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Why does /v/ hate Star Fox Adventures?
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Why does /v/ hate Star Fox Adventures?
My favoritt youtuber JonTron made a funny youtube video about it. Stairfax adventure haha
It introduced the most controversial characters of videogames. (Adventures is also Ocarina of Time Star Fox version)
Hate is a strong word, the game itself is fairly obviously unfinished and i'm more interested in what Rare's original game was than the Star Fox skin that got applied to it, I say this as a Star Fox fan as well.

It isn't a bad game, but it's painfully mediocre and I honestly think it could have been something special if things went down differently between Rare and Nintendo.
Which was who?
Are you kidding me? I FREAKING LOVE IT!!!!


It was really good. Great story, great questing, good graphics too and great music. Krystal is a really interesting character but she has a lot of unexploited potential. Kind of weird that she joined the starfox crew desu.
>Great story
Not the word I would use
Hey man its top tier for a kid's game. You can't expect some engrossing heavy rain mass effect narrative. Plus it was 10 years ago. I think it has aged well. By that I mean that if I played it again rn id likely enjoy it.
Blue boobs macgoo.
Because people didn't have enough scarabs to enter Cape Claw.
It's a terrible Zelda game. The world is barren as hell and you have to mindlessly run across it constantly. Combat is a complete joke. There's no real puzzles, just shooting fireball panels with your fireball. Even David Wise didn't give a shit about this game, his soundtrack is underwhelming as fuck.
why is there a blue fox?
>It introduced the most controversial characters of videogames.
I love how /v/ will overreact to a character for no reason. Marie from P4 doesn't exist, apparently.
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/tv/ go home.
Starfox Adventures felt to me like a movie tie in game the whole way through, which doesn't make me very kind to it. Dinosaurs are too cutesy, the gameplay when you're not flying is exactly the same as a movie tie in game, the flight controls are looser that. In starfox 64 and I played that with a broken controller.

Its just crap. Being part of the star fox series doesn't make it better.
It's Stairfax Temperatures you faggot
The aiming with the fireball thing was the most annoying thing in history.

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>The world is barren as hell and you have to mindlessly run across it constantly

You mean like an actual Zelda game? Using OoT will not help you if you're seriously going to argue that shit was any better.
Reminder that it was supposed to be a different game. What Rare's higher-ups(keyword, the actual dev team didn't want the change)were thinking when they bowed down to Miyamoto is beyond me.
Hate is a strong word. I mean, I played through it, but it was pretty much chaff. Weak action, weak exploration, zero character dev. It was Starfox doing nothing we want to do with Starfox.

The only thing I hated was the undue hype this thing got. Was it the best gamecube adventure game? maybe, but really, that's like not a competition. The system was shit.
I'm sure they scrapped everything and made a completely different game after Miyamoto told them to put Star Fox in there.

That's not a very convincing point in the games favour anon

I don't see what other games have to do with it, OoT is really fucking barren, that doesn't excuse SFA from being really fucking barren.

Partnership most likely, before Microsoft bought Rare out. It's actually good this happened because the game would've just been in the dead pile as neo-Rare did with all their old IPs, regardless of the Rare collection.

The fact the game and all its assets is Nintendos now, they could remaster the game so it's much longer as it was originally intended, it might have the MM3D treatment if anything.
I really enjoyed it but I was pissed when I learned it was going to be an original game and ended up shoehorning Starfox in it. I guess this is why most people hate it now. Also Krystalfags.
Back in the day, it was well received.

And even though Starfox characters were shoehorned, the final boss (yeah, it's Andross and not Scales, sorry for the spoilers!) with Falco showing up was hype as fuck.
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What im saying is SFA aged much better than OoT because despite the handful of autists especially those that go by Jontrons review, which I seriously doubt he even played the entire game let alone did his research on the whole thing he missed the official manga that explains Falcos departure, it still holds up to a degree. It feels more like an actual Zelda game because there's no giant ass empty field, etc

The only issue was how the ending was rushed and how Andross was shoehorned in at the last second, but that was due to the buyout fucking development time over
All I'm saying is the game itself would have been much better if they kept it as is. Microsoft wouldn't have done a thing with the IP, but I guarantee the Xbox would have had another game for Rare to sell.

