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What the fuck were Bioware thinking holy shit, what is this abomination?
>muh realistic portrayal of females
She's meant to be appealing to lesbians, not forever alone teenage boys.
They did a great job then.
I know lesbians who have greater standards than this.
there's nothing realistic about this thing
gimme her sex scene. I need to see it.
>She's meant to be appealing to lesbians

They failed.
She always made me rock hard so eh
That goblin looks kind of cute.

Never met a lesbian who likes the butch look? You might be surprised what they dig.
She's fucking annoying. I wanted to kill her the whole time she was talking.
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>everything looks like it would be bathed on Oil

Who the fuck though it would be a good idea?
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>attractive females

Pick one.
she doesnt look butch, she looks like a goblin
>She's meant to be appealing to lesbians
Not really. This thing is ugly.
Holy shit Miranda is such a fucking disaster. I wish I could kill her in 1st mission.
to be fair they got felicia day pretty accurate
If I was a woman and someone would claim that this is a realistic portrayal I'd be offended.
You talkin' shit 'bout the beauty that is Laura Bailey?!
What? Fetch is fucking hot.
Why does she look like a perpetually melting goblin? Also what's with her granny boobs?


You don't want this.
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That's the western definition of a beautiful character now, anon. How long before you accept the fact that westshit truly is shit and embrace japanese perfection?
Ellen paige still looks like a 10 year old boy.
Laura is cute, but Abigail sure as hell isn't.

>beautiful character

No, even by western standards she is considered an eldritch horror from the bowels of existence.
To be fair female Shepard in Mass Effect 3 is hot as fuck.
Yes she is. Don't like punk girls? Shitty taste in women, man.
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west can make good looking characters too
>Let's make the tumblr character an unattractive lesbian who blames the world around her for all of her problems.
I can't tell if this is a joke or if feminism has lost all self awareness and is now a self parody.
Chobot looks like she's having a seizure
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>design elf
>realistic womyn

next time they design an unicorn it will look like this by their logic

fucking cucks just don't buy anything from them
holy fuck, you can bang a retarded chick!?
>/v/ shits on Hepler because she doesn't like video games
>meanwhile Gaider is the real cancer behind everything

Hepler was a symptom, not the problem.
TBQH Felicia Day looks exactly the same.
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But they have to make shoehorned feminist pandering characters as an compensation because they fear the SJW mafia so much. Do you call that creative freedom?
Only when it's cartoony, like Overwatch.
Try talking to her
I want Widowmaker to dominate me.
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Haven't gotten to post this in awhile.
Most lesbians don't like butch, just so you know.
That monster also doesn't work as butch or tomboy, it's just gross.
You can make her less ugly with mods.
the biggest problem with her design is the retarded looking leg things
>appealing to lesbians
A lot of lesbians mentioned her being ugly, though.
Elves aren't white.
Why is Felicia Day even popular? All she did was make that shitty LOL SO NERDY XD web show The Guild.
Chobot in ME3 looks like Snookie
I think that applies to any character she plays. I used to skip the episodes of supernatural when she showed up. Thank god the finally killed her off.
>not the fact that she's literally a walking SJW power fantasy
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You're reading into things a bit too much, man. Muscly vidya chicks isn't a new thing.
Why do you all care if a game has one ugly woman in it?
As a tomgirl, intersex of Female soul with male body, and a Tranny Cross-Dresser i can tell you that she is horrible.
I don't really give a shit, but these threads are usually hilarious
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I love Sera!
They make girls with amazing asses to pander to the waifu fags and one strong girl to pander to the Twitter feminists and big girl fetishists.

Everyone's happy.
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Realistic portrayal of elves scum.
>strong girl

I guess if you meant strong as in strong odor
She isn't strong? Because I'm pretty sure I meant strong as in "can lift heavy shit."
First time in the city hillbilly boy?
Obv can't lift those tits off her stomach. Or lift herself out of the troglodytic stage
Even then, I want SJW pandering off my games. It's not fair that they bully developers into including characters like that.
you're wrong, a female power fantasy is something like the protag of Bee and Puppycat, a woman who is a dumb obnoxious self centered piece of shit yet despite this everyone loves her for no reason. That is the true fantasy for women.
>Obv can't lift those tits off her stomach.

