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What was your most exciting/exhilarating achievement in a video
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What was your most exciting/exhilarating achievement in a video game /v/?
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Fighting this guy is definitely my number 1
never beat this guy
dark souls 1 or 2?
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>mfw someone tells me they beat dark souls
Looks like some kind of kingdom hearts faggot weapon.
dunno, an early ragnaros heroic comes to mind
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That was a good fight, OP, I really enjoyed this one as well. Especially on NG+1 with the Fume Knight Sword as a pure STR build. Just slugging it out, getting his moveset down, shit was fun as fuck.
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And completing the challenges.
Beating skyrim on the hardest difficulty with nightmare mod on the second to hardest setting + some other mods. You want to talk about hard, scrub, get on my fuckin lvl
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Beating this fucker when I was 12 years old with close to no knowledge or tactics
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not dying to anub'arak

It's a kingdom hearts boss....
The day I ran into a whole clan of people with variations of my name on Socom 2. It was like I was famous.
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>he enjoys KH
Played Borderlands a lot a couple years ago, got into making modded items, ended up making a weapon that got spread around a ton, felt good to join random games and see people using it.
Doing no-damage runs of all bosses in Revengeance. Most of those battles aren't exactly worth mentioning here, but Monsoon and Armstrong sure required insane amounts of practice.

Fun fact: I bet that most didn't notice how Monsoon's smoke grenade actually does damage you by something like 0.1%. Non-issue normally, but goddamn annoying for no-damage fight.
I don't remember a specific case.
more recently that would be finding footage of your matches I guess.
Like streams and people talking how you play.
that was "exhilarating" when I found that for sure but I don't like getting attention in the first place.
Beating all pokemon gens from yellow to rubin with no understanding of english.
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Probably not my best, but it is the most recent.

No magic, no arrows, no summons.

Went with a quality build and stayed online the entire time but used an effigy before mirror knight because fuck that place.
Nice meme, KH is a better ARPG than DS, get fucked.
oh shiet, the memories

arugachug you smug dickhug

got a comeback?
I killed my first ever Yian Kut-ku
>KH is a better ARPG than DS
That's your opinion, sure, but holy shit you cannot deny that KH is an absolute clusterfuck of shit when it comes to design and story
>but used an effigy before mirror knight

Fucking casual.
To be fair, they're both like that.
Story? Yeah no doubt, designs? its 50/50 but if you seriously think he looks bad I'm going to have some serious doubts about your tastes.
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I got invaded there on an earlier run and the guy sat at the end of the hall for 5 minutes.

I had to aggro all the statue knights at once before he would come in. I don't blame him.
>he thought Artorias was hard

Killing someone for a party hat back in 2006.
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I beat this fucking boss when i was a kid.
and actually finished the game too.

took me a year.
and that was probably one of the best years of my life.

i will take the memories i have from this game to my grave.
Absolute madman.
Post your build.
He would look cool in a Mazinger game

I used the Claymore and Estoc for the playthrough. The other shit I got after just for PvP.
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Back when LoL had no AUS servers (late 2012) me and my mates who were all around silver MMR played some ranked 5's.

We managed to win all 5 placement games on 200 ping and get placed in gold 5.

1 of the games ended with a base race where our team was on the nexus and so was theirs. I, as malphite top, TPed back to base and managed to ult all 5 of them and gave my team enough time to finish.