Don't hold your breath on that one, Nintendo has a nice track record of keeping games the way they are unless it's Mario. That'll never happen. And I reiterate: Microsoft wouldn't have done a thing with Dinosaur Planet, but it would have been another game Rare could put out on the Xbox.

That, too. But a good chunk of the original content can still be found in the data, implying they were going to use it anyway with Fox and crew. But your point still stands.

Compared to the Miyu&Fayfags, Farafags, and Gay furfags (muh Fox x Falco x Wolf headcanon), it really makes no difference. I would like to see those three appear though, that way everyone fucking wins and more retards get asshurt by more girls appearing.
It's a decent game, but a terrible Star Fox game. Everyone is just butthurt because it wasn't the sequel they wanted and "muh Krystal."
You know a big part of "Zelda" like games is the NPCs, but anyone else HATED Starfox Adventure's NPCs? They're all riddled with bad voice acting and are seriously annoying. It doesn't make you want to save them. Even Fox had facial expressions going "Da fuck is this shit!" when talking to Tricky's mother. Even he knew these reptiles were annoying and couldn't give a damn.

Look I felt for Majora's Mask's NPCs even though they were ripped from OoT, but SFA? The NPCs are just a huge turn off.
>asshurt by more girls appearing.

You mean more Gynocentric propaganda Girl Power shit?
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>m-muh furries!

That's about it really.
/v/ is full of retards.
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It wasn't originally made to be a Star Fox game, and it REALLY shows.
Some of the puzzles and quests are dull, repetitive and take a long damn time to load, the faux-language shit going on is annoying, the graphics look dull and muddy, and the plot is absurd even by Nintendo's standards. Plus you only get to fly the Arwing for all of five golden minutes, at the start and end of the game, giving you the most brief taste of actually fairly decent gameplay before you're harshly reminded that it's not the full game. It's the worst fucktease.
And that's not even getting into the whole thing about Krystal existing. I'm all for having more female characters in the series, but a mystical BLUE fox that's apparently a flying expert by the next game? For real?
Just remove Star fox and the game is actually pretty solid.
The flying sections were shit though. Nowhere near the quality of an actual Star Fox game.
The GameCube icon for Adventures is Fox shaking his head. Rare knew full well what they were doing, and it's almost like commentary on the whole split-up.
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>Majoras Mask 3D while was the same, it had some major changes
>Rare would've just ruined Dinosaur Planet on Xbox as they did Conkers Bad Fur Day, would've just been killed off like 95% of their IPs except Battletoads

It doesnt hurt to dream


Then Assault appears, and just like Mario Sunshine;

>Has the same mechanics of that of its 64 incarnaation
>Focuses more on the on foot feature that was in 64s multiplayer, something next to no one knew about because unlocking it was retarded medal for venom 1 or 2 on expert, but you had to go through so much trial and error shit to get all medals on normal to get expert
>Shat on for that reason because muh flight even though you still had the option on some mission, like how Sunshine was shat on because Fludd supposedly ruining platforming

...source on that?
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Should have just been Dinosaur Planet desu.
Yeah, I know. That's why I said it was a taste of a possible better experience, not an outright great part.
I played it and it sucked

There's honestly a double standard if you so much as point out how furry the series was before it, the fanbase is clusterfucked.


In this series case, gayfurfags would be severely asshurt because it'll interfere with their shipping even further
As a furry, let me clarify.

Starfox adventures was/is shit. Don't get me wrong, Krystal porn was pretty good for a hot minute YEARS ago, but then I played this game. Would not bang and will not fap because of how bad this game is.

>The only issue was how the ending was rushed and how Andross was shoehorned in at the last second, but that was due to the buyout fucking development time over

What about the fact that every puzzle is some brainless "use fireball on fireball panel" shit
What about the boring, context sensitive as shit upgrades, one of which is literally just a key to open several doors scattered throughout the game.
What about the combat system that's more brainless and less fluid than one in a game from 1998.
What about the lack of any kind of side content whatsoever. Theres like two optional magic bar upgrades and a handful of coins that unlock nothing of value and that's it.
What about the art direction being so bland that the game looks like it was made from stock assets, despite the high graphical fidelity.
What about the blatant padding, like the game making you going through two of the same dungeons with very mild changes twice.
What about the bland soundtrack, despite being composed by David Wise

It's shit, so is any Krystalfag who thinks this game is acceptable
Why do people think that the game would have been any better had it stayed as Dinosaur Planet?
You really think they didn't stick with what they had planned and developed, and instead made a whole new game, scrapping the original project?
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>Implying every Zelda game isnt like this

You even forget it was going to be released a year after OoT before it became SFA.

