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What are some videogame's that are also musicals? I don't
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What are some videogame's that are also musicals?

I don't mean game's with good soundtracks or rhythm games, I mean game's where alongside gameplay, there's music that pushes the narrative forward.

Please don't recommend the atrocity that's SMT x FE.
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Rhapsody or Lunar

Hope you enjoy dubs.
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A crime this isn't the absolute first thing posted.
I said no rhythm games.
Bastion, Anon
I knew someone would post this. I wish you hadn't.
How has no one posted Stubbs the Zombie in: Rebel Without a Pulse yet?
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Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame
Bland gameplay, but the visuals are nice and the music is fun to listen to.
Have you ever been part of a play/musical, /v/?
Everyday Shooter, kind of maybe? There's not really a narrative, but the music and the gameplay are kind of integrated.
Yes. Did drama throughout high school and college. Loved it. Led to me studying theater tech and video production. Now I get to do video production every day and get paid.
The boss fights in metal gear rising revengeance
Does /v/ the Musical count?
Eternal Sonata may be what you're looking for.

I believe it's by the same people who made the Tales games. I've played a bit of it, it's kind of old at this point but I've had fun playing it with friends especially
Why was that such a good movie?
Didn't Epic Mickey 2 do something like that? I'm sure one of the Sam & Max games did too.
Brutal Legend
I did the lights and sound for a musical in high school if that counts.
Ashman & Menken did good stuff together. Also Levi Stubbs was awesome.
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There was that Nightmare Before Christmas game where every boss was a musical number.
Nope. Stage fright kills me
Yeah, did theatre in high school. Dabbled in the tech parts, probably gonna do more with that when I go back to school.
Neon left sort of a bad taste in my mouth, but I'm a huge nostalgiafag for the NES version of DD1. What did you think of Neon? Compared to the consoles or arcades versions.
Does it count if you beat the whole game before the musical part starts?
played some lead roles in school musicals and regular stage productions, I actually have some medals for acting competitions at state level
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Yep. Voted best male actor in high school at graduation, in fact. Had lead roles in 12th Night, Midsummer Night's Dream, Once Upon a Mattress and Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap.
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I was a lead role in Grease and had my own solo. Other than that mostly minor/side characters and tech work, but I did write/direct my own show and it was amazing.

>Tfw all you want is to relive those days and be with your friends again, doing shows and fucking around backstage
who did you play in OUAM?
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>our twelfth night has double cast
>half english, half spanish
>we were doing the play the same way
>half english, half spanish
>outside in the heat
>literally tagged out with my double for a scene
At least I got to kiss a girl
What games let me play as a mean green mother from outer space?
I've always wanted to play Audley II. I'm a skinny white dude, though, so there's no way I'd have the voice for it.

Any Dragon Ball game with a Namek.

I played Romeo in a play at like 15. Not sure why cause i was an ugly fuck and could barely act. i think its cause they knew i wouldnt resist it being forced on me.


Gat out of Hell? not sure if its any good though
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The Jester. I was the only guy in the entire school who knew how to tap dance, so it was only natural. I still remember doing that soft-shoe routine. Good times.
So you played Seymour instead, right?
Personally I love the game. Gameplay's fun once you get past the learning curve, upgrade system's reminiscent of the NES version, you get several customization options, and the music's great.
Unfortunately the PC version seems to crash a lot on some systems. I couldn't get to the second boss because of that.
I never said I had the chance for it, I'm just saying that it's like a dream of mine.
Rayman Legends had those musical levels
But Parappa and Um Jammer Lammy ARE musicals

Guitar Hero is also a rhythm game, but it's not a musical.
why don't you like KOWASHITAI
Yes, I wrote a Christmas play for my class in high school just so I wouldn't have to act in it. The teacher actually liked my play better than the other ones presented... until the lead female forgot her lines in the middle of the play.
I've always wanted to play the Dentist

Looks pretty fun Anon. is it a good game?
If video game dunkey can pull off the sassy black voice, so can you. You just need to put away these fucks you were about to give for a while.
Mango Tango is damn great. Most of the OST is.

And the girls are fucking delicious.
I havent replayed it recently but it seemed fun when I first played it.
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>Please don't recommend the atrocity that's SMT x FE.
Well fine, if you don't like good games that are exactly what you're asking for
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God damn I forgot how great the movie was

Definitely rewatching it tonight.
I was a clock
>Watched Little Shop only a few years ago
>Had no idea it was the Director's Cut
>Always assumed the movie ended in a depressing tone until a friend looked at me like some retard when discussing the ending

Great Movie.
Great Experience.

Who is the Audrey II of video games?
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