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What RPG has the best skill tree?
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File: DDS2MantraGrid.jpg (387 KB, 1696x1463) Image search: [Google]
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What RPG has the best skill tree?
FFX expert grid. The standard grid is shit though
what's the difference between both?
Standard was a lot less flexible. With expert you can make Tidus a full-on mage or make Rikku a white mage or make Auron your thief. Also more stat nodes
Standard actually has more nodes, so if you're maxing as much as possible it's superior in the end.
You already posted it. There are a lot of games that have more customization but they're often the ones that end up complete ass because they didn't try to balance it, while Megaten games usually don't let players have tools that annihilate the game without going through insane amounts of optional content.
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Seriously? I thought Expert had more. Although I think having a more flexible party is better than having a couple of more points into stats.
DDS1/2 is kinda ridiculous, you get all these OP skills from the optional bosses, but there's nothing to use it on
I prefer to think of endgame, since that's where i spend most of my time. And endgame means all characters cover the whole grid with all max nodes, so i prefer the extra few spaces.

you can actually see it for yourself and not just assume stupid shit

standard is the better one and you can unlock all grid nodes anyway, flexibility is just dumb shit for casuals who don't like to grind because they're weak little babbies
Makes sense, yeah.

I played FFX a ton of years ago and I only went for Expert on the HD remake and always thought that Expert had slightly more. Sorry if I fucking can't remember and count all the nodes.
And stop pretending you have to plan out FFX like if it's hard.
Wait people actually like the post-game? More nodes mean nothing because grinding the grid out is about as fun as stabbing yourself in the crotch. Using standard grid you will never see the best skills before finishing, but with expert grid you can get holy around Gagazet.
The only one that's relevant in normal play is King Frost's because he's not completely out of the way and he's not a complete ballbuster either.
Iirc on my last run through with standard, i started maxing out all the default routes during bevelle.
Why do you grind in game that is already easy?
I like watching the numbers get bigger.
What order should the optional superbosses be beat in DDS2?
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