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LAPD, miss.
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LAPD, miss.
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How can I help you officers?

Do you stop the bullshit now or after we beat you into the van that takes you downtown?
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>You fuck young boys, Valdez?
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LSPD, miss down on your knees
>You’re full of shit, Jacob. The truth is you hated that bitch. You followed her and dragged her into the car and then took her out to the Moors. She woke up and you smashed her face in with a socket wrench. And then you stomped her. You stomped her because she’s a drunken whore and she treated you like shit. You stomped her for all the years you had to take it. You stomped her because you are such a weak fucking sister, Jacob, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on. Try to deny it.
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why the fuck you lying.png
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my mistake
You can't prove i wasn't home
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>cole goes full ape
>"sorry gotta shake the tree to see what falls out sometimes"
How can I help, detective?
Gotta say, even though Cole Phelps was a bipolar schizophrenic autist, Aaron Staton knocked it out of the fucking park.
shame they killed him, would love to play a sequel

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>You say one more word about him and I will blow your FUCKING HEAD OFF
>You've got no evidence to prove that!
>Sorry. Sometimes you gotta shake the tree to see what falls out
that jew interrogation was great
Is this game worth playing?
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Freeze! Put your fat cocks where I can see them!
Yes, very much so.
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I love the exaggerated faces everyone in this game makes.

Its like the devs were really that proud over their technology.

Only if you like the atmosphere and like film noir, most gameplay elements are really lacking, you can just feel that they focused mostly on the investigations and questioning people, fighting, driving, shooting feels unfinished also one thing that pisses me off is that the driving camera isn't centered and the car shifts a little to the right which feels weird as shit.
Yup. Great atmosphere and gameplay. The writing isn't bad either as long as you never try to call someone out on a lie.
What ever happened to Team Bondi ?
I know that rockstar wants to make a sequel but they re the james cameron of gaming > slow
This is definitely an adventure game before anything else, to the point where all driving and combat is actually optional.

It's worth checking out still, even if you're only vaguely interested in noir stories.
>I like your ass
>Hell no, I uh..uh...uh like your ass
"Don't tell you me you actually jerk off, Phelps?"
>HAIIII I love to jerk off
I remember hearing that there was a lot of conflict among staff behind the scenes, especially with the director. He was apparently a huge prick to work with. Not sure if it ran into financial troubles in addition to that.
R* fucked them over
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That ending was the gayest shit.

In fact, the entire overarching plot was atrocious.

>mfw I thought Cole lied about having a wife and was a closet homo because we never see his family until that one time
>"You put 5 hookers in the hooker store"
cole phelps badge twelve forty seven
operator give me r&i
this fucking guy
Connecting you now, Detective
they were bought out by some other company. they are (or more likely were) working on another game called whore of the orient but that will probably never see the light of day because of obviously the name and content, it apparently already pissed off a dozen other people and some chinese australian mayor over use of the word 'orient'
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my sides
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Why are people so fucking thin skinned these days?
>working on another game called whore of the orient
>already pissed off a dozen other people and some chinese australian mayor over use of the word 'orient'
Fine. Change it to Whore of Asia
Almost 40 years of people getting soft thanks to a host of life quality improvments
good atmosphere but you have to know going in that the plot is fucking retarded

-marston is disgusted by adultery
-also everything else
the funny thing is the orient classically refers to anything east of europe and even more so there's no actual whore, its just a really old 'nickname' for shanghai.
But good karma cole was a cool guy
Marston was a real human bean tho, can't beat the fellow
its too fucking casual to be a real detective game, its a fun "experience" if u just wanna walk through it,see the cases and shit. if you want a real detective game play sherlock holmes or some shit
>commits adultery


The retarded part was the bartender, and the fact that pretty much everyone involved in the big mystery somehow knows each other, the other shit was actually pretty good for a noir story.
cole Macgrath is from the infamous games anon
cole phelps is the MC from this game
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ah fuck me I really screwed that one up

yeah good karma MacGrath was a good guy also Kuo did nothing wrong

Cole Phelps is a fuck-up
God i want to fuck kuo so bad
and there's no SFM porn of hers, what a shame
the cases by themselves are pretty good, it's that the in-between and the conclusions are pretty bad, and Cole turns really unlikeable halfway through and never recovers

I had more fun playing as the other guy honestly
> Miss slut
>Gloria slut

Do you fuck kids op?
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aw yes detective I just finished that game, I loved it.
How can I help, detective?

