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I saw the intro and it looked interesting, then it went full
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I saw the intro and it looked interesting, then it went full boyband style. Is it good?
I didn't get TOO far into the PS4 version. The camera and movement were horrible as fuck. The hold X to attack is obnoxious, although I think you start actually needing to select attacks later on. The concept seems pretty interesting. Some characters felt good to use while others felt like I would never want to play with them.

You can always give the game a try on PC for free and see if you like it. I would have probably put it at least being better than 12 (gameplay wise) if it wasn't for the camera issue.
>I would have probably put it at least being better than 12
There's a gambit system?
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There's nothing boyband about it, though.
You'll either love it or hate it.

>There's a gambit system?
Nope. It's an action game with character switching. It's fun but don't expect much in terms of combat. You get one attack button + directional inputs for several different combos, two skill/magic binds and one defensive (protect, cure etc.) + dodge. 3 characters per mission max, 14 total.

Type-0's Shiva a cute.
Sice best girl.
>There's nothing boyband about it, though
I was talking about the main characters artstyle
>Nope. It's an action game with character switching. It's fun but don't expect much in terms of combat. You get one attack button + directional inputs for several different combos, two skill/magic binds and one defensive (protect, cure etc.) + dodge. 3 characters per mission max, 14 total.
Oh, ok. It looks like it can get old pretty quickly then

I will probably try the psp version with the 60fps patch then
>I was talking about the main characters artstyle
There's no main character, he's just the poster boy.

Well, it's Final Fantasy, not sure what you expected. Although Type-0 is anime as fuck.
At least it's not like XV.
FFXV is full of old men and men with beards in the main cast, there is literally two pretty boy bishies in the entire game.
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i tried the demo for XV and it was too homo for me, way too fucking bishie JPOP twink style for me. noctis sounds like fucking shit in the dub too

loving type-0 though, actually feels like a goddamn mainline FF title and its a freakin spinoff of all things
Holy shit the entirety of your opinion is the opposite of good.
Mainline and spinoff are references to story. FF doesn't share a story. So I will quote you as if you didn't say something 100% wrong.

>actually feels like a goddamn numbered FF title
From a gameplay perspective, this couldn't be further from the truth... From a story perspective, still pretty far from the truth as every other FF in existence has a more focused story, rather than a huge cast of characters.

>and its a freakin non-numbered FF of all things
Final Fantasy Tactics is the best FF, and it isn't a numbered FF either. FF XIII is a numbered FF and it is the worst FF. Having a number seems to be meaningless when it comes to quality for FF. Its usually sequels that start sucking the most. Not necessarily from a gameplay perspective though.
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>bishie jpop twink

niggger what?

If anything Type-0 is that and it has literal jpop in it

XV has three men in the party and two pretty boys only, and both Gladio and Prompto hit on Cidney multiple times in the demo
It's a pretty shit game
Rule of thumb with FF is the gayer the better so probably.
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I loved it, emulated the PSP version.
Sadly the remaster seemed to turn a fuckload of people off because of the blur and camera. I read a lot that people drop it a couple of minutes in because they get motion sickness.
they fixed that with a patch already
B-but my favorite is the least gayest
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Yes two random idle animations overlapping

And a glitch from the camp

Gladio actively hits on Cidney twice in the demo and Prompto then also hits on her

The game itself opens with Noctis going to his wedding with Luna, and the devs confirmed that there are other yet to be revealed female interests for the party and that they are also enemy females
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Good thing the PC version can turn the motion blur and the extreme DOF off specifically. It's also really a lot more effective to not bother locking on with that crazy tight swiveling to keep the enemy centered; fighting with a free-to-move camera works much better.

Also screenshot mode is great.
But it's an action game locked to 30fps
I actually fucking like this game, but I'm on my second run now and I have no fucking clue where I should be leveling up. My characters are all at like level 34 or some shit and I need to be 40 for the next story mission. There don't seem to be any good dungeons, already did the combat exercises, and I'm hardly getting any exp from redoing crimson code missions in the mission list, and they aren't all that great to begin with, I'd much rather replay the base missions but normal level is too low level and high is either too high or the mission is to fucking short to be worth grinding on.