I bet you'll try to defend this like its somehow different for Zelda
Yeah, because there's so much of that in Star Fox games.
Not him but I'll give you the braindead puzzles

Everything else is wrong
>Dinosaur planet had nothing to do with arwings
>Suddenly built in sections fully focusing on arwings

Yes anon, that's how it typically works when you stick an entirely different game series on top of the original design. Have you not seen what happened to Infinite?

The entire game was based around OoT, Rare even stated it was their take on it way before it became Nintendos. The combat is such a dead giveaway, even the HUD is obvious.
>It doesnt hurt to dream
Actually, it does. Cut your losses.

If that link doesn't send you to the specific point, 35:00.
Infinite? Try Silent Hill 4. That fucker had NOTHING to do with the series until the end of production when they added newspaper clippings to loosely tie Silent Hill into it and completely fuck the established lore.
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Yes she is. People in this sub usually think that she ruined the series, get angry if you post her, and do I even need to mention all that Smash ballot shenanigans? Hell, even the Miiverse was full of anti-Krystal postings.
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At this point I'm thinking that people don't hate Krystal for who she is, but for what she represents and where she came from.
There's nothing explicitly wrong about her, but every time we see her, we're reminded that SFA existed at all, this huge mediocre dent in an otherwise great franchise, and people flip their shit.
The 5 minutes of Arwing sections were shoehorned in between sections of Dinosaur Planet gameplay and clearly half-assed.
They don't change anything about the main game.
Well that answers that. Fox was disappoint.
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The only people that claim this are the same autists that still get asshurt by her to this day, and it's been what, 13 years now? The ballot shit, at least here was about as much as false flagging as the other countless threads were on Ashjley, Daisy, etc.

>Constant anti posts on Miiverse

Only on the Fox page, and that was because the same handful autists from le luigi page got assmad that a bunch of drawfags supported her, al of which that made better shit than virtually everyone on the Fox page. One of em did this for fun and did a series of her as if she were up against the roster, and nobody got pissed from wha I saw, except for some ganonfag because he drew him as the CDi incarnation.

That doesnt even look remotely disappointing.
You can't show your frustration outright, but the feeling was there with Fox throughout the whole game. He really didn't want to do that mission.

>Andross dies
>Shit happens on Titania, Adnross returns thanks to the Captain of the army wanting to overthrow Pepper, think the same way Ridley and Mother Brain return
>Falco leaves because he got sick of Fox's shit, being as pissy as he was in 64
>Fox and crew decide to do a freelance mission on Sauria since they couldnt find work to do, ROB points the planet out to him

Course the game kinda alters the matter differently, with Pepper playing into it.
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>Not wanting to see shrek stone and the based jew raptor again
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To be fair, even Zelda had its fair share of bad games, and people will honestly defend this even though it was fucking bullshit.
It was good.
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I never hated it, fairly fun game but I do understand why many do, like the fact that space combat is limited and Tricky. Mostly Tricky. I just liked fucking with him.
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You posted the wrong pic. Here, I fixed it for you.
HD version fixed that one up.
That shit was hilarious. the HD version came out like 3 years after I played this on an emulator. I re-rendered it using my outdated hardware at the time and it looked better than the HD remake they sold.

And no.. no it did not.

The point was that Zelda II changed the entire formula from the first game, though people say it's good, many despise it for being painfully hard and having retarded features.

In that one post here >>323803493 that can easily be applied to Wind Waker and every Zelda game after, this even counts towards OoT as well since Adventures was entirely based on it.
I will give you that. Honestly, I just didn't like the 2nd zelda game because the mechanics were clunky and it was too easy to die.

