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>it's a zelda speedrun
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File: what if i die in my sleep.png (168 KB, 893x287) Image search: [Google]
what if i die in my sleep.png
168 KB, 893x287
>it's a zelda speedrun
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>It's a speedrun
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I get speed running games where you have an unorthodox but developer intended means of going fast like Super Metroid or Shantae. But I will never understand people who speed run games like Zelda or use gliches
>it's a TAS and/or abuses glitches
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>the speedrun uses glitches, rather than actually just playing the game well, and using time efficiently.
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>not liking glitches, which usually require more skill than playing the game outright

Regardless of skill required, a speedrun that uses glitches isn't actually speedrunning the game. It is playing a different game where the goal of the game is to not play it.
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>Speedrunning event
>Nothing but old as fuck Nintenshovelware trash played to fucking death
>Always an autistic mouthbreather playing
>Get to a real game like Dark Souls
>Completely normal straight edge dude
The goal is to beat the game. If glitches let you do it faster, then so be it. That's why there's different categories of speed runs.
>not appreciating glitchruns on their own merit

Granted, they shouldn't be in the same category as speedruns, but they require a lot of skill and autism all the same.
Can someone explain the OP image to me?
Proof that Dark Souls is casual as fuck

Ronnie is sad. The idea that he might die painlessly in his sleep comforts him.
Are you autistic?
>I want my speedruns to be glorified let's plays

Are there any bigger autists than ant-glitch/trick faggots?
Nope, anyone might die in their sleep.
What does it mean?
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>It's a TASR
>people say this is impressive
Ronnie wants to nap
It's just a huge time investment. They really should stop.

>hey look we put 1,000 hours into this run!

Just stop.
>It's a zelda speedrun
>it's one of the cumbersome GB/C zelda games with the awful menu
>they're not even that good at the game, fuck up a lot
>use a glitch they don't even fully understand that finally works after six tries to skip 1/3rd of the game
I'd rather a speedrunner be someone who is so good at a game that they can beat it the fastest as opposed to them just being the person who can muscle memory/rng some shitty glitch the best
Nobody watches normal speedruns because they take too long. Step up senpai.
Dying in your sleep is the comfiest way to die.

I think the OP is an edit though.
>It's a run that uses glitches to rewrite code and create games within the game itself

While interesting technology-wise, shit like that has no place in speedruns imo.
>Wanting to sit through a trainwreck of a "speed" run where the guy is just playing the game normally except fast.
>Not wanting the glorious understanding of innate game mechanics that allows major skips of trivial parts of the game

It's like you're really shit tier.
I was into speed running a few years ago but twice a year just kinda burned me out. Some people still love it and this event is for charity so good luck to them.
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