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Are you a Collector /v/? Why or why not
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Are you a Collector /v/?

Why or why not
Only if it's a game I like.
Can't believe they're charging $99.99 for that.
The gameplay looks boring I hope it will be full of yuri
I'm not playing an extra 40 bucks for some cheap ass CD and 5 page "art book"
I used to get collectors editions but then I realized that I would just look at it a couple times after I initially got it and then would just leave it on a shelf where it would just take up space.
The only LE I've ever bought was the Escha+ LE so I could get a physical copy. I'm fine with just the base game usually.

I'm not a collector.

It's a bottom-tier hobby and I guess I just don't see the point in lusting after a bunch of premium priced junk so you can arrange it on shelves. It's basically the male version of gurrrrlll gamur; an easygoing half-hearted pursuit to make up for a notable lack in personality and worthwhile talents.

I liked the bonus stuff they gave you for pre ordering Dark Souls

Too bad I preordered DS2 too late and didnt get shit
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Mewtwo D-art.jpg
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>Are you a Collector
Sadly I am, but I'm trying to kick the plastic drug. And TCG drug as well.
Just went thought a nasty break up with a gf of 4 years. So I want a fresh start, and making extra cash.
>Just made about $800 off half of my figures
>Made $1500 off half my Pokemon cards.
I didn't realize I had so many rare cards, glad I was able to make a buck off it.
No,because I only buy things I like to buy. I get collector's editions of things I really like if they're available though.
Most hobbies are bottom tier and wont earn you much attention or compensations, anon.

>TCG drug


I fucking hope so too. What Jap game even has dykes?
My collection is only filled with stuff I like.
Not for a new series/game I don't know if I'll like.
Gonna get this, but just the regular version.
>TCG drug
Trading card game

Every other hobby is leagues above anything involving serious collecting.

I am well compensated as a cellist despite only being a hobbiest.
I thought you were talking about video games, not "collecting".

Why are you even here if you can play a classical instrument. Don't you have artfags to hang out with?
no, in fact I dont even care for discs.

why, I just don't care. rather just boot it up and play.
If I wasn't a poorfag at the moment, I'd actually buy that.
I need a good Yuri game. One that isn't a book on a screen.

This better deliver!
If it came with female used panties I might

The question was asked "if I was a collector, why/why not" and my answer was a catch-all for videogames and collectable hobbies in general.

Artfag nu-males are just as bad if not worse then the people here, you have no idea.
>The question was asked "if I was a collector, why/why not" and my answer was a catch-all for videogames and collectable hobbies in general.

You sound like an Artfag already.
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