Was a lot of fun and a decent feat considering we played some diamond/plats.
Just started replaying this on Rare Replay, the nostalgia is great
I've got a few world records on Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ (not counting the eight people above me with 00:00:00 as their time).
For non-leaderboard hunting, probably beating classic 9.0 with no lives lost or continues in Smash 4. That took me forever.
I was lost in DS1 so I fought Sif while being underleveled as fuck, he kept 1-2 shotting my ass on close combat so I used a really shitty crossbow.
The fight took literally 20+ minutes, it was kinda like monster hunter.
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I once ended up first on a scrub server in Quake Live.
My biggest solo achievement is probably finishing Echoes of Time on very hard 3 (something like new game ++++)
When the shitty third rate guild my friends and I set up before the release of the Burning Crusade beat Brutallus,
I used to dominate Modern Warfare 3 a few years back and did some pretty ridiculous shit

>Dropped a triple MOAB
>Dropped a MOAB in Search and Destroy
>200+ kill games on Dome
>Every gun gold
Did you also no damage the Jetstream Sam DLC?
Either the first time I beat O&S after around 6 hours of trying, or when I finished expert solo on L4D for the first time (blood harvest). Not my proudest achievements but definitely the most adrenaline-inducing.
This. It's still my Xbox Live Gamerpic.
Probably stumbling on a Conduit pylon at a clutch moment in a high grift on Diablo 3 and making top 50 Eu for my class
I'm coming on NG+ for this fucker again, can't wait. All the DLC bosses were enjoyable, except maybe lud+zallen
I was so disappointed by 2 I can't even motivate myself to play again to do the DLCs
Completing ghouls n goblins (i know its ghosts but ghouls fits it better) and battletoads
>tfw it loops

I beat the first castlevania, it was soul crushing.
ikr but the pure fucking joy once you beat it is great
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>Going in with Velstadt's set
Well done "B-Team".
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>tfw I got a nuke on rust in mw2
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When I got my military and industries set up to work with relative smoothness in Dwarf Fortress.
most people here boasting about DS and what have you. These guys are the real heroes.
Legendary Solo for Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3
And LASO co-op
For Reach and ODST


We are few. I also have a level 1 run under my belt, but that's not as impressive.
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i beat hard mode draculas curse using only trevor
lol thats easy compared to something lile ninja gaiden or ghouls n goblins
dont think you are anything
Metal Slug 3 1CC. You don't understand the shit I had to go through. It took me hundreds of runs, about 60 of which I'd played perfectly up until the final corridor/boss.
LASO = Legendary all skulls on? right?

I mean, agreed, but you haven't done it. I also have a level 1 run on DaS1, and I'll eventually get around to a no death run, but there's no actual proof of it.
Top shelf taste anon
Joke's on you, there was no MOAB in MW3
I know what you mean,
I hope you're not referring to NES ninja gaiden because I beat that game in grade school.
MGS3 no alarms
i have beaten both ninja gaiden and ghouls n goblins
i grew up with games like that
other kids played mario
i played ghouls n goblins
i had no friends
Noice. I've 1CC'd Metal Slug X and Metal Slug 4, but Metal Slug 3 is just on another level of endurance.

I beat Super Ghouls and Ghosts back in the day, but never the NES one. I grew up with that era, though, so Dark Souls/DeS/this weird boner people have for 'hard' games recently feels like old hat. Honestly, none of us are good at anything, we just like wasting our time in different ways.
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doing the 200 dungeon in Thousand year doors while mario had 10HP and only 3 partners alive with <5HP and dried shroom + invisipaste + some honey.

200 rooms. Avoided all damage.

No one will believe me
Not that difficult but fun to do!
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Probably [Occupation of Arteria Carpals] on Hard.
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after 10 hours
dex build getting wrecked and not having any summons
finally got this fucker yesterday
best feeling ever , no boss , not even artorias can match the salt mines i had after this fight.
i have 400h in VTMB, 3,5k h in GW1 only pvp
I don't believe you.
lol casual
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I pub-stomp tf2 servers as scout on a semi-regular basis.
I'm shit at all the other classes.
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>Fusion Dragon (Golden Sun)
It took me almost an entire week back when i was younger to be the final bosses. With only 15 of the djinns found, I i struggled a lot during this fight. Lost my shit when i saw it fade to oblivion

I actually just went back and beat this game for the first time like two weeks ago. My 12 year old self had gotten stuck on the tribal hunt years back.