That one really didn't work.
help me
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statistically there would be more men playing as female characters romancing her than actual lesbians romancing her ....
So when they pander to you that's the natural order but when they pander to someone else that's completely unnatural and a consequence of pressure.

You got your ass girls. Just shut the fuck up.
I don't think anyone bullied Blizzard, a major global company.
>tips fedora
Not him but we are superior to the crowd that wants ugly and obnoxious women. These people desire ugliness and equality in everything including art and they must be filled if we are to advance as a species
Then explaim why they destroyed Sylvanas' design.
the only good recent western girl was from that infamous DLC and for all of the fucking wrong reasons

Bias aside Abigail was kinda thick and detailed well. Shit the whole game was tbqh.
im a girl you idiot
Because SJWs and their beta male cronies control the public discussion, and they have equated creating attractive fictive female characters to raping real women. Because of that anything that pleases the male eye os strictly forbidden.

If a western developer dares to create a design that actually looks good, SJWs would prop up a shitstorm that would destroy the studio or at least the designers career. That way they hold the whole industry as hostage including the big studios, just look at Blizzard destroying Sylvanas as example.
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>They want ugliness in art.

Sweet! More Goya shit less waifus.

They assumed people would care enough to regularly talk to her and figure out what her deal is.

She's not as aggressively awful as she first appears but there's no motivation to find that out and the payoff isn't good enough.
>btw im a grill ;)
Try harder, /r9k/
You, anon, aren't superior to anything despite your delusion. You're pathetic and you're too stupid to realize it.
All they did was cover up her belly, which makes sense armor-wise.
>If a western developer dares to create a design that actually looks good, SJWs would prop up a shitstorm that would destroy the studio or at least the designers career.

You have seen the women on the Overwatch roster right? Bar that one girl with pink hair it's basically all curvy pretty women with amazing asses.
Even goya's grim aesthetic contains care and detail, unlike the degenerate realm of hollow triangles and purposeful trite
Sour grapes. Maybe one day you'll learn better, kiddo
>proposed trite

Guessing you mean "proposed tripe." Otherwise that sentence doesn't make any sense grammatically.
Fuck off, SJW faggot. If we start accepting compromises, then that's just the start of destroying beauty from games.
You don't really have any say in what compromises are accepted, faggot.
>everyone is out to get me and my videogames
>there are posters in this very thread that see beauty and demand ugliness
>that sneer at romanticism and want for lazy brush strokes and tame, safe, and abstract visions where a lack of detail hides lack of mastery

t. 15 year old
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>ITT people salty about a vidya character design

Just why. You have better things to worry about.
> monster in the mirror.jpeg
>there are people in this very thread who think every strong woman in videogames is a ploy to appease SJWs
>I have a 12 year old's understanding of art history.
Why do you all hate beauty? Have you lost the key to the gates of your dreams?
I don't hate beauty, I just hate you.
t. 15 year old
>I will hide behind pretension and petty, personal insults to cover for my lack of taste
>c-c-contemporary art is g-great!
>y-you just don't understand
>why would anyone want to look at a boring picture of a forest when you can look at this white square?
>implying implications
Would sniff her sweaty arsehole desu
Michelangelo is amazing, Velázquez is amazing Sickert is amazing,

Putting your 2D and 3D waifu's in the same category as the timages they produced is a profound exercise in intellectual dishonesty.
But compared to Nep Nep they're just outdated. I'm sure they were great during their time but art has just advanced since then.
Mein Neger. I thought nobody ever heard about him here.
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>whine about someone being insulting and pretentious
>even though I'm doing all the same things in my first and latest posts

Anon, if you're so much better than him, maybe you should ignore him.
t. troll

Started playing Inquisition yesterday.

Holy fuck, this is the most generic, bland and lifeless game I've ever played in my life.

It's completely devoid of any heart and soul, fuck it doesn't even feel like a goddamn Dragon Age game. The story is atrocious, the Hinterlands is a bland and desolate landscape.

dragon age 2 was a piece of shit, but at least that game actually felt like a Dragon Age game.
I want to uplift the misguided masses, not let them wallow in their filth
*tips fedora*
Love him. The guy's portraits are always somewhere between dignified and haunting. They're fascinating.

