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>there are people who didn't throw the baby in the oven.
Why would one throw a baby in the oven in the first place?
did you play the game?
No, thats why Im asking.

Some kind of demon kid?
You need to kill an innocent baby to defeat a demon, that's the only way of lesser evil
They needed to trick the guy into thinking he just got his child murdered.
There's a curse that's making one eye go crazy and the only thing that can raise it is genuine insurmountable guilt or something like that so that the curse will transfer from one eye to Geralt. Geralt ovens the baby and feels crazy guilt so the curse ghost transfers to him because oven baby but surprise! The baby wasn't actually ovened, and some girl who was helping pulled some strings to make sure the baby wasn't technically ovened. Geralt finds this and doesn't feel guilty, so the curse has to leave Geralt and it can't go back to one eye because some reason I forget.

fuck, when will poles just get over it? jesus
I think that by tricking it, it has to fuck off forever
Really expected to find out how they pulled that off, but was left with no answer. I can only guess there was a hole in the back of the oven that they opened from the other room (remember that's where they came out from with the baby afterwards). Still not satisfied with the lack of explanation though.


I'm not sure if it was guilt, if I recall the guy who was being made crazy by the demon killed his brother in cold blood, the only way to free him from the demon was to have someone else commit something horrible, so the ghost thing would transfer to Geralt, only to learn it had been tricked.
Prop baby, old magician's secret.
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