It's still fun as fuck and has some really challenging segments (most of which are all Vela segments for some reason....fuck you Goldwood Lodge). Felt really nice to finally see those credits after almost 20 years.
>hit legs
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Don't listen to this faggot >>323494424, you stuck with it and learned how to git gud without summoning or crying about it. Nice job, anon.
I 200% Batman: Arkham Knight before patch on PC without it crashing
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In one day you went from being stuck on O&S for 10 hours - to beating Artorias?

Nice memeposting.
beat every other boss without any problems
the ornstein evolved phase fucking glitches out and instaslashes me up into the air behind pillars

what is casual about not cheesing my self with summoning le meme army hacked accounts to help me.
NG+ Fume Knight after several fucking months of trying I respecced for 30 faith, 30 int, then after using stupidly annoying equipment to get my attunement up, used Dark Weapon and oath on a Dark Crypt Blacksword. 800 damage a swing. Got on such an emotional high I proceeded to fuck up Elana, Alonne, and Sidh in the same night.
What a lovely feeling.
>Tfw let my skills rust so bad they're challenging again
when you've finished the game try starting a new run as a mage, and laugh at how piss-easy it makes the game. ornstein goes down in 3-4 soul spears. You probably played the hardest class first, being low defense and still needing to be up close.
penetrating cold can eat a fuckin' dick
healing two colds as a shaman stressed the fuck out of me
One of the most satisfying in recent memory was the Thanatophobia trophy in Rogue Legacy.
As for exciting, Rex vs Ray and the last fight in MGS4 were pretty incredible the first time.
I actually think I had more fun learning how to do this fight solo. It was such a satisfying feeling when I got that kill.
Khezu next! You'll get your shit pushed in for a while but it's satisfying to beat.

The original golden sun games were top tier, It's a shame what they did with Dark Dawn. The gameplay was there but the story had a lot of bullshit it didn't need holding it back. I feel like if they had cut the extra four party members till later and just focused on the kids for now (and wrote the Tuaparang better) it might have been something great....... never getting that fight with Alex hurts.
What is this?
Beating Gary and the elite four on my old pokemon yellow non-colour gameboy.

I was shaking.
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getting top 8 at CEO2015 in my favorite fighting game.
Mortal kombat II?
I had more trouble with False King Allant than I did with Artorias.
What the fuck is this shit? Post Dragon's Dogma related material or gtfo.
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Stage 3 Vergil on Dante Must Die. Shit got intense.
god dark souls 2 just looks disgusting in every screenshot
almost impressive that they could make a sequel look so much worse graphically than the predecessor
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guilty gear

Sounds like you still don't have any friends.

Lighten up anon.
Don't like this thread? Fuck off to the millions of other DD threads then.
>KH is a better ARPG than DS
i cant
i have high functioning (barely) autism and the only thing im good at is playing hard (easy for me) games
i hate people
Ah, good job anon
We hate you too.
Mine actually happened today.

Beat Ludwig solo on NG+9 without taking damage in the first phase.
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>talks shit not knowing that lingering sentiment is probably the hardest arpg boss of all time

Soulsfags don't even know. Shit's basically impossible without savestates.
stop being mean to him. he has an excuse (autism) but you're just a bully.
thx it means alot
literally who gives a fuck. you're not a promod player lel
Having autism is no excuse. I've known plenty of people with autism/aspergers over the years and they were fine.
beating abadox on nes, beating the lost levels on smb all stars and lost vikings in one weekend with my cousin when I had a broken leg.
>I've known plenty of people with autism/aspergers over the years and they were fine
autism differs in severity and even then it affects people differently. don't try to bullshit your way out of your bullying you piece of shit.
shut up faggot
no one likes you
lol thanks for defending me but it isnt necessary lol
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>heh reminds of that pure pwnage qt
>reminds me of RL gril gamer i knew and close friend
>dat feel when i finally makes moves but she gently rejects me, im like a brother to her
>years later she doesnt play vidya anymore
>we dont even talk anymore because she feels its too awkward and she just feels bad talking to me, i think she probably just needs time
>everyone tells me, not your fault anon, these things can just be tricky
>2 years later, shes now a tumblrina and full on feminist/sjw,hates men after going through 2 or 3 boyfriends

the world sure does change quickly, everything is feels /v/
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People with autism should be gassed, they're defective humans
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Getting 31-0 KDR as the assaulting team in Chivalry. It was a pretty great game.

