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How many units will this sell in burgerland?
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How many units will this sell in burgerland?
got any screens or footage
how many sales did P4G get?
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Didn't this flop in Japan?

23k units the first week and then like ik the next.

Literally isn't even on the sales charts anymore.

8K the second
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Hopefully enough so that they don't make anymore of either one of these trash games
They should've put Kowashitai in Smash Bros, they fucked up bad

I can't even
150k-200k. 400k in the west.
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Not much, plus you have to take in consideration how much censoring the game is going to have and the selling factor is the Japan idol industry
#FE, not Xenoblade.
What's so funny? It's still a solid JRPG on a system that's starved for it. I'm including digital, physical and any limited edition they do.
I can easily see the localization being canceled or at the very least a Devil Thirds situation again.

I mean if only sold 23k in Japland I cant even see 10k being reached over here.
Not enough.
Even if it somehow sold over 100K here (which would be very generous), all the licensing bullshit with Avex, etc would end up putting them in the red.
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>maximum weeb idolshit sell 23k in Japan
>it should sell about 400k in burgerland



It's a big country.
This is pretty much the only time I've ever felt like NoA would be remiss to mindlessly bring over one of their own games. Having this commercial bomb that the American fanbase has been spewing vile about for over a year come over while other, more notable games without this stigma got the shaft? It's a slap in the face.
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>game was literally too bronyfied even for Japan
>Treehouse marketers trying to say it will sell here
What happened with Devil's Third, again?
Neptunia sells far better in the west than it does in Japan. This game will also have Nintendo and Atlus marketing it, it being one of the big games the system will receive this year.
Source of that pic?
>it being one of the big games the system will receive this year.

Now you're just grasping at straws

Who is this game more of a punch in the face to?

SMT fans or FE fans?
I might actually buy a wii u for this, so that's maybe one sale.
Should they have made the girls romanceable ?
23k not including LE and digital sales for the first two days, but that would ruin the narrative this game is selling poorly so you keep hush on that.

Probably, it's expected in shit like this
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It's a well done RPG and It's really good, also the Wii U doesn't have much future games right now
The weight of one American
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>it being one of the big games the system will receive this year.
Literally the only burgers that would like this are the same Atlus dubfags that think Ashely Burch is a good VA.

The whole fucking gimmick is the singing and they are planning to dub over that. What fucking weeb would want that?

>Well done

Motherfucker its Persona level babby combat. The final boss is literally level 60
I can't believe people are still doing damage control for #FE. It's a flop, deal with it.
Wii U has shit for games this year. Zelda, Star Fox, and whatever else they might announce that aren't worth saving for NX
I'm estimating about 50-60k at best, a sleeper hit for desperate Wiiwoo fans, but still not enough to recoup the 5 YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT TIME
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>m-muh untold numbers of digital sales
and? It's the final boss he should be high level and the game isn't that long
>Meanwhile they refused to do Xenoblade 1 and, after it was a surprise hit, one of their employees persisted in saying localizing it would have been a mistake.
Why is NoA so fucking retarded?
their memes went too far
Reminder that SMTcucks parrot the opinions of the amazing banana fucker, Rasen, and Spoony
>FE sells because waifus can be waifus
>Persona sells because waifus can be waifus
>not include in this one
What were they thinking?

Motherfucker 60 isn't high level for a final boss. The final boss if Persona 3 was only level 70, but you fought her like 13 different times in a row. In Persona 4 the final bosses were both level 70 and the real final boss was level 90. In every mainline smt game the final boss is usually level 99

>Not that long
Ironically, that game sold purely because it wasn't brought over quickly, so Wii owners were thirsty for any game by the time it made it in the west.
/smtg/ here, can confirm this for a fact
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>"Sir, what do we do about the NA release of SMTxFE? it sold shamefully here"
>"how about we bundle a kowashitai amiibo with the game?"
>"but that would cost us extra time and money"
>"how about a gold marth amiibo then?"

And thus the game was saved.
SMT fans got the cold shoulder.
Fire Emblem fans got slapped in the face.

