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Hey /v/ I'm going to share more information regarding Sonic
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Hey /v/ I'm going to share more information regarding Sonic Adventure 3.

Battle mode has 5 modes. Racing, Treasure Hunting, Score attack, Chao Fighting, and Chao Racing. All of these can be played local or online.
Racing is identical Adventure 2, every action stage has a racing variant.
Hunting is the same as Adventure 2 as well but with Adventure 1's radar.
Score Attack is Tail's trademark gameplay style for Adventure 3, the game essentially becomes a Shmup and the play with the most points at the end of the on-rails stage wins.
Chao Fighting and Chao Racing are the same.
Extra characters will be playable in Stage Select and Battle mode
Sounds good.
Timestamp if you'd be so kind
The main characters of the game are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow, and Sticks but there are supporting characters too over the course of the story that are playable in Battle and Stage Select mode.
Racing: Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, Espio, Amy, Mighty, Metal Sonic
Hunting: Knuckles, Rouge, Tikal, Chaos, Ray, Vector, Sticks
Score Attack: Tails, Eggman, Cream (using Cheese as her "gun"), Omega, Fang, Charmy, Silver
No Sonichu reference/ easter-egg, no buy.
What a retarded mosaic, someone's going to recognize the general arrangement and color scheme on a card mosaiced like that.
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lokks this is bretty gud
>people falling for this shit
OP's pic was posted yesterday in a potentially real thread, Sonic Adventure 3 wasn't mentioned at all.

It's just a reposting faggot.
This picture has been in several threads already. This is fake and you're a faggot.
All the extra playable characters must be defeated in Rival challenges to use in Battle mode. They can be found in the hub world.
I don't know much about the contents of the story mode itself, but Sonic meets all playable characters over the course of his story which unlocks them and starts their adventure.
There is a final scenario again as well which includes a final level for all the main heroes and a Super Sonic boss.
I know its fake but


If a chao garden was in the game i wouldnt buy it. That is the hidden elephant of autism in the room that everyone ignores
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Sonic has always been shit. Even if this is real, it will still be a hilarious abomination. If the game isn't a technical dumpster fire it will still be fundamentally broken from a design perspective.

>inb4 fits of autistic rage
So is crush 40 going to write new music for the anniversary and adventure 3?
Here's the last bits of info I have.
The team was wondering whether or not to include a free mode that allows any character in enter any stage.
Pontac and Graff aren't writing the story this time around.
There are random special events planned to happen on the hub world including a NiGHTS into Dreams one.
AM2 and Sonic Team are collaborating to develop Adventure 3.
You will be able to use Extra characters in Chao Garden.
Sorry, the picture is incriminating enough
I did bring it up yesterday.
It's in.
Tony Harnell is returning as well.
I need some sauce brother, I'm sorry that my Google-fu is inadequate.
Another quality thread I see
you timestamped yesterday how tf is it incriminating to do it again?
I wish the Tails/Eggman segments played a lot like Cannon Spike.
>sega ever bringing back chao
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ahegao gene simmons.jpg
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>those thighs
Sweet jiminy cricket
Not to mention they only need to narrow it down to "QA" employees.
>>Hunting is the same as Adventure 2 as well but with Adventure 1's radar
Seems fake, they'd never improve SA2's shit radar.
That's the same keyboard I use! My brother.
anynone have an imgur of the screens?
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>no formal introduction
>no recap of yesterday's events
>same exact pic as yesterday (that gathered a bunch of attention I might add)
>no disclaimer or explanation
>a bunch of shitty descriptions of possible things that sound outrageously out of SEGA's interests
and finally
>complete disregard for spoilers

We all know OP is bullshit, but these are all solid reasons why outside of just doubting these claims.
And if ANY of this stuff were to actually be included in the game, and given you ARE telling the truth
you just spoiled fucking all of it.
Nice job.

But I don't think any of this stuff will be in, even if we want the Chao Garden back..
looks familiar
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