Another time was a 8v1 encounter on a narrow bridge. Took them out then killed two archers that were taking pot shots at me.

More recently getting 45 gold stars in the pre-season UT, before the AI teammate buffs. Probably the most difficult thing I've ever done in a video game.
lol thanks
No, you don't fucking understand. I volunteer every year at a summer place for autistic kids, I'm aware that it differs. There's a difference between being introverted/bad at conversation and actively hating people. It's always those who have it mildly that use it as an excuse to act however they like without repercussions.
I've done it on level 1 Critical mode on an original PS2 and the HD remaster, get fucked scrub.
i agree but killing them is more humane than letting them live and shitting on them.
wrong on every level.
lol even people with high functioning autism? or just people that are full on retard
i dont use it as an excuse you feghit stop talking about shit you dont have the slightest clue about
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Every time I beat a story mission in this game on the hardest difficulty
>Fuck off to the millions of other DD threads then.

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haha u rekt him amirite
>ignoring the text in the OP
>acting like a retard
>bringing DD into it
quit your false-flagging
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pic related

Took me months to take this faggot down solo.
Ah yes and people will certainly take you seriously when you type everything with caps lock on. Bravo.
Nigga I admire your talent. No homo.

Dah'ren Mohran is turbo easy, homie. There are harder monsters to beat on the way TO Dah'ren.
It's really not
God damn, I can barely scrape through this on any difficulty at all. Props to you, if it's true.
>no homo

Why do people do this? Out of anything you could possibly say, "no homo" is the most homo.
Its G rank Jhen in 3U and it literally took 35 minutes of poking him with survivor, attack up, and challenger +2 to kill him.
Headshotting a rocketjumping soldier in TF2 I guess.
Probably minor compared to a lot of other people achievements but:
>Beat Floors 91-100 in FFXII IZJS's trial mode.
>Beat the Absolute Conqueror in TLR
>Beat that Forbidden Memories Yu-Gi-Oh game as a kid without figuring out how to make THTD.
>Beat an Akashi FFA in Sengoku Rance using only generic commanders.
>Beat XCOM EU in Classic Ironman
Kill yourself
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Beating Armstrong on Revengeance difficulty with a S-Rank.
I almost uninstalled the game out of rage the sixth time around, but I did it.
you did in this very thread though? Are you retarded next to being an autist though?
Has anyone here ever finished the entire mission mode in NG Sigma? The one with Rachel fighting the two demon bitches drove me to temporary insanity. Granted I was only sixteen or seventeen and I'm better now, but holy shit.
And I guess beating Super Meat Boy and IWBTG count as well.
I beat battle toads, Ghosts and Goblins (in an emulator i couldn't beat it as a kid but i got to the second to last level) and Xanadu

oh and contra no death run.
>>Beat that Forbidden Memories Yu-Gi-Oh game as a kid without figuring out how to make THTD.

How much free time did you have as a kid? You could earn a pilot's license in the time it would take to do that.
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This girl fucked me up. First Pokemon game and my only good Pokemon was my starter which was a or prinplup at the time. Her having 3 grass type, and me having water, I had a bad time

I used a full set of that magic that lets you sprint towards the enemy with a magic ring around you. Makes it really easy to cheese this guy, just spam that shit.
Try it, then we'll see whos memeing
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As far as recent achievements go, Brutality 101 from Arkham Knight.
beating dead space 2 on hardcore mode

i basically had that entire game perfected and memorized
It was the only game I had for the PS1 for about a year, I just remember grinding those priests forever until they dropped enough big cards for me to fill my deck.
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Beating Andross on Expert with no wings or lives left. Escaping with Fox's dad felt so climatic and all the more memorable.

