shadow Tower Abyss.
In 4 there's a preacher on the opposite street whenever you walk out of the second safehouse, every time I saw him I pushed into him until he ragdolled, then just kept pushing him against the wall as he slowly died from the collision damage.
well at least that isn't doing infinite damage to everything it contacts.

and by everything I mean the player.

so bethesda is improving, right?
That goal was an accident, you just got hit is all
massive damage
I thought I was back on /wtg/ for a second. Only thing that snapped me out of it was the lack of shitposting.
Can I get the source on this please?
File: SOTE_Train1.webm (3 MB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 600x450
Man I remember playing this. It's funny seeing how awful games I played as a child look graphically.
>that sewer type level
fuck, I hated and loved that game at the same time.
File: 1412907741685.png (857 KB, 674x778) Image search: [Google]
857 KB, 674x778
i NEED that source anon
>search archive
>find dozens of posts trying to force this shit meme along with the source
it's not hard, you fucking retards.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 134

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