Rubens is pretty boss too.
i now realiize that girl on the left looks like a girl i have a huge crush on.

god dammit.
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I honestly think the freaking "Mobas" got some nice grills.
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Which one is your favorite? I love pic related.
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Yep. But I'm always up for some Bosch styled "ugliness" too.

It gets better once you get out of the Hinterlands. At least play until you get to Orlais, because it's easily the high point of the game.

It's not ugly. It's just fucking insane in a good way.
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Probably this little nigga.
D.Va is cute af
10/10 would let her blow me up with her mech
Hey, maybe you can help me with something.
There's a polish guy who drew what he imagined hell was like.
It was very... surreal, for lack of a better word. Do you know him?
I can't remember his name.
I don't think those two things are mutually exclusive. I think something can be ugly and really compelling too. Hence why I don't buy this whole "modern art praises ugliness and that is a form of degeneracy" shit that someone in this thread is pitching.

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where are the boob sliders? cheatengine?
Zdzisław Beksiński?

It can be ugly and compelling but then I usually reconcile with myself that it must not be ugly at all because I'm enjoying it.

If that makes sense.
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Yeah, that's him. Thanks a lot artanons.
It makes sense but it isn't really a necessary distinction. You can just accept that you're finding something ugly to be compelling which is the truth of the matter anyway.
The problem is that the game wants you to fuck her

I can find ugly characters compelling but that doesn't mean I want to fap to them.
>The problem is that the game wants you to fuck her

I haven't played DA:I and don't really have any intention of doing so but I can't really comment.

But the vibe I get from some people in this thread is that they're angry if a game has any unattractive female characters and their unattractive nature isn't played for laughs.

That's fucking dumb. Have hot women, have ugly women. Have skinny women, have fat women.
What if she was really nice and thirsty af and you are a desperate NEET?
If she was actually a good character, her appearance would not matter that much.
But no, she is the combination of everything that is shitty, shitty writing, shitty visuals and shitty dialogue. And let's not forget that she is a carpet-munching fuck
I'm gay so I can't say. I bet most people in this thread would fuck her though.
I'm bi and I'd stuff your rectum full of dick qt.
I'm more into top than bottom to be honest

You'll find someone who likes your cock eventually :)
pretty sure the exclusion of a token hot "ass girl" wouldn't send the average gamer into a frothing rage

because nobody would care
>If we made sexy or cute girls anita will hate us so we are gonna make awful womyn so anita is happy!
>no more ass expansion
nice try

Yet she made up for all of that tenfold with her glitched focus ability (before they patched it).

can sjw cancer made games for themselves?
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>tfw my best friend thinks shes hot and likes her personality
damnit matt shes at best very plain looking
>pander to someone else
games shouldn't have to pander to anyone ! If a character is sexy it should be because they are an attractive individual , if a character is gay or trans or whatever it should be because the developers sincerely want to add a character like this because they feel it adds a cool character to the game . Not pander to shitty minority with identity issues or anyone else
>Ask lesbian tumblrite roomate about this character design
>Anon what the fuck is this
>It's Bioware character design of a "realistic non sexualised woman"
>Anon, she's pig disgusting, she looks like a hunchback manlet (actual words she said), this is what the company thinks is a realistic non sexualised woman ?.

She stormed back in the room, did I fucked up
Anything past ME2 isn't made by Bioware. The only person left from their heydays is the whiny ass writer faggot that doesn't even get to write half of the games anymore and probably the janitor and canteen runners. The only people at Bioware are all college freshies and other incompetents.
That's actually a half-goblin, she barely counts as Elf
>its a gamergate thread
She makes that shitty LOL SO NERDY XD web show The Guild
>muh lesbian exclusive romance
>Elves aren't white
No shit, they don't exist,

even if they did like in every generic fantasy lore, they would be elves of many colors, including white elves.
No one told me Slark was in Dragon Age 3...weird.
This. The first thing that I thought when I first saw her was "Jesus what's wrong with that woman's face?".
They spent more time writing this cringeworthy romance than the core game's plot
/v/, it is >2011+5

And I still don't know what the fuck gamergate is about.

What the fuck is it.

