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What was the verdict on this?
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File: Sonic_Lost_World_Wii_U_Box_art.jpg (32 KB, 266x374) Image search: [Google]
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What was the verdict on this?
It was alright. Music was pretty great but of course everything else was ehhhh

It was okay
3-D Mario game with Sonic pasted on it
Like a mediocre at best indie 3D platformer.
lol no
It was good but now that it's on PC it's shit
I'd say it's average.
I think it was trying to be too much like Mario, and it doesn't have the variety of worlds that Sonic usually does.
Also that battle with Eggman was phoned the fuck in.
Yeah, let me rephrase that.

Bad 3-D Mario game with Sonic pasted on it
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Decent but unimpressive 3D platformer that's pretty bad at being a Sonic game
nostalgia aside, its the best 3d sonic
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It starts out fine, but slowly gets more pants on head retarded as you progress through the game.

>Deadly Six fights are awful
>Worlds hardly have any structure to them
>horrible gimmick levels
>controls take a long time to get used to
>not enough actual 3D areas
>Rhythm Wisp
Nice revisionist history.

Mediocre 3D platformer that tries to rip elements off of a superior 3D platformer with one of the single worst stories written for a platformer ever and some of the easiest boss fights with some of the most shallow antagonists ever.
Notice how no one would defend it after it stopped being exclusive? Take that as you will.
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anime sonic.jpg
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Sonic was, is and will be a shitty franchise
ITT edgy memers

Btw underages, Sonic did the gravity gimmick first, Mario Galaxy stole it from SA2.
No one defended it in the first place. I've been calling it bad since it came out. There's just nothing good to say about the PC release since the only good part of the game was the nintendo DLC.

Great ideas/poor exectution - the game
3DS version is better
More like the series.
Not good. No idea why they would change the gameplay away from Generations.
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Iizuka couldn't figure out how to utilize it further even though everyone on /v/ found dozens of ways to do so. If you haven't figured it out, Iizuka is dogshit.
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please give a coherent reason for this because I'm trying to figure out it you're baiting or not
I don't understand why the jog speed isn't the default speed.
I don't like that switching between speeds is instant rather than building up to it.
I don't like how the parkour system works. It's completely awful in the 2D sections, and rarely used in the 3D sections. The parkour itself is also trash as it doesn't flow well into other actions. There's an annoying stop and go after climbing something. It should all be one smooth motion that flows from one action into the other.
I don't like that the level design gives you the illusion of freedom and options. There's no reason to spin around the tube levels. Running straight accomplishes the same thing rather than platforming in some useless part to the right. Even Sonic Unleashed had more depth in its linear level design than Lost World.
Not him but are there any good 3DS Sonic games?
I'm kinda interested in playing some of them but I can't be bothered if all of them are bad
The only people who notice that are delusional.

I bought it day one and have had the same opinion of it all along. Hardly anyone defended it then.


There's one random anon going around that claims that the 3DS version of Generations is the definitive version.

Do not listen to him. That game is garbage.
Just finished this like two weeks ago.
It was okay I guess, had some fun levels and some dull ones. The boss fights sucked except for the last one. Music was pretty great.

Actually, there really aren't. The 3DS ports of Sonic 1 and 2 are the most decent Sonic-related material native to that system. For the DS, Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure, despite their problems, are some of the best Sonic games on a Nintendo handheld.

I wouldn't call it complete garbage, but it's woefully unremarkable and short. There really isn't much going for it, and the level design is pretty boring. I recommend against getting it, too.
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Underrated girl
>history revisionism
Oh no you don't. There were dozens of shitposts each thread about how Lost World was a return to form, how that sad joke of neutered boost they call spindash was a solution and not like boost at all, how the cylinder level design allowed for more paths when it was hardly any different and it all led to the same destination, how the gameplay was momentum based (!), etc. Sonic threads were ruined by zealous Wii U owners even when they weren't about Lost World, much like how 3D Mario threads still are.
Oh what the fuck ever. Those were deluded faggots that managed to convince themselves that that shallow pos was a return to form just because it wasn't boost. Eventually those same faggots will break down into acceptance, as it is the final stage of denial. People were making fun of LW for ripping off Galaxy elements since day 1.
The implication was that it was anything but a small handful of Sonic fanboys who defended it. "it was good..."

Bullshit. That made up like 5% of the people at mosts in threads that were popular due to the game being new. At 22 posters in a thread years after the game came out you expect there to be a bunch of people in here defending it? Fuck off.
Thread replies: 37
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