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Post your favorite vidya spaceships i tricked you every Homeworld
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File: Hiigaran_battlecruiser.jpg (119 KB, 982x458) Image search: [Google]
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Post your favorite vidya spaceships

i tricked you every Homeworld ship is as masterpiece
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Fractured space has some cool ships. Fun game too
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Homeworld ships are gorgeous but the games focus so MUCH on the ships you really stop giving a shit about what the actual story of the game is since you NEVER see any actual living people besides Karan. The whole game could might as well be about robots. The unit quotes are even all deadpan and monotone even when shit goes down. You don't even get to see what the Vaygr look like. It kind of takes you out of it all.
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I thought the ships were all AI controlled that Karan was ordering around while the rest of humanity was frozen?
No there are crews and pilots, but they'd might as well be AI controlled because everyone is so fucking dull. Entertaining unit quotes are a staple of RTS and Homeworld fucked it up hard.
>I thought the ships were all AI controlled that Karan was ordering around while the rest of humanity was frozen?
No one is even sure homeworld universe has aliens, besides the expansion thing, they might be all humans, or aliens with human voices.
There might be no humans at all besides higaraan.
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Vaygr were supposed to look like this but it was cut. Ya know heaven forbid they show anyone actually inside all those ships.
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