Also to anyone trying this game for the first time, It's not a bad action game, but it's very simplistic and certain aspects of certain enemies might seriously piss you off. To put it quite simply the way to have fun with this game is to take your fucking time. Try to relax and enjoy the school life atmosphere, go out into the world map and fuck around in towns and caves and shit, what you absolutely should not do is be in a rush to get into a fight. You will get bored to death in no time. Especially in the training arena, it's a good place to learn how to use a character and to test out new skills but it's just 3 simplistic enemies over and over again, it's seriously fucking boring, far more boring than the rest of the game. Also when moglin tells you to grind you should save, go to the title screen, open the mission list, and replay missions. In the first run that's the fastest and most pleasant way, fighting on the world map is generally boring although dungeons can be fun, but on the first run you'll only be strong enough to do the first dungeon. Also don't take me saying the combat is boring too seriously, you might actually enjoy it. I would have fucking loved it years ago but not now.
Doesn't say FF15 on the cover.
The game itself are kinda short, though it's probably because of the time limit system.
Game pickup rather early, and will fuck you up if you don't make some preparations.
Overall if you're liking action game with decent amount of challenge, it's pretty good.
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Looks nothing like XVs characters

Type-0 is literally all pretty boy teenagers

XV is two pretty boy aduls and three adult men.
Type 0 had mixed genders at least.
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The gender ratio for Type 0's playable cast is actually 50/50.
>implying Ignis is that far from being a "pretty boy"
>50-75% of the party is pretty boys
>all male
>all fujobait
>the only playable character is a pretty boy
Doesn't sound too good now.

>b-but guest characters
Don't count since they're temporary.
Fuck, why can't the devs try and add a save transfer feature when porting stuff. I really want to try HD but I'm already at the very endgame in the original.
honestly its bad. I love ff, especially the newer ones, but this one may be one of the worst.
Post more HD panty shots
The one thing that actually sold me on the MGS HD collection was that they actually did have a save transfer feature for Peace Walker, which was good because I've put about 150 hours into that game. I imagine if Type 0 had actually gotten a western release prior to the HD collection there would've been a chance they'd consider a transfer feature.

Sure, why not?
Feels like Square Enix are trying to steal the fan base for the tales of series.
I really liked Type-0. I think the PSP is a much better fit for it, though, and certain scenes look way better on its screen than in HD, where only some assets are improved.
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She has my favourite pair in the game
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That was all I have.
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I got one more
Just so you know, Seven actually does have designed pantsu under the spats. It's really hard to get the camera just right to see them, though.
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>locked to 30fps
I haven't even noticed. From what I can tell, it may have a fixed 30FPS display rate, but input runs on a different thread that is not bound to the display framerate. Controls remain more responsive compared to other game engines where the input will not be registered until the next frame is drawn.

Based on a couple quick tests with macros that simulate a keypress for only a fraction of a second, Type-0 on PC displays at 30 but has a 60hz input. With a macro that holds down the F key/square button for 0.017 seconds, the character will always successfully perform an attack. A popular game to compare this to - Zelda Ocarina of Time displays at 20FPS on the original N64, but the game still read inputs at 60hz which is why it didn't feel totally awful to play.

Type-0 forces VSync on, so my 60hz monitor is the limit, it seems. Inputs may be bound to the refresh rate. If I had a 144hz monitor (or was able to disable VSync), I may very well be able to get reliable inputs from a macro that presses the key for only 0.007 seconds.

A higher refresh rate will always be better for a game's responsiveness, but in Type-0's case, the 30FPS display is deceptive to how well this action game behaves. It plays like a 60FPS game.
Remember, it's because of this woman's persistence and dedication to push the PSP to the limit that all the girl's panties are rendered instead of black voids like originally planned.
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Fight, Megawoman!
For everlasting panties!
XV has Luna join the party and other unrevealed members too

XV has two pretty boys adults, three actual adult men who look like men and one woman so far, also Noctis will rapidly age into an old man during the course of the game

Type-0 has 6 pretty boy teens and 6 teenage girls

Ignis is a clean shaven businessman

All those characters have female interests too, and Noctis and the other party members have different playstyles, you give commands to them from a menu while Noctis has Action RPG playstyle, plus you can do more with Noctis alone than you can the entire party in Type-0

Temporary party members are party members all the same, just like Beatrix, Galuf, Aeris etc are party members
>6 teenage girls
Boys bands doesn't usually have girls in their team, even in Japan.
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I'm not so sure about this game
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It's my 2nd favorite final fantasy game
The first one is VIII?
I gave up playing this on the PSP because I couldn't see what the fuck was going on in some of the dungeons.

Is it worth getting on the PS4?
It always astounded me how good the PSP version looked on PPSSPP. Like, the models are absolutely not made for PSP resolution.
I reckon so. I personally preferred the PSP version because there wasn't the quality disconnect between main characters and others (well, not as badly anyway) and the style of game just lends itself to short bursts, but ever since the patch that fixed the motion blur and camera control for the PS4 one it's been great to play. You do still have to play it like a PSP game, though, so my advice is "don't touch the right stick unless you have to".
Backup singers and dancers
Males can be used the same way.
Anybody want to share new game+ save game for the PC version? Can't be arsed to play it from the beginning again
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