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What's the shortest game you've ever finished?
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What's the shortest game you've ever finished?
you have to burn the rope

fuck, beat me to it
Easiest difficulty Minesweeper?

I don't know, who the fuck cares.
Star fox 64
Probably Kirby's Dream Land at about 10 minutes.
haha, what is this fresh meme, friend
Breath of Death VII
came here to post this
Probably Journey. Beautiful experience and quite fun, but only like 2 or 3 hours long
Is this manly tears?
You have to burn the rope

Oh hey, first reply. Cool
Hotline miami
your dick
it has no lose state
not a game
Someone explain this new hot meme to me please.
ebina get
Kirby's Dreamland 1 I think. Game was short as fuck.
>tfw tall and shitty
>tfw im bomber
>tfw i dont have spahgetti sister
Only thing new here is you
Journey is the first game that comes to mind. Fucking 90 minutes to finish that thing.
I havent seen manlet post on /v/ in like 3 years at least

is he even still alive?
Echo Nights on the PS1. I sat up and played it, beat it in about 4 hours.

Portal in about 2 hours, but it's purposely short.
He just spends his time "trolling" often literal retards on Second Life now.

He still advertises his channel here, though he doesn't use his trip anymore. He doesn't spam that cute chick with the glasses and the big nose who turned him down anymore either, since she's apparently blackmailing him with a webm she got a hold of that has him masturbating in his mother's dress while fucking himself up the butt with a cucumber.
Gone homo
Possibly Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.
First blind playthrough in one session, leaving the game on for about 30 minutes to dine and going off the path to check some side stuff I have 2 hours on Steam.
Some of his "trolling" vids are kinda funny, but i still cant beleive he spends so much time trollling literal retards and shilling
He's a literal aspie with no irl friends and not even a part-time job, what else is he gonna do?
Flash games included: Don't shit your pants
Flash games not included: Super Mario Land
don't shit your pants
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Stanley Parable
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ur mom
Also this for the ones I care to remember.
Portal. Beat it in 32 minutes. First time.p
DLC Quest, it went like this

>bought it
>played it
>finished it/completed it
>refunded it

that game took me around 30 minutes
The Graveyard.
A friend got it for me for a birthday gift, the cheeky fuck.
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