As for game design and formulas though, you are absolutely right. Anyone who's beaten a zelda game since the SNES can burn through any other zelda game since.

The worst offender of this is most modern zelda games center dungeons around the items you get, ALBW pulled this shit and im surprised it wasnt bashed for that reason, then again it's probably because it was so damn easy to obtain the items since you could just rent and buy em than finding em. Doesnt make up for how stupid the dungeons revolved around em. It's like that minimalist X6 run where it's virtually impossible to beat the game as normal X
I would love to see modern zelda fans play the 2nd playthrough of the original NES game. Ever do that? There's a dungeon with no item. You finish it and get your triforce piece and leave. You can't get into the next dungeon until you get the item. You have to walk through a fake wall in the triforce room to find that shit.
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Too damn short. I remember buying it and by like the next day after school (I think it came out the third week of September), I was almost done. Granted, the visuals were fucking amazing for its time, the fur physics were amazing.

Prince Tricky was poorly done though, don't remember him as useful and a shame the Arwing sections were few and far between.
Enter fanboy! Relayer of memes who truly believes in the heart of the cards!

>Buttmad Zeldafag that his games are mediocre as shit now
Zelda II isn't a bad game. It's different, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Being hard isn't an excuse to label it, either.

Wind Waker was great. After Four Swords Adventures, console Zelda games went to shit.

>Climb out of shop
>Spam whistle


Modern zeldas hard mode is just

>No heart drops from enemies, pots, or grass
>Increased damage in some instances
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Fox was a cute in it

>Superior voices in the cast after 64 regardless of that weird filter Assault had
>They reuse the same old voice actors for petty nostalgia reasons
>They sound like shit as much as the cast of Ducktales Remastered did, and those were the original voice actors from the series back then

In all fairness, Scrooge was in his 90s, the rest definitely sounded run down.
That game literally saved the franchise from MMfags. What's bad about that?
I can't agree. MMfagdom didn't start until the Masterquest remake came out on GC, at least not in my area. Majora's Mask was hated for being nothing but a cheap plug reusing OoT's sources and Tahl was just as bad a Navi. I think Windwaker lowered the bar and, in turn, helped created the MMfagdom we still suffer.
Magica De Spell's voice actress, June Foray, is also in her late 90s.
>I think Windwaker lowered the bar and, in turn, helped created the MMfagdom we still suffer.

TP was the game that created the Zelda cycle we still deal with today.
I disagree, but am intrigued and will wait for you to explain your point. How do you feel that TP created the current bs fandom instead of just being another installment of it?
>Tahl was just as bad a Navi
Neither of these two were bad. I don't get this at all.

Not him, but Twilight Princess was the result of the fans wanting a realistic Zelda after shitting on Wind Waker. When they got it, they still complained(Though for good reason, the game had problems). The rest is history.

Now watch this happen with Star Fox Zero, It already happened with Japan, though they never liked 64 to begin with, they just hate Zero for being that if I recall. There's still fanart of every single character except for Fara
>this huge mediocre dent in an otherwise great franchise

Command was worse than Adventures, though.
Neither Tatl nor Navi were bad, but Tatl actually gave you information about enemies.

Nobody talks about Command as much as Other M or any other shitty Nintendo installment
I will give you that TP on the Wii was the last zelda game I played and one of the reasons I sold my wii and never regretted it. I'll also give you that it was the first "realistic" zelda and that they should have just fucking stopped.

I had another argument I was writing but just deleted it. I'm starting to feel less like Zelda became shit because of Zelda games and more that they became shit due to what nintendo became after the N64. They've been pandering to the lowest common denominators in the younger demographics since and I think that may be what cause such a shift in the series and the fandom.
The boss battles are fucking great
The graphics are pretty good
The music is sweet
Some puzzles are pretty fun
The characters are kinda bad
The voice acting is terrible
The story is good but presented horribly

7/10, I liked it way more back then though.
It wasn't supposed to be on the Wii, yet it ended up having better controls than Skyward Sword.

Zelda U is fucked as far as I'm concerned.
I love it.
So there.
Actually I will say, GC games' data was far better than most people realize but crippled by the shitty hardware Nintendo created. Get an emulator and run the same data through modern rendering and it looks better than the WiiU. This applies to all GC games that were 3D and textured including Smash Bros Melee and Metroid Prime.