Do you think being ignored or humiliated is worse?
Depends on what you mean by "trash" game.

This game didn't sell because of the lack of inspiration and aesthetic from the two series it was supposed to be crossing over. Its failure was NOT due to it being overly weeaboo idols, as otherwise Japanese lap that shit up like water.
Which explains why X is following the exact same sales trend, right?
yes only 30 hours plus 30 hours of sidequests, this game would be finished between 30-45 minutes, compared to other RPG this game is more short
Over 9000
>In every mainline smt game the final boss is usually level 99
Yet almost every final boss in smt is fucking easy, except for 2 and strange journey
she is so cute
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>It's a well done RPG

Lucifer in Nocturne is kinda tough
30-45 hours , I fucked up kek
Why do people like him again?
They lap that shit up on Vita and Mobile.
Nintendo's audience doesn't have much intersection with aidoru.
Sorry we actually have a good videogame sonyggers and not a movie
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It is
This can't be real. FE is my favorite game series, and while I've never played SMT, even I can tell shit like this hasn't happened in it.
He's tough as the reason why Mot is tough though, because shitty programming
It sold like shit in Weebland, it'll sell worse in Burgerland.

Its full of stupid shit like that

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>NoA will use this as backup for when they don't localize actually worthwhile games
Thanks a lot, Atlus. Just using this funding as an opportunity to disregard the fans in order to make some other bullshit that nobody asked for wasn't bad enough, I guess.
>Le sony boogyman
Fuck off.
>there are people that, at any point in time, genuinely believed that this was pile of garbage was going to be good after the big reveal
>there are people that still genuinely believe this travesty of a "game" will still be good
Censoring and hilariously bad dubs aside, nobody wanted this garbage. Nobody. People wanted a game that mashed up the Fire Emblem universe with the SMT universe, but instead we got this.
Yeah, it's called Xenoblade.
What happened to him?
It's based around the idol industry, of course it has scenes like this
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>game panders completely to otaku
>decide to maximize profit by pandering to normals by censoring the game
>otaku want nothing to do with it
>normals in japland are too busy with their phone games to care

>game comes out in west
>will be censored to shit, true otaku won't buy it
>game is far too japanese for westener normals to care about
>will wonder why it bombed

Atlus shot themselves in the foot with this one.
Why would you do this? I can't fucking stand Nintendo anymore. How can you do this to my favorite series?

>b-but sony

Here comes the fursecution
Actually saw XBX's up to like 400k lifetime in Nipland, apparently it kept quietly selling for a few months after it's debut.
I hope they do localise it, PLEASE make it dub-only and dub the songs too.
My sides would explode.
Between Atlus and NoA I'd be more surprised if it wasn't dub only.
Sorry we have #FE and you losers get moviesona 5
who do you think would be the singers? start with the bigger hacks since those are what NoA are going for
I hope it's all Treehouse staff.
Nintendo, atlus already got a check
*Dad walks in*

Troy Baker is in a band! And he does voice acting for anime stuff... Or at least he used to
I'm not even a Sonyngger, but goddamn least Persona 5 looks interesting.
>sonyggers are this mad over a game, they resort to shitposting
How many people usually show up to anime conventions in burgerland? I would say that give or take like 10 maybe.
Barely any copies got made which resulted in the game costing $100 after being released
Is this a meme?
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I have no idea who these people are

>I'm so starved for replies. I'll make a post linking to a bunch of other posts for attention!
Indeed, that commercial aptly summarizes the content of Fire Emblem. The gang couldn't go 5 minutes without breaking into their theme song.
Anyone browse 2ch? What do they think of the game?
Since you Fefags and Smtcucks love persona 5 so much, go make a thread about it like the drones you are, live good games like this alone
i only come into these threads hoping someone will post this.
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Dunno, depends on how much treehouse censors it. If it's the same as Japan, I'm guessing 20k.
So almost 80 % of all WiiU owners buy that game?
Great success then
shame it's always the same images, can't even have variety here baka
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>didn't even make it to top 20 on the following week after it was released
100% actually, you forgot to add the less than 8k sales from Japan second week.
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>Squids will probably sell more this week than this game will lifetime
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>a ripoff
>good videogame
Rasen here, DeSu2 is in fact the best SMT game and I will tell tumblr to raze your house if you disagree
green tomboy best gyaru
people were damage controlling DmC after it flopped
Only because Yamato is in it.
As someone who's never played SMT, who the fuck is Rasen?
and it's a better idol game that SMT x FE
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Is anyone still genuinely still interesting in getting the game after all the shit that keeps surfacing from this game?