Is everyone mad about it because it's literally about nothing but what you want it to be ?
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Miranda reminds me of a certain peppered Brian
No, but in Dragon Age, elves are like the native americans/black/irish/whatever oppressed group you want

People who can't see that obvious allusion and only see skin color are retarded. Then again, these are SJW we're talking about.
Can't tamper the pepper

damn, where did the time go
You can't tell the devs not to pander. It's not like they were forced by execs or some stupid online petition to make the character. They made the character because they wanted to, this time. There's no evidence to support other conclusions.

Even after pandering, the SJW fags, such as Nathan Grayson, still complained.
miss pauling is cute.
>elves are whatever oppressed group you want
I fucking hate elves and I want to see them opressed.
Because the guy who did that was a faggot who took the opinions of his daughter too seriously.
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She looks like this autistic girl I know
she has a great body though but her face
Why can't you romance her as a male?
It's not everyone, it's mostly SJWs though
>dragon age 2 was a piece of shit, but at least that game actually felt like a Dragon Age game.
No it didn't, it felt like Mass Effect.

A shitty mass effect.
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damn, and my friends said I was crazy back then when I told them Miss Pauling was getting cuter each comic
it's grotesque. Which is the interesting kind of ugly.
The problem is sjw cancer makes """""""""games""""""""" that aren't fun and don't have a lot of replay value.

Within true creative freedom Zarya wouldn't be a problem. Who are you to say for what reasons they included her? Would it surprise you to hear that the designer might just have shit taste?
The hypocrisy at work is astounding.
4th one doesn't look that bad imho
Is that fucking lady gaga or am I blind?
Have you got her drunk and fucked her yet?

Not talking about Sera
The problem isn't that the character is ugly because I can deal with that, but rather that the creators want us to pretend that the character is not factually ugly
She is not my kind
Plus I also live with my >gf
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>play as big, hulking qunari shemale
>sera behaves like a good little bitch in your presence
>destroy her with rough, sweaty amazonian sex every night

Worked out for me. She also reminds me of Belladonna so that fuels my kinky image of her.
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Beksinski is fucking great but also the perfect example of why you sometimes have to ignore the artist when it comes to interpreting their work.

>honestly didn't think it was sad or disturbing
>said WW2, Russian occupation and the holocaust had no influence on his works

Who's the sherry girl?
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What the fuck is that thing? Where is Dr. Vahlen?
Sara Fletcher! The only reason I recognize her is because I'm the only person in the world who watch My Secret Girlfriend on Comedy Central 10 years ago

I'm a lesbian and that she looks like her face was sculpted from bad cheese.
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Thanks for the discovery
>Sara Fletcher
Thanks mate
Normie's life isn't that bad really.

As long I can still shitpost on 4chan
I'm surprised people like you still visit /v/ who remember all these old dank maYTMNDs
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>injecting unnecessary realism into a medium built on escapism
>capitulating to a mooing mob of insecure landwhales and uggos
>even once
>trying to cater to Tumblr/Reddit
>make abomination that represents the demographic
>feminist/"strong womyn" + lesbo + xeno
>hated by the majority of the DA fanbase, because they're not from Tumblr/Reddit

as an actual lesbian I am severely offended by such a retarded statement

>inb4 london
>Devs trying to cater to a demographic that is almost completly detached from their fanbase

This is enough for me
So do you despise the smell of cock?
I watched it too. Neat concept, but the writing really failed any chance of quality it had.
Someone photoshop some tumblr glasses onto her
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>yfw EA actually tried to talk up the "hours played" at a real shareholder meeting and didnt mention actual sales
That will NEVER not be hilarious.
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How big is her dick?
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>tfw dmitry doesn't draw females anymore
>tfw dmitry doesn't draw traps anymore
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Alright so there's nothing wrong with ugly characters.Sometimes having an unflattering exterior can be a thematic thing, or a source of conflict or, at the very least, personality quirks for the character.

but bioware doesn't have that kind of awareness. they've got this bizzare pandering/'tribute' mindset for the """""downtrodden""""" community that they'll make this absolute hobgoblin, in both looks and personality, and act like she looks completely normal

logain was a good example of an ugly character that people still liked as a character
what does he draw then
Shame she's so obnoxious.
More obnoxious than any of the mercs, somehow.

I wish there were more 10+ minute long comedic shorts, but I know she'd be included in them if there were.
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