With some simple texture scaling and MFAA, GC games are still competent for the modern market. Too bad their controller was shit. Luckily, modern PC controllers are still based on the classic playstation dual analog design.
Abi do dah baka hos ka fu GENERAL SCALES ni kapa ru!
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The problem I have with Nintendo is their rehashing shit, if you wanted to get the newer generation to get into your shit by having em experience the originals, why not do what they did with Mario and make what was Mario All Stars by covering each game up to that point.

You could do this with Star Fox, Zelda, and a few others.

>A Star Fox collection that covers Star Fox 64, a rebuild of the SNES and lost sequel, Adventures, and Assault, ignoring Command entirely
>Another Zelda collection that covers the NES up to dare I say Wind Waker
>F-Zero, F-Zero X, and GX collection
>Another Kirby collection
>A Metroid collection like the Prime Trilogy that covers the NES, SNES, GB, and Fusion, ignores Other M entirely

I dont understand how this is so hard to do.

It shouldnt be hard to know why Pokemon isnt listed
TP's launch was where Zelda fans began retroactively praising Zelda games as opposed to games like OoT and LttP that were always loved
I'd throw a few others in like F-Zero2, but I see where you're coming from and like the idea better. Except kirby. Don't get me wrong, I loved the original.. but that's the only one.
Saying that it was based on OoT doesn't help it at all, they had a pretty solid base to start from yet Rare somehow managed to make it bad, the combat is awful, the game progression is stupidly slow, I only played through it because I wanted to see how silly it gets, and in the end it gets pretty fucking stupid.

The only good thing about it is the clues they give about earth's canon.

No, that's too low[\spoiler]
Xek kxasb caquht tasb
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gameplay wasn't too bad, great graphics, but holy shit those cutscenes
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the only things I liked about the game was some of the level designs and fox's voice actor

>There are people who'll defend rare

They were lsoing it right around the end of the 64s life, so even if say Dinosaur Planet was their's still, it would've been shit either way. Thankfully it's Nintendos because it prevents them from touching it, plus they should be able to remaster it. What im saying is Microsoft doesnt have a Zelda competitor of their own because of this.
It was mediocre, the game started falling apart halfway through and you could tell they rushed the shit out of it. It would have been interesting to see what if would have been like if Rare wasn't rushed to finish it before the buyout.

I also don't understand why people hate Krystal in the game considering she didn't do anything outside the tutorial.
Because she didn't do anything outside the tutorial.
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>defending the worst starfox game
>"I never played command" the post

Command was even that bad, it's just the weakest out of them all

It needs to be remade, a remaster wouldn't be enough.

Also, why does no one ever talk about Sauria being the earth pre-meteor collision. The pyramids and Dinosaurs are a dead giveaway.
As a kid it was just an ok adventure game, hard to believe I beat those bullshit trials though

To be fair, neither did Zelda, and oddly enough, she's put in the same situation as Zelda did in OoT. Shiek doesn't count because even she barely did shit.

I would've been happier if you played as the two though, cause then it would've been more diverse in gameplay.

>Fox relies on his limited blaster while using a short sword, more of a ranged type
>Krystal relies on CQC and magic, essentially the Donatello if you will
>plot focuses on her origins while of course Fox is trying to find something to profit off of due to having to repair shit he cant afford
>She ends up joining in the end as not only did the relationship between em build as the game progresses, but Peppy himself tells her that she isnt the only one that lost her folks ad encourages her to be part of the team. This mystery continues later as she doesnt know exactly what happened to her home world.

Command wasn't bad, it was AWFUL, dull and repetitive, one of the weakest Nintendo games.

I got all the endings and all the arwings, the game is the same 3 parts + Boss Battles.
Rare was going to do something similar to what you were describing but scrapped that because they didn't have time
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It wouldnt hurt to do that again, but make it so say they made a sequel to assault that it concluded the mystery entirely.

>tfw I thought of how but would come off as something familiar.
>The plot does involve Command but skips it entirely and retcons everything bad about it except for a few things, one of em justifying the existence of four new characters. Instead it goes into a new plot
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So did other games because it was a good format


It brought it some features from the old game but it was never advertised to be the same kind of game like Star Wars Zero is.