Because I am, gameplay seems pretty enjoyable and the music sounds rad.
I am, all the possible censorship and fucked up dub worries me

Some nobody that ran a small podcast and thought he embodied the opinions of the SMT fanbase. Ended up killing one of the few SMT communities there was.
Censorship is one thing, but how they are going to handle the dub is another.

...They wouldn't dub the songs, would they?
Worst OST of any game related to Megaten desu

Yes, I'm well prepared to be disappointed but SMT games, or anything that resembles them in the slightest bit, don't come out fast enough.
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I finally realized who that girl reminded me of.
NoA will find a way to find the worst of the worst, I don't believe they can make a good job anymore
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How can Atlus afford to keep pumping out shit like this?
>Atlus is Nintendo
At this rate, the game is going to sell around 250k worldwide.

Tsubasa is pure.
Immortal frozen cunt is immortal frozen cunt.

The song in FE Fates is competent enough.
>sell 23k the first week
>completely fall off the charts afterwards
>At this rate, the game is going to sell around 250k worldwide.
just enough, but they could much better, truly a shame
I am too, People who have played it say its pretty good in the gameplay department abd thats all I need.

Story isn't that well done but after Xenoblade's I can deal with a super animu story about idols and commercials.
So here's my question, what was the point of Chrom if it turns out you just get Marth to go super-mode at the end anyway? Wasn't there supposed to be some deal about actually being friends with your Fire Emblem Personas? Why does he just get cast aside? Is there even any mention made of it?
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>The song in FE Fates is competent enough.


The lyrics are ok, but whoever is singing it just isn't working with it.
If that singer had more vocal training, I'd be ok with it.
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>Consensual Rape makes someone unpure
I bet you think getting penetrated on live television makes someone unpure too.
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At this point they probably want to cancel the localization but they can't back out now. They put too much advertisement into this being a new WiiU exclusive title
Can we at least agree the main girl is cute at least?

Too bad she'll forever be associated with a shit game.
I think it's because Itsuki gets shot or something don't how true it is since I don't want to watch the video
Wait, what song are we referring to? Have we heard a song from FE Fates in English already?
i'd rather be caught fapping than being caught watching this shit
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i love this video

"why i dont like anime" in one video, nothing more needs to be said
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>One of the monsters in the background LITERALLY has a binky in its mouth

Someone call Barneyfag
only hardcore weeaboos (not people that like japanese games, out and out weeaboos) would even consider getting this game, and those are the same kinds of people that piss themselves in righteous fury if a game is dub-only.

It's an atlus game, so it'll probably be dub only.

I can only expect it'll sell worse stateside than in Japan at the least, and that's a pretty big kiss of death considering just how much larger US is than Japan.
fucking yourself in the ass is less gay than having your dad walk in on you playing that shit
Yeah. Every game sells the most in America. It's like 100k guaranteed.
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Maybe if they went with their original plan of actually being SMT x FE I'd be jealous. Instead you got a game literally 5x the weeb pandering of Persona with it being lucky to get 1/5th the sales
#FE plays nothing like Omega Quintet though. Also OQ is like the only good Compile Heart game.
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I thought Persona 4 was a great game. It's one of my favorite RPGs of all time, in fact.

But any time I see something like this or Neptunia, I just get instantly turned off. They're too much for me.