Cole'd calling crimes
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That was really weird.

Or maybe it was just the game telling you that Cole family was almost nonexistent to him.

I've never felt so uncomfortable playing a game, a game where the protagonist leaves his family for a lady and uses her to contact based Kelso because he doesn't have the balls, that's pretty noir.
Did you play the whole game in black and white?
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this looks like a nice place to ask is blues and bullets any fun?
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Yes, the game is really easy, but it worths the experience.

Only played the first episode but I'd say I'm intrigued and want to play the rest of it, it's rough around the edges and some things feel shitty but all together it's awesome, I mean you get to investigate Al Capone's grand daughters kidnapping and there actually pretty good action scenes.
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Why not do it with a new detective? Kind of like True Detective. For example, people complained about all the limits the game gave you as well as the fact that it wasn't as exciting playing as a boy scout cop, why not play a corrupt private eye,

It would be cool to play as a P.I. that can do illegal GTA-tier shit, while also physically interrogating people to get information out of them, as you climb the latter, you get new clients.

For another sequel, you could probably have it take place in a peaceful suburban community, with sick underbelly, a la Blue Velvet.
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Yes, it feels weird on color, also faces look more realistic.
i don't think the title was the problem, the problem was that L.A. Noire got meh reviews after tons of money and years in development and the leaked WotO trailer looked like literally the same game but in Asia
cole cheating was just typical noir plot device, but moreso it made for an all too convenient way to execute his fall from grace (another noire trope) especially since she was german, they kinda went over the top with the whole thing, it was pretty hamfisted.
>tfw didn't know what the fuck was going on till near the end of the game
I actually thought it was just a bunch of random cases and that's it
green detective was best partner
On sale it's only a couple of dollars usually, so even if you don't like it it's not like you broke the bank on something you don't like.
My one complaint about this game is that fucking stupid social club drm bullshit.
Thankfully if you turn your wifi off while starting the game up it seems to bypass it, but that didn't work for GTA4 so I had to refund that.
Because fuck those suspect as fuck websites with the "fix" for that.
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>Put all their money into mocap technology to capture unique visual facial queues on when someone is lying
>Completely skim out on good voice acting so you know when someone is lying due to their character's voice going complete "I'M GUILTY, GARSH'
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Yeah I just blocked LANLauncher and LANPatcher in the game's install folder with windows firewall and that worked fine. When I first installed the game, it tried to make me download some social club patch, which failed to install, and thus the game refused to start until I blocked the launcher from connecting to the internet. I'm glad it was such an easy fix, though. Godawful fucking service.
We definitely need more detective/mystery games in general. Ace Attorney is great but it's only one series
Play that new Sherlock Holmes game. It was pretty solid.
Why does Phelps blow up whenever you pick doubt?
>he just lies on top of me, grunts a bit and that's it
He's trying to make them slip up and confess something by surprising them.
back in dev it wasen't doubt but another option
God, I wish the game didn't run like fucking molasses.
I seriously have no idea why it runs so slowly.
it used to be "press" which really still doesn't excuse it but makes it a little less ridiculous

>this is America
>let's change the subject
>this is Germany
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LA Noire.gif
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"Idindonuffin officer!"
LA Noire

+facial expressions

-everything else

I give it a 2/10 for trying to be different and also because its not unplayable.
>tfw you get better at picking off liars because of la noire
thanks cole
>LA noire

>>I like your ass
Every time I hear someone say they like something I think of this exchange and it's hard to keep a straight face.

Also game quality aside I honestly wouldn't mind if more exaggerated genre games like this came out if they had the potential to be as batshit camp at times. It boarders on parody without being too hamfisted.
>"LAPD ma'am"
>"Is there a problem?"
>"I'm afraid so, ma'am. Mind if we come in?"
>"I'm sorry."
It's just DRM man. All other aspects of it are a facade to placate customers.
You try'na accuse me of something, mister?
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Thread images: 24

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