I like Jon but his main gripe with SFA being not like 64 doesn't hold any weight. It's still an enjoyable game

I'm still calling it the worse, I say it's not bad because I liked the idea of playing as the different people other than fox with different ships. That was it's redeeming quality and one thing I hope they remember and try to incorporate and improve Zero which they probably won't
>Star Wars Zero

Oh yes, the different arwings was the only good part, a great addition to the franchise wasted in such terrible game.

Because its defining feature is furbait.

>An improvement

Granted Platinum's assisting with it, the fact Nintendo EAD's doing it already hints it'll be garbage. That's why it'd be good if Platinum themselves handle it because they'll most likely handle it better.

>Would most likely tell the old 64 VAs to fuck off and hire the Assault VAs or better
>Bring Krystal, Panther, and the rest back as if they didnt already imply they're ok anyway
>Because Japan has a hardon for harems, they finally give people Miyu & Fay, maybe introduce more waifu material just because, Fara maybe.
>They mix the gameplay with Assault and Bayonetta while still having your flight and all
>Amiibos unlock special costumes for each character
Why didnt fox just take the jewgold the dinosaur wanted?
So why would /v/ hate it?

Adventures was basically GameCube bayonetta in 2004 with a staff that shoots fireballs. A pretty shitty basic concept that was not executed well but it has so much potential. I usually hate platinum but that sounds too OG to pass up.

I loved adventures though. One of my favorite games as a kid. The metroid prime series and starfox games on the GC were great adventure games.

Starfox assault's music is great. The musician had mad DJ skills.

If anything they could do a Dynasty Warriors installment like they did with Zelda but feature Star Fox while involving the plot of Adventures.

>Krystal as the main character, uses her staff and magic
>Fox as the other main, uses ranged moves with some attacks from smash
>Slippy as the accident prone one, explosives out the ass
>Falco as sorta the buffed Fox, I cant think of how he'd play on his own
>Peppy as the professor x, at least being in a chair while fighting, kind of a joke character
>Wolf oDonnel
>Some female hyena of some sort
>Katt Monroe
>Fara Phoenix
>General Scales, because he must fuck up his own men for some reason
I don't like Dynasty warriors. I was thinking something more combat based. Starfox will never be M rated so a bayo game starring Krystal is out da window.

I'd honestly be happy with a assault/adventures sequel with current gen graphics. Imagine something Lost Planet one but starfox themed. Muh deek! I don't know, it can be anything, so long as it is fun, has great graphics and great music.

Speaking about that, I remember the first trailor of SF zero. It looked worse than 3DS graphics. The most recent trailer looked waaaay better and more populated maps. I didn't like it at all at first but the recent trailers made it look fun.

Sucks that I don't have a Wii U.

Its what you get when you have cuckbert involved
never played any Star Fox
should I start with Adventures?

I fucking love platformers so I'm not choosy
Krystal brought furfags into the fanbase that's why people hate it
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It's an unfinished Zelda clone
Judging by the amount of gay content, that was never the case.
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You don't really believe that
furfaggotry is gay as fuck
I'm not a furfag but I used to fap a lot to furbait. I think this may have some validity into it. But it would only explain why 4chan (mainly /v/) would 'hate' it.
>all adventure games are Zelda clones
I want this meme to end.
Of course you can see parallels within the same genre, but you wouldn't call every fps a Doom clone or every Fighting game a Street Fighter clone either.
Star Fox Adventures was a new take on the series and I think it would have been perceived way better if not for the lack of another more space orientated main game.
oh god please kill me

>He thinks there are furries who didn't gobble the fox cock

Seriously, Fox is the ultimate furbait
Are you saying Assault's VAs weren't good?
More like faggots hate it for making a character that stopped the Star Fox sausage fest

>remember some faggot claiming Star Fox was for the "cool" people
>Implying it wasnt always furry trash since the start

The ass amounts of gay content is proof enough, the worst part is they'll deny this, and worse yet the gay shit is far more ucked up than anything involving the girls.