I'm not sure if it's because Persona 4 sort of has some realism in its setting or if it's just because I had my feel on things like this with that game, but I don't understand why this keeps happening with me.
I can't figure out why Atlus didn't just make this a new IP instead of pretending this has anything to do with SMT and FE and pissing off both fanbases in the process.
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>This game will also have Nintendo and Atlus marketing it

I doubt Nintendo is gonna market this much. They're probably putting all their marketing bux into the actual FE game and Zelda Wii U.
I wonder if even the voice actors cringed while acting for this game.
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I don't know if any of the ST x FE voice actors can burst into song on a whim.

I know two in Persona 5 can (Nana Mizuki and Aoi Yuuki)
oh wow they weren't kidding, thanks
about tree fiddy
This is standard fare for Jap VAs
They fucked up hard by announcing it as SMT x FE over stills of old characters from the franchise and not just saying something like "A collaboration between the studios who brought you SMT and Fire Emblem bringing you an exciting new IP!"

Nah man. I'm playing Yakuza 5 right now, there's an entire chapter dedicated to the idol industry. This isn't the kinda shit that flies. Hell the game even makes fun of chuuni garbage like this as being too blatantly retarded for people to actually rally behind.
I dont know how you can be a voice actor in japan without being resistant to shitty cringe inducing dialog

My biggest resentment about this game not being Devil Survivor with FE characters is that I don't get to kill Chiaki again.
Ikeda and Miyano are in this fucking game? Who're they?

I know Miyano can sing but I can't imagine fucking Char doing a dance number.
that's for Persona 5, not the flop known as Hashtag FE

anon I have a Wii U and a PS4 and I want you to know that you couldn't pay me to buy #FE and while I haven't been keeping tabs on it or anything, I honestly think Persona 5 has a chance at being one of the best games to come out this year.
sorry but moving the goalpost doesn't work with me

They shouldn't have teased it as a SMT x FE. It should have been Atlus x Nintendo.
>Dat VA cast
It's a shame there's no way in hell we're getting JP audio in P5.
>Muh esjaydoubleu's are censoring this game
gabbygobbers everyone
Nintendo has this bad obsession with trying to plaster everything they have that isn't no budget download-only fare with their established IPs. Splatoon is frankly a miracle in that regard.
Thanks god. Now I feel bad for no dual audio. Japanese cast looks topnotch.
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i fucking hate this but it's so fucking bad it's good
it's sharp FE btw
Fuck Atlus.
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>This is how people argue these days

Well the game sure had a sharp decline in sales
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some people don't even know what censoring is.


when they did not renew the license
i really dont get the hate of this scene its really nicely done and for what the point of the game is its a pretty fitting scene, now i understand its not exactly people wanted for a smt x fe game ,but again for what the game actually is this is a pretty good scene
he nice one, grats
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Even people who like Nep are shying away from it.
Then you've someone like me who watches a majority of anime dubbed and none of this bothers me. Its weird.
The more you are into Japanese culture, the more you realize how disgusting their idol culture is.
you people sure like the watch it, nice to see more people giving attention to the game
I think k'll buy it just to see how crige worthy the game will be with english voices.

>Faaia Emburem in English
>All Special Attacks in Glorious English.
>Kiria's Cute Pet commercial fully voce acted


Maybe they'll even make some Spanish voice actors do it for Mexico and Spain!
They are fucking retarded, that's why. I would spam the devs' twitter accounts telling them how fucking stupid they are if I knew their handles.
any bets for the voice actors?
Don't forget Yuri Lowenthal singing
It'll be the same 8-10 people Atlus gets for their games, but if we're lucky they'll get Jamieson Price to be Barry.
"Moving thru the light!

Firaaa Embleeem.

We will march together~"
Oh yeah, baby.

That'll be awesome.

I can't wait for /v/ to start a civil war because of it.
>Jamieson Price
I... I want to hear Lu Bu sing.
My bet is on 10 more threads compared to the April 1st trailer
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>these threads are still total circlejerks
when are you fags going to get bored of this
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Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the thread, as usual.
When the next big thing comes out.
Probably 100k
this will forever be the meme scene for this game. whenever we have a thread for this game, FE, or SMT I hope this video gets posted.

i like the song though.
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