>You've become so strong, Fox
I remember when I finally, FINALLY beat Cynthia in Diamond. It all came down to just my Dialga trying to tank half the team because I was out of revives. In hindsight my team was trash, but I still pulled through and won. It was great.
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Fresh start NG+7 SL1 run
Dude I would loving massage your cock with my slavering facial fuckhole, no homo
5-starring Misirlou in GH2. Despite being 10x more bullshit, GH3 had a way easier career mode to 5-star.

Or when I was a kid I beat a Transformers fighting game after a lot of tries, and was so excited that I and ended up getting some heart palpitations, going to to the doctor and getting diagnosed with WPW.
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>I've posted this a few times on /v/ before proving I've been here way too long but whatever

I beat Emerald Weapon without the underwater materia, KOTR, mimic (or mime or whatever) etf. I think the strongest summon I had was Bahamut Zero and after trying for hours and KNOWING I was close to killing it I finally did it. I was so fuckign ecstatic and full of myself that I turned off the console without saving my progress. I was heartbroken but after a little while I felt fine cause I knew I did it and didnt need to prove it to anyone. Besides your reward for killing Emerald was lame anyway. You got an Earth Harp which you could trade for master materia but at that late point in the game it doesn't matter.
But Skyrim gameplay is absolutly disgusting, what's even the point?
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>there will never be another game to capture that magic like star fox
Elvenshadow is that you
Thanks, that's all I wanted.
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Beating this game on Inferno difficulty.
Have you tried the nightmare mod? It makes the game much more interesting.
Killing every boss in Dark Souls with a rapier mainhand/parrying dagger offhand only build.
Now that sounds easy enough, but by the time you're at Kalameet the fully upgraded rapier is doing about 30 damage a hit against him. Kalameet has 5400 hp.
I really, really didn't expect what started out as a fun idea to be so damn tough, but I eventually bested that fucker.
Manus without a shield or the Silver Pendant (I don't know why I skipped that though really) was also a pain, but he wasn't shit compared to Kalameet with that sort of damage and no shield.
Beating Dark Genie without switch spamming. Just stuck with Toan and Rose. Felt good.
Completing the Insane in the Membrane achievement in WoW (getting "The Insane" title in other words).
Basically you have to kill the guards of a neutral town for a longass time, which are pretty tough, to raise your reputation with a group of hostile pirates until they eventually become friendly.
In the process you make four factions despise you.

Then, you've got to raise those four factions from hatred to the very best reputation, exalted. Without making those pirate fellas dislike you again.
Plus a load of other bullshit.

No regerts
>being this much of a fuck

Fucking christ, man.
He probably doesn't even know there's two of them.
>KH is a better ARPG than DS
I'm a little concerned about you anon
honestly the boss fights are so invigorating, even though I always grind and can beat most things to a pulp in golden sun.
>being this angry
>implying im angry

I'm just kek'ing, actually.

It's alright son.
Me too but I only respond to people who respond to me to try to make them angry so you're still a fgt
Wouldn't say exciting or even the best, but it's one I have an image for.
"Press X to continue"
> Press X
"Achievement: you aren't a fucking brain dead tard"
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>using the gay green particle effect shield
>using a gay mask
Try doing ng+7 SL1 runs like a non-tryhard, anon
Which one is this?

I've only played armored princess.
artorias has the most sequence based fucking attack pattern ever
he literally does 3 swings on the ground, goes back, goes for a lunge spin and repeats
fucking get good scrub
ornstein just randomly switches patterns and has way more than 3 movement sets
one day anon
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Marie 300% in skullgirls
it was worth for all gallery art
Thread replies: 191
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