Im saying 64s was shit, Assaults was good, but if by some chance they couldnt get everyone.
If you think SFA has a bland soundtrack and like David Wise then you should take off your rose tinted glasses for his work before SFA.
Falco and Wolf are close contenders too.
It just wasn't a very engaging game. Something about the environments, atmosphere, creatures, characters, always made it seem "meh" to me.

I'm 27, it's one of my fav games and I've got a gamecube right here on my desk

pretending to hate it is just one of the old bastions of krystal hate, which is very valid
it's pretty decent but I will never play it again because of prince tricky
There is so much Krystal porn that I refuse to believe she is universally hated.
The furry community is pretty much why she's hated.

>It's not okay because she has porn from some group
>But it's okay for Fox, Falco, and Wolf to have a fuckload of gay shit even though its from the same group
It was one of the prettier gamecube titles but it wasn't all that great. I mean I enjoyed it and all but I wouldn't play it again.
Furries are fags. The male fox from Zootopia, Nick Wilde, has more porn pics than Judy Hopps the rabbit girl.
The only thingI hated was that the game was kinda tedious in some parts, especially in the temples. I don't mind puzzles, but most of the exploring was just progressing through an area with nothing much happening, not even enemies to fight. It's a good game, but it's unnecessarily drawn out at some parts (like the area on the moon mountain or whatever or the sky temple place)

The worst part is that it looked way better as a new IP

Oh yeah, and that bait and switch final boss. Fuck that shit, fuck whoever did that
>Tfw me and my sister replayed this game over the break

We have really good memories about it. I'll always love it.

Thank Microsoft in part, the game was to be much longer and end in a fight almost similar to what Wind Waker does where you and Krystal kick the shit out of Scales. You were even supposed to save her halfway through the game, which has her tell you to help her stop his shit.
becuase NOT MUH RAIL-SHOOTING. It's ironic becuase Zero is catering to the popel that bitched for years about Adventures Assualt and Command, and yet, that game is also receiving a lot of hate at first, and hardly any hype. Just goes to show the Star fox fanbase suffers from Sonic cycle syndrome
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>People ITT defending shitty 3D platformer number 3247 because they played it in MUH CHILDHOOD

Adventures was a shitty, uninspired game that was trying to ride the wake of stuff like Banjo and Spyro years too late. Nintendo tried to salvage it by slapping a likable face into it, but the game was rushed out the door and falls apart earlier than halfway through.

In fact, there is footage of the N64 version out there, and it shares entire levels with the full version. In fact, all of the finished levels on the 64, and a few of the unfinished ones, were put into Star Fox Adventures.

Really, adding Star Fox only made them need to add the space levels, new menus, some new storyline elements, and change a few characters.

The thing that killed the game was being pushed to Gamecube around the same time the Xbox buyout was imminant.

This led to:
>Re-using N64 models and textures that look like ass on Gamecube, alongside good looking textures. They hide them when possible.
>General Scales boss fight having to be scrapped.
>Being able to play as Krystal being scrapped.
>A huge portion of the game being scrapped.

Otherwise, they took what was finished on the 64 version, added some Star Fox shit, improved some of the graphics, added the Andross fight, and shipped the game incomplete. There's even some sound files of Krystal's portion of the game on disk, as well as some of the pre-Star Fox script. Also, the boss fight against Scales has it's voice acting in tact.

It's pretty much Rare's MGSV.

To be fair, Nintendo fucked it over by not referencing it in other games, its gotten to the point that people only know about Star Fox by Smash, and this has happened with Captain Falcon too. If it wasnt for Smash, those two would've been unknown at this point.

this, it's a 6 out of 10 kinda game

lovely graphics and music though. game itself is dull and uninspired

Pretty damn much, it would be nice to see all that scrapped material used in a remake so it'd make the game much better. It's really a matter of showing demand for it I guess, but who the hell really knows.
It had a couple comfy sections, but it was all around mediocre and a drag.

Banjo Kazooie suffered the same problems, though it has the nostalgia factor so people can't see how bad of a game that was as well.
The game was pretty damn comfy at times, just wish the gameplay was better
Because it's a terrible fucking game that only furries like
It's okay
Nobody brings me gifts anymore

Also who the fuck thought it was a good idea to play fanfare and the same shitty animation ALL the time you picked up something.
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